OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum... When you search for "sales training", you get a total of 2120 sites, including 42 results for the sub heading "Business: Management: Education and Training". This number (42) has not changed for over a year, and is the area that I have submitted my site to twice. (A 17 year consulting practice specializing in management consulting and various training products.) I would think that the results would have changed due to additions or deletions in the category. Is there someone editing this category? If not, though this is the area most relevant to my practice, I'll try another category. A comment would be appreciated. Thanks.
Meta pvgool Posted February 26, 2006 Meta Posted February 26, 2006 Your questions are answered in our FAQ. If not, though this is the area most relevant to my practice, I'll try another category. This is the worst thing you can do. The suggestion made to another categoery will most probably be moved to the same category you already suggested the site before. The best that can happen is that is will take more time for your site to get reviewed. The worst that can happen is that your site gets banned and will never be listed. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
ry415 Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 Save your breath. The reply you will get will say, "the ODP is not this" "the ODP is not that" and a bunch of other vague responses. I keep reading how important it is to be in this directory and how important it is for search engine rankings but then I stand in the customers shoes for a minute. Search the ODP for something you are looking for and you get garbage results. Search Google and you get what your looking for on the first page. They can tell you a million reasons why your not listed but I can't think of 1 why I would use ODP to search for anything.
OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 pvgool "Your questions are answered in our FAQ." My question regarding whether someone was working the area is not answered by the FAQs, and if it is, please be kind enough to offer a link to the thread. Thanks.
Meta pvgool Posted February 26, 2006 Meta Posted February 26, 2006 See [broken External Image]: I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 pvgool, My search parameters did not find the FAQ that you pointed out. Your prompt response and help is appreciated. From the FAQ... "This does not mean that a category gets no editor attention. Any editor 'higher-up' the category tree can edit in a category lower down. In addition to this, there are two categories of editor, called Editalls and Metas who can edit any category in the directory. So yes, someone will eventually review every submission." Since the search results for "Business: Management: Education and Training" haven't changed for over a year, possibly my post might prompt someone "higher-up" to take a look at the category. Thanks again.
jimnoble Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 From the footer of the Business/Management/Education_and_Training page :- Last update: 8:21 PT, Wednesday, February 15, 2006 That seems to have been maintenance work. Sites were last added on January/02/2006.
OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 Mr. Nobel, Thank you for your response. However, from my post... "When you search for "sales training", you get a total of 2120 sites, including 42 results for the sub heading "Business: Management: Education and Training". This number (42) has not changed for over a year, and is the area that I have submitted my site to twice. (A 17 year consulting practice specializing in management consulting and various training products.)" If sites were added, I would certainly expect this number to have changed, so, my comments still stand.
motsa Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 If sites were added, I would certainly expect this number to have changed, so, my comments still stand.Search doesn't necessarily turn up all sites in the category that you suggested your site to -- it just turns up sites that have those terms in their title and/or description (if you look, you'll see those words highlighted in each search result). has 610 sites listed right now. Only 42 have the words sales and training in their titles and/or descriptions so only 42 show up in a search on those terms.
OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 ^ Motsa, You've certainly missed my point, and you need to take the time to read an entire thread before you comment. I'm refuting Mr. Nobel's comment "That (sic, probably means - there -) seems to have been maintenance work." Please allow me to help you with the math... If you are adding sites to "Business: Management: Education and Training", more results will show for "sales training". Sales is the first line of the P&L, and the largest single category of business training. Period, end of story. You add sites, the results number "42" will increase. Get it? Though I'm new to this forum, and I have 5 or so posts, and you have 3000+, I wrote an MBA online. Care to guess how many posts I have on various forums and news groups total? I ask succinct and clear questions, and expect answers to be the same. I originally dismissed ry415's post as sour grapes, but I'm beginning to see his point. You people talk in circles. I give up.
