Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 5 replies
All, First, let me say hello! I've used DMOZ for a while and I finally got around to making a forum account. Second, I have a question about the following guideline: How does the suggested bound of 100 websites apply to the situation described below? In this category: Computers: Programming: FAQs, Help, and Tutorials (30) there are only 30 sites, which is well within the suggested bound of 100 sites. However, that category is linked to this category: Computers: Programming: Languages: Java: FAQs, Help, and Tutorials (117) I would assume that the 100 site rule applies to the sites in a particular category as well as those in any subcategories. Does …
Last reply by Tim, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I just registered and I am looking forward to learn new things about the ODP. Hope to have a nice time here.
Last reply by mondoweb, -
Anybody want to help me get the Annie thread over there closed and locked? They usually do that to threads that get way off topic, and I'm gettin wayyyyy off topic. Just one parting shot for me, before I never return there.
Last reply by photofox,
- 4 replies
I ' m Sirawannnl from Thailand.
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Just introducing myself to this forum. Obviously I am a newbie here and have an interest in learning what the members and Dmoz editors are all about. I am very interested in obtaining knowledge with regard to the world of web sites, indexing, editing, graphics, Html, Pearl, CSS etc. for personal growth as well it pertains to my own business. I also enjoy helping others and passing on the information I learn. I would also like to thank one of your editors robjones for his assistance and knowledge he has shared. Thank You Rob! I would also like to publicly apologize to him for a request for help that was not filled out through a update request but through a personal e-mail…
Last reply by michael2064, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I apologize for my last thread!!! Can I know how can we be an editor of some categories in Dmoz!!!! As I have lastly applied for Dell category!!! But I failed to be an editor as the mail I received! Can I know How should I apply and why I failed!!!
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello, I am having my site in top 3 rankings for 2 Keywords! And for 3 keywords it has in top 7!!! But I am still trying to get that keywords more in to top 3 which are in top 7 and for other which are in top 3 trying to make it on 2 I have done Content rich optimization, Linking part, Directory Submission, Article Submissions hardly!!! So can anyone advise me How can I make more proper rankings!!! This whole I am talking for Regards, Seo Analyst
Last reply by nea,
- 8 replies
His name is Max and he's the most beautiful 8 week old Siberian Husky baby ever and very smart. Not a single potty accident yet and he's learned everything I taught him so far. I need an AKC name for him that works with a call name of Max, please make suggestions, I'm stumped. His name will be Yukonwind's ?Something? ?Something?
Last reply by singingstrudel, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Why these following sites are blocked in China? this domain name: and this domain name Can someone has any good idea to help resolve this problem?
Last reply by nea,
- 1 reply
Hi Hello, im new Here....i wanna meet all of you...
Last reply by jazzybon, -
Hi All Just wanted to introduce myself to eveyone at RZ. looking forward to getting to know some of you & learning the ropes. Cheers all Andy (Jazzybon)
Last reply by jazzybon, -
hi guys I'm Jamelie...
Last reply by jamelie, -
Hi, I'm new and looking forward to learning the ropes. Peter
Last reply by crowbar,
Hi everyone I'm new here and just thought I'd introduce myself, my name's Richard and I'm from the UK and currently at Sheffield Hallam University studying games programming. I'll try to keep active:D edit: I forgot to mention that I've applied to this category . if I make the editor grade I hope to improve it alot as I see a few sites on are no longer online and have outdated information. Anyway see you on zee forums!
Last reply by saultcollege.s2, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Today is Google b-day, Happy Birthday to the guys and gals at Google Here is link to offical page Google Corporation history
Last reply by saultcollege.s1, -
- 0 replies
Congratulations to one of our own editors who posts here frequently answering questions, spectergunner, who now has editall privileges within the Directory. Well deserved, . I'm not sure how many of the other promotions visit here, so I'll reserve those congrats for our internal forums. Great picks though, . I just wanted to recognize gunners promotion here in public because you might be familiar with him, and he'll have a new tag under his name.
Last reply by crowbar,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi folks, In order to use AdSense for mobile, I need a mobile-compliant webpage.To create one I would be required a mobile markup language such as XHTML, WML, or CHTML. Okay, all these things can be set right to get one such website. The website can be widely promoted. But the ads can not be pasted on the website and visitors will click on them. Rather the ads are to be sent on the mobile numbers of my new such visitors. I want to know that in order to promote Adsense Mobile Ads; how to get more and more mobile holders subscribe to my website and leave the mobile numbers. Can anyone- a good friend of mine- help me out to clear my doubts? I have sought help fro…
Last reply by nea,
- 7 replies
Hmmmmmm...... Tale of (2) Witches continues: I remember when I was growing up, my mother ALWAYS told me not to put my shoes on the counter, it was bad luck. My wife ( of 10 years) told me it was just so I would not dirty the counter and that it was ridiculous. Yet........ My wife tells me I can never put her purse on the floor, because the ( Are you ready for this one???) money will literally RUN right out of the purse. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........................................ Could it be she doesn't want to get the bottom dirty??? Or, do the coins and dollar bills just jump right out into my sneakers???
Last reply by Carbonlord, -
- 4 replies
So, my wife tells me a couple weeks ago to plug in the small Lowe's type fountain in front of our front door. Since I did the garden, 3-4 months ago, I buried the extension cord. My sales at work have been not too great and she comes out of the blue and says " If you plug in the fountain, the running water brings more $$$ to the home." I swear, that's exactly what she said. Where did it come from? I have no idea, but it seemed to work. I have been doing better lately. Where would this come up from, ancient myths, witchy beliefs, Nostradamus??? Any Insights??? The point of the story would be, that if you're fountain is mysteriously unplugged for no god-give…
Last reply by Carbonlord, -
- 1 reply
103 Guests to read my Fountain Myth post! Wow! I knew it would be interesting, but..............WOW!
Last reply by Carbonlord, -
- 3 replies
<URL Removed>
Last reply by giz, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi every one.i have one website <Please do NOT post URLs> i dont know how to find more searching engines, and my website only can find by few customers, could u pls give me some suggestion on my web.tks
Last reply by photofox,
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
Hello All, New to this site and just posted for a suggestion for my site yesterday. I know this will take time. I was wondering if I could post a thread in here with my site address so others could view the site and if they felt like it email me here or at my yahoo address with constructive criticism, and or hopefully kodos on things well done. I am also looking for link partners that are not competitors but share a common idea/relation to the site. thanks for your time Danny
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 24 replies
This board is most frequented by editors, mods, and metas. Most of these members have the required post counts to have rep power...most of the regular member base however does not. So I was wondering if it would be possible to lower the limit to actually give rep to something that the casual user could obtain within a reasonable time. Maybe 25 posts? I can only assume it's currently at the default, which would take me ages to reach, and I'd like to use it before then. Of course, with the inherent nature of these boards it should likely not be too random miscreants would push their post counts up just to knock editors down (I'm actually asking to help them g…
Last reply by motsa,
- 12 replies
Hello everybody! I just want to take a moment to introduce myself and say hi to everyone. I'm a huge Silent Hill fan and recently applied to edit the following category: Games > Video Games > Action-Adventure > Survival Horror > Silent Hill Series I hope to be accepted as an editor and look forward to getting to know all of you better.
Last reply by rjodwyer,