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I'm confused.


The category editor of ESL/Student Resources claimed that http://www.ego4u.com was written in German


My request to the editor hasn't been answered yet. What can I do?


It appears that the editor has written back to you once, but not twice?


Perhaps the editor made a mistake the first time, and hasn't had time to get back to you?


I don't know if it's possible that because of language preferences in the browser, the editor's site could have defaulted to http://www.ego4u.de/ - or how it happened that the editor looked at http://www.ego4u.de/, but it sounds like that's what happened somehow - and then editor missed the link to the English side. It's near the top, but maybe the editor was in a hurry or distracted.


Since the editor wrote you once, I'd say give it a week or two and see if the editor writes back to you again. It's quite possible the editor is just on vacation.


Netspy is an editor... http://dmoz.org/profiles/netspy.html


No wonder he knows what was said about the site. I wonder if netspy has read the guidelines for communications by editors -- there's a part about keeping editor notes confidential and anonymous.


I've fixed the redirect that now seems in place, and the .com site (and not the .de site that was there before) is awaiting review.


Actually I pm'd him about the situation and he explained that he received an e-mail from the editor earlier this week. The editor had indeed written him back once, but instead of e-mailing the editor back, netspy came back here.


However, now that you've fixed the url in the submission, there shouldn't be any more problems. Submission status: now OK


Next status check: on or after January 23rd - if needed.

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