Using Directory Data
Also for information on the license and attribution requirements.
262 topics in this forum
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Hello, I am new to this forum and i apologize if my post causes inconvenience. I am interested in using ODP data and by studying various link,it has come to my knowledge that data is available from and related information from Now my question is whether the same data is available in MySql as showed in post like these: I am asking all this as the information about this all seems to be quite old and i need updated information about the avialable formats for ODP data,how often it is updated,and any other related information that might be helpful in this…
Last reply by pvgool,
- 6 replies
Hi All, I was wondering if someone has successfully parsed the short examples of ODP into MySQL: if so, how to do that ???? and would you please share the scripts used...? maybe using PHP scripts? hope to get some great feedback very very soon... thank you...!
Last reply by spectregunner, -
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- 6 replies
Hello, I have a website, In this site I have a section for Dmoz, showing links to sites in your current location, language chosen, and search queries. In the past 3 months this section is not working. I use there XMLHTTP.request to get the data. when I'm checking if I have connection to other sites - it works. is it possible that DMOZ blocked my site? The site is hosted on servers. thanks in advance! Jagoda
Last reply by textlink969, -
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- 12 replies
Hi I need some help to know if I am doing the right thing. I am making a regional directory serving about 6 countries. To kickstart it, I imported some data from DMOZ, though I have my own category and subcategory structure. Over a couple of months, I have been adding relevant links I get from different and very diverse sources I encounter, be it articles, ads and so on. For country X for example, there are currently a total of under 300 links in DMOZ. I imported only those I considered relevant, probably totalling at most 250, but probably a good bit less. My directory now for the same country alone has about 1300 links I have personally additionally collected a…
Last reply by windharp,
- 1 reply
Hi, I would like to use DMOZ data - content and structure files to find out the best possible category for a term. For example: when I enter "bmw" in DMOZ online search, the first result is: # Recreation: Autos: Makes and Models: BMW , which is most relevant for term "bmw" - as compared to others such as: # Recreation: Motorcycles: Makes and Models: BMW (95) # World: Deutsch: Freizeit: Auto: Marken: BMW (72) # Business: Automotive: Motorcycles: Makes and Models: Retailers: BMW (31) # Home: Consumer Information: Automobiles: Purchasing: By Make: BMW (11) How can I achieve this using the rdf files? Out of all the possible categories, how do I pick…
Last reply by chaos127,
- 0 replies
Hello, I'm developing a web site, and I need only the categories hierarchy with the names of the catagories, without any additional information from the dump. I'm looking for a ready XML, or an easy way to edit a XML, that will look like the following example: <xml> ..<category>Arts</category> ....<category>Painting</category> ......<category>Oil</category> ......<category>Ink</category> ....<category>Drawing</category> ......<category>a</category> ......<category>b</category> ..<category>business</category> ....<category>Accounting</category> …
Last reply by lightmar, -
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- 3 replies
Hi All, I have successfully parsed the dmoz dump files into mysql. There are 4 tables: structure, content_description, content_links and datatypes. Structure table has fields: catid, name, title..... I set the primary key as CATID and it works fine. When I tried to do the same for the rest of the tables such as datatypes (with fields: catid, type, resource) i always got this error: SQL query: Edit ALTER TABLE `datatypes` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `catid` ) ; MySQL said: Documentation #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 same goes to other tables (content_links with fields: catid,topic,type, resource). Another problem, the 3rd table (content_descripti…
Last reply by sdang, -
- 2 replies
I would like to test a system that is a peer-to-peer network for the distributed storage, querying and update of RDF(S) metadata, and I was thinking about using the data that dmoz provides. However I would like to benchmark the system using queries that are from the *real* world. So, is there a list where I could find the 30 most popular queries? Thanks in advance! Kostis
Last reply by chaos127,
- Editall
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- 8 replies
Hello DMOZ support, I am using odp/dmoz script in my script, however, as tested, it seem not working. When tested on telnet to with port: 80 , I get the result as below: C:\Documents and Settings\ebl2>telnet 80 Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 80: Connect failed I suspected that my server IP have been blocked. * I have tested from another server (server B), with the same command (telnet 80), it was able to connect and the script working fine on server B. Kindly advise. Thanks
Last reply by informator,
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I was wondering if we could change the color scheme of the attribution or resize it so it can be placed on the side of a web page?
Last reply by windharp,
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- 18 replies
.sql ODP Dumps available free soon! Hello. I will have the SQL dumps ready by tomorrow. I will be trying to get some steady system going here for at least biweekly updates on the sql dumps. But, in order to provide them to the public, I need someone to host them. At this time, I am not sure how big it is going to be. But it will be 2 zips. One for structure, one for content. Anyone want to host it, or know someone that may? Thanks
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hi, is there a possibility to use the dmoz database? i think the dmoz ist a bit old school, and i would love to setup an ajax style one where can i get the db?
