Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
To access the adult forum you now need a password. Post your request in this thread and one of us will pm it to you. I will have an autoresponder set up that you can email for the password in time. Sorry about the inconevnience.
Last reply by photofox,
Member to Editor V If you are an editor, you can use this thread to request that your status be changed on Resource-Zone to show it. This also gives you access to the Editor Lounge forum. Please note that Resource-Zone forums are not the private editor only forums. You do not need to have your status changed on these forums to access the internal DMOZ forums. You can access the internal DMOZ forums from the link on the main DMOZ editor dashboard. If you are a new DMOZ editor it can sometimes take up to 24-48 hours before you will be able to access the internal DMOZ forums. Changing your status on this forum will not make that happen faster. Also note that DMO…
Last reply by informator,
For those of you who don't know, we have a forum dealing with the Adult/ branch of the directory. To view this forum you have to have your permissions changed by an administrator. If you are interested in viewing this forum, please post here and an admin will reset your permissions for you. Thanks. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Last reply by donaldb, -
Once again the previous incarnation of this thread was getting a little long in the tooth so let's continue here.
Last reply by donaldb, -
Looks like it's time to turn this over. The previous thread was 10 pages long. If you are an ODP editor, this would be the place to request that your status indicator on this forum get updated to Editor
Last reply by tuisp,
Done. /images/icons/smile.gif
Since the other thread is getting really long, lets continue here.
Last reply by apeuro,
OK, let's give it a try. Thanks. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />
Last reply by renault19, -
Carry on.
Last reply by tloury,
Search Engines 1 2
by Guest -- 39 replies
A serious point, why do you list Search Engines when they do not have any original or unique content?
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 36 replies
Do ODP editors do anything? I submitted a new site over an hour ago, and nothing has happened. WAKEY WAKEY! Welcome to the brave new world of the internet where things move fast. Things happen NOW! Not tomorrow, not mañana or whenever it suits your lazy selves. Move it! Do you have a streamlined competent process for new submissions? Is there an immediate email to ***all*** editors with relevant permissions, exhorting them to review things straight away. Get on with it! Or is this a sit-back-and-hope-for-whatever type of operation, in which somebody might or might not show up to work whenever it suits their drinking schedule? Allowing that kind of stuff may be accepta…
Last reply by jdaw1,
- Meta
- 33 replies
I was just wondering how to get one, cuz it seems when I try to edit it I can't.
Last reply by dogbows, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 32 replies
Man, it's hard to defend you guys!! (Check out the 3rd page of the discussion for the fireworks) Perhaps a change in your public relation policy is required to effetively address all this Bad DMOZism. Or am I still young and missing the point of silence actually being the professional approach?
Last reply by jordancpeterson, -
Would it be possible to get a link-wrapper thing going? When people post long URLs, as in to most ODP subcats, it looks horrible in 800x600, stretches across the screen and of course, gets the horizontal scroll bar going. Its really aggrivating to read a thread that way. <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Edit: And can we change the date format? To like d/m/y instead of y/m/d? <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Last reply by specht, -
Do we want or need a forum to critique sites? 1 2
by Guest --
- Meta
- 27 replies
Surely some of you have noticed that there have been a few threads running amok in the "site submission status" forum. Someone asks about their site, someone else answers that it's still waiting or whatever and then, occasionally, someone makes a really great comment about how the site does/doesn't seem spammy or unoriginal in one way or another. At that point the original poster responds to the criticism and ... and ... and ... you get the idea. These threads tend not to be flame-fests, but they get totally away from the purpose of that forum. Do we need or want to set up a forum for folks to _ask_ for criticism of their site and whether or not it would be appropri…
- 27 replies
Hi! I'm excited! I made new editor! So I guess now I'll have to be responsible ...eeh? Okay...I'm so happy! latessa
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 24 replies
This board is most frequented by editors, mods, and metas. Most of these members have the required post counts to have rep power...most of the regular member base however does not. So I was wondering if it would be possible to lower the limit to actually give rep to something that the casual user could obtain within a reasonable time. Maybe 25 posts? I can only assume it's currently at the default, which would take me ages to reach, and I'd like to use it before then. Of course, with the inherent nature of these boards it should likely not be too random miscreants would push their post counts up just to knock editors down (I'm actually asking to help them g…
Last reply by motsa,
A modest proposal improve the ODP.
by Guest -- 22 replies
We have posted a Proposal to help improve the ODP. If any editors would like to partipate in this discussion and offer suggestions, your participation is welcomed. The proposal is at the Webmaster Forum.
- Meta
- Editall
- 22 replies
I mentioned in another part of the forum that about 5% of my site visitors this month are using Firefox. This is the first time I have seen a significant dent in the IE percentage. After trying it I have become a convert. No wish to be snobbish, but my customers often come from higher socio-economic groups and maybe these people are more open to trying new browsers than the majority of the surfing public. To anyone with their own site and access to the stats, what percentage of Firefox visitors are you getting? It would be interesting to know whether it is a commercial site or not and any view (albeit maybe subjective) you have about the demographics of your visi…
Last reply by leftie, -
REALLY BAD: Editor Profiles being Used to Promote Editor's Affiliate Sites
by Guest jbgilbert-
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 22 replies
If anybody at ODP cares about this problem, they are welcome to contact me and I will provide an example.
Last reply by Gimpy, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 22 replies
Wow - DMOZ is using vBulletin.... This must mean that vBulletin is King!
Last reply by wjcampbe, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 21 replies
Why can't we get our site listed anywhere? We have a genuine free UK recruitment site that is completely free to both job seekers and recruiters. If we try to get it listed with the various search engines nothing seems to happen (it would appear you only get listed if other sites link to your site!). If we send email to just about anyone these todays the email gets spam filtered or lost in the sea of garbage emails from fake or virus sending sites. "The world has gone crazy", we are offering a completely free site with no catches and we can't seem to be able to tell anyone about it! Anyone have any useful suggestions?
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 20 replies
I feel sad and sorry to know the discontinuation of site status checks. Its always difficult to give up something good and useful. None the less, peace and support to all the Moderators and Administrators who had to take this step. However, I'ed also like to know about everybodies views and support on this. Coz I am sure that there are loads of people out there who maybe feeling that same way and would like to share them and that'ed really be appreciated by all. I dont know that if anybody could have helped to avoid the discontinuation, but I also understand that sometimes by taking a step backwards we maybe able to move forward. Also I wish and hope that RZ cou…
Last reply by Dirtydisco, -
- 20 replies
Can I get a change from Member to Editor title? Thanks, dstanovic
Last reply by apeuro,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 20 replies
Hello Everyone, I am new member in this forum and I am from INDIA. Looking forward to make new friends here.
Last reply by Komodo Mega Tours, -