Bugs and Features
Also new technical and structural features or solutions can be suggested and discussed here.
436 topics in this forum
Curlie currently suffers from two importantish bugs: The Editor feedback system is down - this also means that the email verification doesn't work and blocks us from opening new accounts. For Editor Applications, as a workaround, we can contact you via ordinary email to ensure it was really you who applied. For Public Accounts (Personal Pages) the system is entirely automated. We can't even see these applications, so no workaround is possible. Our second problem is our servers aren't stable, and have a tendency to throw 504 errors (time-out) . If you get a white page with 504 marked on it, simply refresh the page until ther…
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 9 replies
How do I prevent the Curlie edit URL screen from replacing spaces in URLs with + characters? This modification of the URL produces an undesirable result in the linked page. Is it possible to force the screen to accept the URL as I have entered it?
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Reproduction: Open [iCODE]curlie . org/de/Computer/Internet/Suchen/Suchmaschinen/Robots[/iCODE] Click on subcategory "Robots.txt" Expected Behavior: Subcategory "Robots.txt" is opened. Error: 404 error is shown. Doesn't work: [iCODE]curlie . org/de/Computer/Internet/Suchen/Suchmaschinen/Robots/Robots.txt[/iCODE] Works: [iCODE]curlie . org/de/Computer/Internet/Suchen/Suchmaschinen/Robots/Robots.txt/[/iCODE]
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
Reproduction: Open [iCODE]curlie . org/de/Computer/[/iCODE] Click on "Deutsch" next to the big PC icon. URL should be now [iCODE]curlie . org/de/[/iCODE] Type "test" into the search box. Press the return key. Exepected: Show the search results for "test". Error: An error page is shown: "The page you attempted to access does not exist on this site.". Reason (IMHO): The "action" of the search form is relative to the current URL. Because there is a "/" at the end of the URL after step 2, a request to [iCODE]curlie . org/de/search?...[/iCODE] is made. The right URL would be [iCODE]curlie . org/search?...[/iCODE]
Last reply by plantrob,
- RZ Admin
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- 4 replies
Hi, Is there a list of DMOZ/ODP site crawlers or bots? I ask because I am keen to avoid accidentally blocking them in my .htaccess Many thanks, Keef PS. I hope I'm asking this in the right place - apologies if I'm not.
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Any chance you guys could leverage the Registry of Open Data service on AWS. Their Open Data Sponsorship Program is specifically for public data providers and orgs such as curlie.
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
It looks like the search facility is broken on Curlie. Whatever I try to search, it returns an empty result even when googling for the term limiting it to search only on Curlie via the "site:" operator returns lots of results. I'm using Firefox.
Last reply by Elper,
The search is not working on DMOZ
Last reply by mollybdenum,
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- 7 replies
In my profile under edit avatar the spot is filled that says 'don't use an avatar'. How can I change this and upload an image to my profile? Thank you
Last reply by informator,
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- 4 replies
After attempting to log in many times under a username password combo I know was correct, I decided I would just request a change. I did so, and still, I am unable to log in to the editors section at all. It is now to the point where I have exceeded the max tries so I have to wait, but is something wrong with the servers? Is anyone else having issues?
Last reply by informator,
Membership deletion
by Guest seodigest-
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- RZ Admin
- 13 replies
How can I delete my membership on Resource-zone.com?
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 15 replies
I submitted <url removed> this morning on behalf of my Guruji. After submission I didn't get any Successfully Submitted message. Instead there was a Go Back message. I thought I made a mistake, went back and pressed submit button again. Guess did 2 or 3 times like this as I got the the same message. Just wondering if I had successfully submitted Miracle Yantra site or not. Also for the site title & description I used the same title and description used for met tags. Can you kinldy help me if I have made a mistake? With Guruji's blessings Vadur
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- Editall
- 2 replies
Hello, I tried to activate my user at curlie.org/forum, but I don't receive any mail with my password. After I enter my username and email addres I get the information "A new password was sent to your registered email address.". If I use another mail addresse, I get the information "The email/username information submitted could not be found." - so I think I have the correct email address. I checked my spam folder. The email address is unchanged since years and still active. Can you help me?
Last reply by knut,
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
I can create new threads but whenever I look at an existing thread I'm given no option to reply. Instead there's a message reading "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)" How do I gain sufficient privileges to reply?
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi The profil of Architonic profile in DMOZ is linking to http:// /URL]. The protocol of the link has changed to https. The new address is https:// . How this can be changed in the profile? Thanks for an answer
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Would appreciate if one of the metas could take a look at my acc and see why can't I access the editors only forum. Let me know if you need any info. Cheers
Last reply by sergiuo90,
- RZ Admin
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- 3 replies
people are coming over and over in that forums asking same questions which the answer are the same so if there is auto reply it will save time
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hello, I have been unable to post in the "Becoming an Editor" forum for a couple of days now. I continuously receive an alert stating something along the lines of, "your message exhibits spam-like behavior." I've notified the webmaster, however, any immediate help on this matter would be much appreciated. Thank you
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I'm a new editor, and want to start reading the editor forums before I go ahead and update anything in my category. However, I can't login to the editor forum with the supplied editor password, and my username. I waited 24 hours since receiving the welcome mail (it says can take up to 8 hours in editor dashboard). Any ideas what to do? Thanks! M
Last reply by melly72,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi, i have tried to submit my website to dmoz but this pop up error 'not a valid ip address pattern in ip' keeps popping up. what does this mean and how can i rectify this error?thank you. Natalie Chan
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 1 reply
editor thehelper Can I get access to the ODP Editor Forums? It appears they think I am inactive. Thanks!
Last reply by pvgool,
I was reinstated as editor a couple weeks ago. I can login to my dashboard and make edits, but I'm unable to login to the editor forums. It won't accept my login credentials. Any suggestions on who to contact? I emailed feedback to staff and it bounced back to me. Thanks! Dana
Last reply by Elper,
- RZ Admin
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- 4 replies
Username: Kirkman Category: http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Online/BBS_Doors/ Date: 7/7/2013 This morning I received verification by email that my editor application had been approved. So I tried logging in to dmoz.org, but every attempt failed. So then I used the password reset feature and set a new password. But logging in with that new password isn't working either. Can anyone help? --Josh
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I just submitted my application to become an editor, however when I went to verify the link sent via email it is saying: Not a valid key Can you help? user name: lmckee verification link here: http://www.dmoz.org/public/verifyemail?key=b029574fb4e262ee651f5cf77f1296af Thanks in advance
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
on line 59 of http://www.dmoz.org/help/become.html there is a typo - "and" is probably meant to be "an"
Last reply by Elper,