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I was an editor before about 2 years ago. But in my move to Nashville I was inactive for a couple of months.


I've resubmitted two or three times over the past two years but don't even receive an email response. I submitted in the category http://www.dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Marriage/Christian


There's no editor there now. Why have I not even received an email? I applied using the user name I have for this board.






I did


I used the resubmit guide using the screen name of leesw. But the directory couldn't find that name. So I submitted a regular form.


Could you check on the status of that name?








It could have been Thundersbe. Would you check that?


Secondly, why haven't I heard ANYTHING when I submitted? Not even a "no."



It could have been Thundersbe. Would you check that?


Why do you want editors to do all the research for you? If you want to be an editor again there's a minimum amount of effort required on your part -- providing the past editor name is part of that. If you can't recall the editor name, you're out of luck. Applying under another alias and then getting accepted will at some point cost you both logins forever (see the guidelines).



Ahh, I've found the update request for your site. Is that why you want back in, to process your own update request?


calm down


Easy guys.


#1 I didn't know I could get this information without editor status. I wasn't trying to get other people to do my work. I didn't know I was privileged to that information.


#2 The reason I want to be an editor again is not just because my site wasn't updated. I tried to be reinstated long before I submitted those changes. It's just that DMOZ is very under-staffed and I thought the whole process was fun when I was an editor. When I saw that it had been a long time and nothing had happened to my own update request I realized there was a problem and thought I could help while enjoying it at the same time.


By the way, I think my email address has changed since I was an editor. My company used to use mindspring and then switched to our domain name. I can't remember my password. I'm just wanting to submit to be reinstated. I'm not trying to bug anyone. I'm still trying to remember the password.



  • 6 months later...





I don't mean to bug anyone, but I reinstated about 5 months ago and didn't receive an email telling me that I should take a hike. So I just wanted to know if my reinstatement request had gone through.


Thanks for your help.

  • 1 year later...

Still Accepting New Editors




I'm just curious if DMOZ is still accepting new editors. I'd like to apply and know that new editors should apply in small, undeveloped categories or subs. So, first, is DMOZ still accepting new editors and second, does anyone have any suggestions on how I could actually be accepted (what categories, etc., are simple enough for a newbie).






Hutcheson is correct.


I am fairly new editor myself. Find a small category that fits your interests and make sure that category needs editing. Most importantly, try to contribute some meaningful sites, with your application, that truly improve the section. :) That is the key. When I tackled the editorial challenge that way, I was very pleased with the results.


Good Luck. :moz:


Thanks. I applied yesterday to a small category that is a subcategory of the Church group of which I'm part. (That was a wordy sentence!)


I hope I am approved. Rejection hurts! :o


Thanks for the suggestions!




Rejection is guaranteed. Previous editors may not apply for a new editor account (but, then, you already know that).


I've combined all of your threads together.


That's just it though, the name I used, which is STILL listed on sites that pull information from other DMOZ, gives me an "editor name does not exist" (or something like that) message when I reapply.


I discussed my problem with a DMOZ editor who hangs out at Webproworld. He (or she) told me that because I was an editor so long ago, it is likely the account was completely deleted and not eligible for reinstatement. I asked if I should apply under a new name and he (or she) said that because it would not allow me to reinstate with my old name (saying that the name was not found) that applying as a new editor was my only option.


I was trying to do what I was supposed to do. What else can I do but ask an editor? Furthermore, it simply won't let me do the editor reinstatement thing because it can't find my old name. It's not that I don't remember it, as I said above, if you go to search engines/directories that use DMOZ information, it actually STILL shows my username as being an editor (clearly they haven't updated in years).


I simply did what I was told by a DMOZ editor. What else was I to do? Why the hostility toward me?



That's just it though, the name I used, which is STILL listed on sites that pull information from other DMOZ, gives me an "editor name does not exist" (or something like that) message when I reapply.


I discussed my problem with a DMOZ editor who hangs out at Webproworld. He (or she) told me that because I was an editor so long ago, it is likely the account was completely deleted and not eligible for reinstatement. I asked if I should apply under a new name and he (or she) said that because it would not allow me to reinstate with my old name (saying that the name was not found) that applying as a new editor was my only option.

Old editor accounts are not deleted so the "DMOZ editor who hangs out at Webproworld" is either not an editor at all or doesn't understand at all how the ODP works (you may want to point them towards this thread so that they don't give out that misinformation in the future). If you click on the link andysands gave you last year, you can see that the old account is still there. The *only* option you have as a former editor is to apply for reinstatement. I'm guessing that you've been searching for the wrong name.


I was trying to do what I was supposed to do. What else can I do but ask an editor?
You had already asked here and been given the answer.

Look at the other responses you got last year when you asked about reinstatement. You applied for reinstatement since those posts so clearly the reinstatement form did work for you at some point (again, I presume you keep trying to apply for reinstatement using the wrong editor name but you got the right one at least once). Had you had other questions, you could have come back here rather than relying on the suggestions of a self-proclaimed editor on another forum.


Why the hostility toward me?
My intent wasn't to be hostile and I'm sorry if it came off that way. I'm just trying to be clear. Your previous requests for reinstatement have been denied so there is no point in applying for reinstatement again. And you will not be allowed to have a new editor account so, unfortunately, that means you will not be able to edit with us again.

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