Using Directory Data
Also for information on the license and attribution requirements.
262 topics in this forum
Archive of old ODP dumps?
by Guest -- 1 reply
Is there an archive somewhere of old ODP RDF dumps?
Last reply by apeuro,
meaning of tags used in RDF dump
by Guest -- 3 replies
I'm trying to find information about meaning of tags used in RDF dump files. Actually, I would like to know detailed meanings (or differences) of <narrow>, <narrow1> and <narrow2> tags, for example. Is a list of meaning of each tag available? Thanks for your help. Akio Yamamoto
Last reply by samiam, -
Tool to Convert RDF dump file to HTML
by Guest -- 0 replies
Hello, Are there any tools available to convert the RDF file to html pages offline, i.e on my local computer and not the server. I have tried seeing the category "" but couldn't locate anything related to my requirement. I have tried using offline browsing softwares, but downloading whole of ODP doesn't seem to be a feasible option. Could someone give me some links/references for some tools/software/guides [freeware would be great) with the help of which I can convert a dowloaded RDF file into html pages in my design. I would then be uploading the pages. …
ODP Attribution
by Guest --
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, Could you help me on one thing. I wish to use ODP data on my site. Regarding the attribution, would it be deemed proper to provide acknowledgement using the Lycos style. Check up The difference being that there is no link to the "categories" or "submit a site". Would it be alright to do it this way. I have already read the attribution section on the Dmoz site. Any help would be much appreciated and thanking you for your time.
Last reply by samiam, -
AOL search results changing to Google?
by Guest -- 1 reply
Another story from search engine watch: "At AOL Search, Google's paid AdWords listings are already appearing. As for Google's editorial results, it remains up to AOL as to when these will start, Google said. AOL has yet to announce a schedule, but I would expect to see the transition begin in the early summer, so that AOL will be moved over fully to Google before the Inktomi contract expires in August." and this statement as well: "Google has been selected by AOL to provide editorial search results and paid listings to AOL's various search properties in the United States, including AOL Search, Netscape Search and CompuServe Search." So now AOL is switching to Googl…
- 1 reply
This is a quote taken from "Netscape confirms that in the near future, Google will shift to delivering the service's primary results." Is this true? I thought ODP was owned by Netscape?? If so why would they be using Google search results?? Anyone know anything about this? Thanks - Jeff
Description relevance to other engines
by Guest Igor-
- Meta
- 5 replies
What relevance does the editor-supplied site description carry for external search engines using ODP data, the RDF? Do the SEs utilise the internal site descriptor META or the ODP descriptor, or both?
- 1 reply
I'm curious whether Looksmart requires that the portals it has paid to use its listings not use ODP data as well. It seems that logically, they'd do both-- take the money from Looksmart, and the free trove of data from dmoz. (This might not be the best forum for this, but it does relate to the use of ODP data in some ways, at least for major sites.)
scripts to use the odp directory
by Guest --
- Meta
- 2 replies
is there any good scripts that will take the odp data and make the directory and search database, I am looking for a full script if anybody knows one, that will basically do it all. I have been using a script that just takes the info directly from dmoz itself by parsing the pages.
Last reply by hutcheson,
Porn and ODP data
by Guest -- 2 replies
Hi, Can anyone explain the policy of porn site owners using ODP data. I was checking links to my site and found a link from a porn site that was using ODP data. This is disturbing. Can anything be done? Thanks
Alternative formats?
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
A slightly different issue to the other thread. Have you considered offering the data in any other formats? I now understand the RDF system (I think), but in terms of using the data it is VERY restricting. I ended up writing 6 different perl scripts to extract the data and parse it into a format that I could use (MySQL database). I am aware that there are scripts out there to do this, but I was only interested in a small section of the ODP data. Have you considered releasing a text (tab-delimited) database of both the categories and the site data? I imagine that you would get more people using this than the RDF dump, which is obscure to say the least.
ODP attribution and using ODP data.
by Guest -- 1 reply
Q. What are the limitations in using ODP data? A. Any part of the ODP website is free for everyone to copy, cite and derive, in whole or in part, whatever. From the taxonomy to site titles, from site descriptions to category descriptions, from Adult to Regional, all are up for grabs. /images/icons/smile.gif You're free to do whatever you want from it, and even earn money from it. And, according to the ODP Social Contract, ODP data will be free for everyone forever. The Open Directory Project has just one requirement: the derivative work must contain the so called ODP attribution, which is commonly a short chunk of HTML. <p><table border="0" bgc…
Last reply by jordancpeterson,