Using Directory Data
Also for information on the license and attribution requirements.
262 topics in this forum
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hi Rahul i am doing the same assignment as you have done.plz can you send me the code to extract links.i shall be very thankful to you thanks Usman
Last reply by musmanm80, -
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- 1 reply
dmoz directory on my sites example sites are if you compare this with (change the main url to you will see that it's the same This is done by RDF Dump thru What we need to do is be able to Derive the same directory thru rss feeds on our site Have the same directories Randomly select 10 -15 urls to put in our site Have an option to add our own sites in the list (Title, Description and Url) with the other sites that are displayed this is my project.i want…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 6 replies
I would like to know if ODP data can be used on a commercial site and offered as a free resource with the proper attribution according to the ODP license Further I would like to know if I use a list of URLs from an ODP category and add my own titles and descriptions is that consider using the ODP data and is a proper attribution required? Also I would like to know if one can subtract and add to the ODP data taken from a category with out keeping it in sync with the ODP data.
Last reply by bobmutch, -
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- 11 replies
I was hoping someone on the forum here can explain how rdf data on dmoz eventually ends up as searchable text on the site. How does dmoz itself use the rdf data it has harvested to provide full text search. Many thanks. David
Last reply by fairwinds, -
- 1 reply
I am surprised that I couldn't find someone else that has asked this question, maybe I am confused. I thought the RDF Data was suppose to be available each week, but when I look at the data the most recent RDF is July 28. If there a problem gerenating the data? When should the next set be coming out? Thanks.
Last reply by giz, -
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- 1 reply
I am experimenting with the dmoz data to parse and display, based on the raw strcture and data provided by Everything looks good except for World category, I am not able to find the category titles for each language, e.g. the translation of subcategory tiles like "See Also::, "Description", "FAQ" etc. They are not given in the raw data provided by Your help will be appreciated. Thanks, Shri
Last reply by windharp,
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- 4 replies
Hi, Google and some other search engines are using ODP diretory by downloading in RDF. "Is google using any rdf implementation for google directory "? regards sudhakar
Last reply by wjcampbe, -
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- 5 replies
i found an area on dmoz called .. "delete watch" What is it ?
Last reply by brmehlman, -
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- 12 replies
I have a site in dmoz that got 302 hijacked last year and I think it got my site banned in google. At first I emailed them the site got stolen and filed a DMCA with them, and they complied and deleted that redirect from the db. But my site never regained from it and is obviously being filtered for some reason. So I kept writing them... and pointed out that when I go to my cat page in their directory, my site is listed at the bottom of the page with a white bar., most of you are sitting there saying, "...and? what do you want us to do about it?", right? Well, I got the strangest email back from them finally that basically just makes no sense to me and I'm hopi…
Last reply by giz, -
- 2 replies
hi I had created the site map for my site in the XML format and submitted it to the google site maps.after some time i found the status was OK. My question is that how many days it will take to google or dmoz to list my site.I need to do anything else after submitting to the google site maps.let me know about clearly thanks in advance kolla
Last reply by brmehlman, -
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- 4 replies
I published a site and tried to suggest to dmoz many times in the category: Top: World: Italiano: Regionale: Europa: Italia: Lazio: Provincia di Roma: Località : Roma: Affari e Economia: Ristoranti e Bar but nothing happened. Probably I made some mistakes but I dont understand what ! I think the category is the right , perhaps the site has something wrong, but what wrong? Could someone help me?
Last reply by pvgool,
- RZ Admin
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- 21 replies
In Google's directory I can see sites which are no longer in DMOZ... Why?
Last reply by ME78, -
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- 5 replies
Hi I had dmoz on couple websites. It was getting spidered pretty well nad everything was ok, till one day. It was showing main page, but stopped loading subpages. I didn't change anything, my admin neither. When you were trying to access the category page it was just loading it over and over. My admin said that it was creating a php loop. It stopped working simultanously on 6 pages (the same IP) We didn't change anything so I think it must be external cause. Do you think that my IP was banned for generating too much traffic? Any ideas ? Any brilliant solutions?
Last reply by TeamRocket, -
- 4 replies
Hi There I work for one of the largest Christian portals on the internet, We were listed for the past 2 years in this directory: Recently, our site was removed. After contacting one of the directory editors, we learned that our Christian directory was out of compliance with dmoz licensing guidelines. Our directory is here: The editor said that in order to have our site reinstated, we must either give proper attribution or remove our directories. We have been using our own directories independently from Dmoz for about 2 years. This means that whi…
Last reply by royli57, -
rdf update
by tocoy-
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- 6 replies
is there any coming rdf dump update?
Last reply by tocoy, -
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- 6 replies
Was just wondering if a new RDF dump is on its way - it was released every week for a long time but suddenly stopped 3 weeks ago?
Last reply by informator,
- Editall
- 1 reply
Does anyone know what an 807 error message is - and how to fix it - when using parts of dmoz in a website? Thanks. Sand1man
Last reply by Callimachus,
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- 1 reply
Please let us know on the steps, procedures & conditions to use the data from Open Directory Project.
Last reply by windharp,
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- 2 replies
I link to dmoz from my website to categories that are relevant to the subject matter of the page. For example on a page that has content relating to arts, I link to As the site is heavy on text, and light on graphics, I would like to use an image of mozzie to link to the relevant categoy, in lieu of a text link. Does this violate TOS or trademark concerns? Thanks for the help
Last reply by nuggs, -
- Editall
- 4 replies
Hi All I have spent the past four weeks grappling with the huge RDF dumps and have managed to parse the ODP data, dump it into a mysql database, convert this into a decent schema and generally clean up the data. I have been working with structure.rdf because it is the smaller file of the two. Now I have the data in a database, I find there are strange characters in the World sub-categories. These are characters from different languages which mysql does not seem to understand - replacing them with ?* instead. How do I overcome this problem? Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks
Last reply by lonuncavisto, -
Abuse of ODP content at
by Guest asinah- 2 replies
- 4.3k views The below mentioned site uses the ODP data feed w/o credit back to odp. When I managed the site it showed the links but the new webmaster seems to think that there is no need to link to dmoz any more. Take care and best regards,
Last reply by patilprasanna, -
- 0 replies
I have a DMOZ site and it currently utilizes a nonfunctional search feature when search the site. When I attempt to remove the search feature the entire site shuts down and gives me an error message, asking me to request ODP to fix the matter. I will install my own search box. Lastly, I need to remove the search box from the "feed pages," not the index.html page. How do I remove the existing search and keep the site functioning is my basic question. Thank you. Sand1man
Last reply by Sand1man, -
- 1 reply
Using Script for Health Directory for my website ! I want to use directory in my website. But i only want to use Health Directory { Sub Directory } Where can i get such a script which can help to get only health directory in my manin health directory page. I have see many script's but they get the full with all the sub directories. I want only Sub Directory -- " Health Directory " Please help ! What should i do to get Dmoz Sub Directory in to my main page of my website !! Please Give Suggestions.
Last reply by bitingduck, -
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- 9 replies
I have been experimenting with a form of collaborative ranking that rewards helpful and timely suggestions: The research prototype includes over 650,000 urls from the open directory. Any feedback is appreciated.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
Hello to all, following this thread , I downloaded and extracted the files but i don't know how to use them, how to put them in MySQL DB. Can someone help me ? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by flys,