donaldb Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 If you are adding sites to "Business: Management: Education and Training[/b"]"' date=' more results will show for "sales training". Sales is the first line of the P&L, and the largest single category of business training. Period, end of story. You add sites, the results number "42" will increase. Get it?[/quote'] How so? If I added new sites to that category and the title and or description did not include either the word "sales" or "training" then the search results would not show any change to the number 42. But the total number in the category (610 at the moment) might change. I say might, because I might also be deleting and/or moving listings out of the category. No one is talking in circles here, just stating the facts
motsa Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 You've certainly missed my point, and you need to take the time to read an entire thread before you comment. I'm refuting Mr. Nobel's comment "That (sic, probably means - there -) seems to have been maintenance work." Please allow me to help you with the math... If you are adding sites to "Business: Management: Education and Training", more results will show for "sales training". Sales is the first line of the P&L, and the largest single category of business training. Period, end of story. You add sites, the results number "42" will increase. Get it? Though I'm new to this forum, and I have 5 or so posts, and you have 3000+, I wrote an MBA online. Care to guess how many posts I have on various forums and news groups total? I ask succinct and clear questions, and expect answers to be the same. I originally dismissed ry415's post as sour grapes, but I'm beginning to see his point. You people talk in circles.Perhaps you should have taken your own advice and read my earlier post carefully before replying to it in such a snotty tone. I'm not sure how much more clear and succinct you expected a reply to be. I can't help the fact that you're expecting something out of our search engine that it just doesn't provide or that you can't do the math properly. The ODP search engine is not psychic. If you search on the words sales and training, it's only going to show you sites that contain both words in their ODP titles and/or descriptions, not sites that you think should appear. As donaldb clarified, adding sites to "Business: Management: Education and Training" won't increase the number of sites that turn up in a search for sales+training unless both words appear in the titles and/or descriptions of the sites that were added (and our search can lag several weeks behind the actual categories so even then you wouldn't see an immediate change).
OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 ^ , ^^, If you're adding/subtracting sites, as you say you are, you have better odds of winning the lotto, than for that "42" results number to remain static for over a year. Though as you say, there might be some magic happening behind the scenes, I say the area hasn't been updated, and that's a disservice. You can say anything you'd like. This is my last post. Please delete my account so that my email address is no longer in your data base. Thank you for your time.
motsa Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 If you're adding/subtracting sites, as you say you are, you have better odds of winning the lotto, than for that "42" results number to remain static for over a year.The fact that only 42 out of 610 in the category actually have the words sales and training in them should tell you that we're not overly prone to listing sites in those categories with those keywords in them. You are obviously ignoring the explanations of how the system works if you're still hung up on the number 42. Though as you say, there might be some magic happening behind the scenes, I say the area hasn't been updated, and that's a disservice. You can say anything you'd like.That's your prerogative. No one ever said there was magic happening behind the scenes, just that you're applying to wrong meaning to what you're seeing. It's a shame you don't see that.
Meta hutcheson Posted February 26, 2006 Meta Posted February 26, 2006 Shades of Dilbert -- "Do you remember what your major was?" But even before Dilbert, Einstein had said that there were only two infinite things in the universe. So I guess I should stop being surprised.
bobrat Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 I wrote an MBA online. What's an MBA? I dropped out of University.
OrangeCrate Posted February 26, 2006 Author Posted February 26, 2006 I guess I lied. One more post... Looking through many pages of threads, apparently a lot of people are wondering what happened to their submissions, and whether any editors are working in various categories. If you read this thread carefully, I simply figured out a way to track you by looking at a constant against the variables of your adding and subtracting sites. And no, RatBob, you wouldn't need an MBA to figure this out, but a course in statistics would have taught you the concept. I guess you quit university too soon. By the way, in the future, try not to look foolish by taking a comment out of context, and then trying to make points with the moderators by trying to point out how funny you are.
jimnoble Posted February 26, 2006 Posted February 26, 2006 This pointless thread seems to have reached its illogical conclusion. Closing.
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