27 topics in this forum
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Resources Zone is back! The software is new. The people are the same. Welcome back to Resource Zone!
Last reply by vbman,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
We've added a new feature on our public pages; Sort... It's a toggle on the right of each category page and so far has two positions: Sort Alphabetically (this is how DMOZ/Curlie always sorted the listings, operates on the Title of the site) Sort by Review Date (this new means of sorting places the most recently added listings at the top of the page)
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
It's official. After months of work, these new features are now available... 1- the ability to organize your favorite categories and sites on your own personal page 2- the ability to share a public version of your own personal page 3- the ability to have a map of your hometown on your public page Let us know what you think and what you'd like us to work on next. Refs: Patreon Article Curlie Account Application (registering is required to use the service)
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have upgraded the forum software to the latest version. I have also updated the style to make it compatible. If you find any pugs or have any problems let me know so I can fix them.
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 1 reply
Curlie is soon up and running and that costs... Your donation, no matter how small, is important! Donate to our volunteer treasurer at Paypal (use e-mail specified in the Curlie Editor forum-thread). Thank You!
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Well, as promised in this announcement and elsewhere on the forum, Curlie is coming out of hibernation! :curlie: We have officially launched the editor application process, which enables people to apply for and be granted editor status. To apply for editor status, please find a category which interests you, a hobby for example... Then click the :apply: icon and fill in the application form. If there is no icon, it's because for some reason the category isn't suitable for a new editor. All is not lost! Simply find another interesting category to apply for, and after you have a few edits under your belt, you'll be able to request permissions in the category you want. …
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Important Notice As of Mar 14, 2017 will no longer be available. More information will be posted as available, see the General Dmoz Issues forum. If you are a Dmoz editor (active) please make yourself known here If you were a Dmoz editor (timed-out) please make yourself known here This announcement in Russian This announcement in Japanese This announcement in German
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Resource Zone will down at intermittent times for a software upgrade. The upgrade will start at 0900 and should be complete by 1800. Thanks
Last reply by vbman,
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
In line with the renewal of the directory, the Resource-Zone forum skin has been replaced to better match Curlie... :curlie:
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
Hi, As you might have noticed, the forums have been updated, and the new version uses SSL You will need to log in (username - email / password) the first time, afterwards the forum will remember you like it did in the past. If you see anything which doesn't work as expected, please report it in Bugs
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
We have switched forum software from IPB to XenForo. You can log in with the same username/password combination that you used on the old software. In extreme cases some log ins might not work. If you get an error logging in use the password reset option on the log in page to reset your password. If you don't have access to the email address you used to sign up or don't get the password reset email, make sure to check your spam folder as in some cases the email will be sent there, then send an email to one of the administrators and we will reset your password. If you are a current member and have received a notice saying that your account has been made inactive, you …
Last reply by vbman,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Following discussion by, and consensus of Moderators and Administrators of this forum, we have chosen to discontinue site status checks effective May 21, 2005. Closure of the existing Site Submission Status forums will happen by this date, and we will not be accepting any new status check threads after this time. The submission status forums will be archived. There were a number of factors involved in making this decision, but probably the biggest was that these requests were always beyond the mission of this forum. The original mandate of this forum was to put a better light on Curlie by allowing the public to interact directly with the editors. At some point the …
Last reply by johnsilvek,
- 1 reply
We are currently experiencing technical problems with our servers that have resulted in problems with scripted pages, including the site suggestion, update listing, and editor application forms. We are also unable to check the status of new editor applications. We'll update this thread whenever we have news. Existing editors should check the internal forums for updates.
Last reply by motsa,
- RZ Admin
- 0 replies
We are pleased to announce that AOL staff have launched the DMOZ blog. It will be the official source for information, insight, and updates about the directory. To see the latest posts visit [archive] To coincide with this launch we have opened a new forum at Resource-Zone that features the blogs RSS feed. Should you wish to comment on any of the information from the feed, we ask that you visit the blog and add your comments there.
Last reply by photofox,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
According to DMOZ staff, the editing server will be moving to a new storage platform. For this reason it will be in "readonly" mode for approx. 72 hours starting Monday, 30. July 2007. Beside the fact that editing will not be possible, URL suggestions, update suggestions and becoming an editor will be inactive during that period. Public access and search will still be available. Staff is sorry for the inconvenience this causes, but hopes future increase in performance and system support will make up for that.
Last reply by photofox,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 14 replies
We are currently experiencing technical problems with our servers. Currently the public pages are static pages that have been generated from a backup. This means: (1) the public pages do not reflect the most recent updates made to the directory; (2) scripted pages, including site suggestion and application forms, are not functioning; and (3) editors are unable to check the status of new editor applications. UPDATE: December 18, 2006 -- Editors have regained access to the editors server and the public pages are now up-to-date. However, the public ODP scripts (including site suggestion, update listing, editor application, and abuse reporting) are still not avail…
Last reply by motsa,
4 million listings -- briefly
by Guest -- 0 replies
We reached 4 million listings a few days ago, just before about 35000 listings were taken out of the directory for possible updating and relisting. Right now we're about 20000 below 4 million, so watch for us to crack 4 million again, hopefully for good, in a couple of weeks.
Bannable Offenses
by Guest -- 0 replies
ODP documents are clear that no site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. There have been instances over the years where webmasters and, IMHO, especially webmasters who are now ex-editors (fired for cause) didn't get their sites listed where/when/how they wanted - and they resorted, as a form of retaliation, to making unfounded accusations in forums (often anonymously) and/or sending hateful and/or threatening emails to various editors, sometimes with the return address spoofed and the IP showing to be from an anonymous proxy. Sometimes the attacks have been more "manly" and direct, where the unhappy people do no hiding of any sort while saying things that…
- Meta
- 0 replies
Official staff announcement: "All three frontend servers have now been updated. Their data should never be more than a week out of date, compared to Pages will normally be refreshed when they're more than four days old." Problems? Exceptions? NOW we want to hear about them. In the Bugs and Features forum, thanks.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 0 replies
Last night the database that runs Resource-Zone became corrupted and we were forced to restore the site from a backup from April 30th. Consequently please understand that if you became a member after April 30th, 2003, your login most likely no longer exists. Please feel free to re-register your old member name. We apologize for any inconveniance this may cause.
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- 7 replies
Dmoz will be down for a couple of hours today for maintenance, so if you are unable to reach it - don't worry. Editors this is your oppertunity to take a break - relish and enjoy the experience. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Last reply by giz, -
A New Abuse Reporting System for Public Use
by Guest -- 0 replies
We have a new method now available for the public to report suspected abuse of the directory. Please visit the stickied thread in our "Quality Control" forum for details.
- 1 reply
I hope everyone takes the time to check out the new German Forum, moderated by mfichtner and olri, and Italian Forum, moderated by albovicamp and ettore. Enjoy.
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- 0 replies
Editors: How to be set as an editor To have your title changed from "Member" to "Editor" and to view the private editor-only forum all ODP editors need to have an Admin modify their account. This is important because the private forum can contain up-to-date information on server problems*, so if you can't login and want to know why, it's the place to look. But you can't see it unless you're an ODP editor, so to get this done please do the following steps: fill out the section on your profile that asks for your ODP editor name; post your request in the Member to Editor thread in the Members Lounge forum. We do attempt to change everyone as they join, how…
Last reply by enarra,
Gambling Guidelines
by Guest -- 0 replies
These have been out for a few months (and can be found with Google), and for now the ODP meta-editors are satisfied with them. Gambling Guidelines