Last reply by pronate, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 7 replies
I read on another forum that if dmoz put nofollow on all of it's links, then the nofollow would not be included on all of the sites that use dmoz data. I'm not interested in whether or not this will be or should be done, I am just curious as to whether this is true: Would it be possible to have or require that the nofollow be included on any of the sites that use dmoz data?
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- 0 replies
Good morning dmozians, hope everyone is well out there. Over the past few month I have building up a dmoz mirror enriched with informations. Since links posting are not allowed here, which makes sense, if you are interested search for wectar to find the site I am talking about While this in itself wouldn't be a reason to post here, I have inculde one feature which might help dmoz editor. When you browse a category, you can see which tags are popular within this category. Below that tag cloud you can see a link unromatically called "Click here to see wectar listed web pages with similar tags" Clicking on it has the descr…
Last reply by martin.dudek, -
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- 25 replies
OK I can see that this has been asked before but am afraid that I am a bit dense and do not get it. I am working on a school project that requires me to put together a search engine. Using the ODP database seems to be a perfect choice but am having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how to parse the data into SQL or some other larger database structure. My budget is about 0 for this project so I am using an existing XP computer with PHP, apache web server and MYSQL. This seemed like a logical choice of equipment and software. I have read many different bulletin boards and it seems that everyone that is getting the data to parse are either using ODP Data…
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- 3 replies
I know, I'm being a snitch Anyhow... I stumbled upon www. . It's supposed to be a directory but it's in fact using the ODP data ( ) in its national directory without including the footer at the bottom of its pages, as required by the ODP licence. I thought that people should give credit when it is due.
Last reply by chaos127,
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- 7 replies
I have tried to do some research on what I'm asking about by reading through different threads, but I am still quite confused:confused:. Please patiently read through what I wrote and note that some things you may know may not be that obvious to some folks. I am making a regional directory, covering about 5 countries. I want to use some ODP data to start with on a more or less one time basis. I might update it may be some time in future. I will certainly NOT use live data, like some scripts. The region I am dealing with, internet use is just beginning to spread. An example to this, is for country X, they have had a total of 329 links for many months with NO chan…
Last reply by motsa,
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- 8 replies
Somebody tell me that the google directory is a perfect clone of dmoz. Is it true? Are there, in google directory, sites that are not listed in dmoz? Every site that is listed in dmoz it will in google ? (after directory update) I am asking that because of :
Last reply by Malatya, -
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- 1 reply
Hi All, I have the dump data stored in MySQL to get the RDF schemas through that ? In dmoz these are the data: - content_description, - content_links, - datatypes, - structure. I would like to categorize them into tuples such as (subject, property, value).... how to do that ? any examples to illustrate this question? thanks..!
Last reply by informator,
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- 5 replies
Hello, Apologies for posting on this topic in this forum: There is no forum for MusiCMOZ and no one is answering the questions I entered on their feedback form: Does anyone know if MusicMOZ is being actively edited/updated? The site is up, but the last XML data dump was in Oct 2006, before the start of the DMOZ issues that got resolved eventually. If anyone has info on whether/when MusicMOZ plans to resume XML data dump updates, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!!! Regards: jptnuch
Last reply by windharp,
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- 6 replies
Hi @LL, I have tried parsing the portion example structure of the RDF files from dmoz ( but it says : Fail to parse RDF and XML parsing failed. I am hoping to parse correctly the whole 'structure' but since the file is large, i am using so far the example(a portion of the rdf structure.rdf.u8) provided in the website. Has anyone managed / fixed to successfully parse the structure example? Care to explain/share it please...??? I have made some changes to the code but still failed.. thanks!
Last reply by chaos127,
- 1 reply
hi everyone! I'm running a new directory and wanted to extract some links or data from DMOZ that are related to my directory and display them from there. Any ideas please? The reason i want to do this is want visitors to my site to have more information and resources to choose from when they submit or visit my site.
Last reply by sfromis, -
- 1 reply
Is this the data that other directories like Google use? One of my web sites was listed in DMOZ last year sep/oct but did not list any where else as a result. I know dmoz is not part of or affiliated with anyone else - but i just don't know how these things work and i am wondering if anyone can help. thanks
Last reply by sfromis, -
- 1 reply
I want to get some web sites/page from a category randomly. Let say get 100 random web pages from the category "Arts". Can I do that? and how?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 10 replies
We're considering some ODP data for a search engine. We will also be puting together data from other sources and ODP will power only a part of the database. We'll use titles and descriptions from ODP. Do we need to link to ODP? It doesn't seem possible technically to link to the specific category within ODP for each search performed on our site since this is a search engine, not a directory. Thanks.
Last reply by bitplane, -