Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
Can someone please check my status ? I can´t login, I didn´t know I had to make changes at least every 4 months, I only have 2 small categories, here´s my profile: Thanks
Last reply by wii, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Note to Webmaster... I noticed when I go to Who's Online there seems to be about 130 Yahoo Slurp spiders on this forum. I know this to be a common performance issue with vBulletin, not to mention the fact that it can consume all of your SQL database connections, rendering it difficult for other members to gain access to the forums at peak times. We had this problem at one time with our vBulletin site. I was wondering if was ever a problem on this site, as I have noticed a recent slowdown while navigating the forums. Have you ever considered limiting the Yahoo Slurp spiders? It would give the site a performance boost. FIX: Add this line to your robots.txt …
Last reply by windharp,
- 2 replies
Being that ODP editors and volunteers often live in a world of words, I have a little word challenge for everyone. It's quirky but fun I think. Eight different words. Each word has only four letters. But each word has three syllables. What are they?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
by codeshoppy-
- Meta
- 2 replies
how to install linux?
Last reply by codeshoppy, -
- 2 replies
Hello All, I apologize if this is the wrong category, but I really couldn’t find where this fits. I recently have changed URLs for my website. The category for my website is under: My website: The Nightmare On Elm Street Companion was under the URL: the new URL is: I submitted the change via the Update form and to my surprise, the listing under my category was updated immediately. My question is this. The listing under the open directory is still not updated - do I need to do anything …
Last reply by ucantnot, -
- 2 replies
Last year I launched a website with a free domain name which somehow got into Dmoz. I truly don't remember submitting it here because back than I was a complete Noob and didn't think much of it. Since than that site has been given a new .com domain name and has be re-engineered. However now that I am a bit more knowledgeable in the Webmaster field and understand the advantages of being in Dmoz, my site is not there anymore. If I was a bit more smarter back than I would have done a 301 re-direct, now I have to start my journey of getting listed in Dmoz from scratch. In fact, it's interesting, the site is not in the category anymore but if you do a search for it, the site w…
Last reply by WLWsite, -
- 2 replies
Greetings to all of you on a sunny antalya day....
Last reply by chaos, -
by Guest anarkasis-
- Meta
- 2 replies
please add me no explico el ingles :o
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
As much as I disagree with the policy towards webmasters and am bottled up with frustration, talking to the members (which I never really did before) has shown stereotypes to be wrong so far. Not 1 person demonstrated an "inflated ego" or "abuse of power" as rumors claim. Criticism was taken well and nobody attacked me for challenging them.
Last reply by crowbar,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I am sorry for possible offtopic, but I need your help in find new web hosting provider as soon as possible, because my current host ( is kicking me off, they say 'your account is using a lot server resources', but my website gets only about 200 visitors per day and my disk usage is 1500 MB (maybe they do not like that?) Anyway, what would be your recommendations for getting reliable web hosting? Where are you hosting your websites? Are you happy with your providers? I am now checking <url removed> - offer looks very nice, but is it real that they can provide unlimited disk space? I have contacted them about this question and they s…
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi Friends, Lately I have help my customer to design a web site and set-up an affiliates program solution for this web site Can you give me some comments and also some tips how I can market their product in more effective manner ? Thank you, regards, Botizen
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 2 replies
Hello,everyone.Nice to become a member of this forum.Hope to learn a lot and make good friends here.
Last reply by tmsseo, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
guys..i am newbie here... <URLs removed per forum guidelines>
Last reply by Dudamundo, -
Change from Member to Editor
by Guest -- 2 replies
May I change from Member to Editor, please. Thanks, keygolf
My name is Mat and i'm from Poland... i don't now well english, but i'm still learning... so sorry if i make a mistakes please be patient greetings from Poland! btw i like sports(mtb bike) and motorbikes... i like techno music and polish hip-hop
Last reply by qinghan, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
<url removed> is a privately owned sports merchandise company headquartered in Connecticut, offering the largest selection of officially licensed team and league products found anywhere on the web.At <url removed> we measure our business success in personal relationships, not transactions. We pride ourselves on offering not only the largest selection of top quality products from the best brands, but also the best customer service experience, shipping and return policies in the industry. Our customer service professionals are committed to your satisfaction and view each time you contact us as a chance to build a relationship.
Last reply by Elper,
Thank you
by Guest IBM- 2 replies
Don't know how often you get thanked so thank you for listing us in the odp.
- 2 replies
Saying hello and reading the posts. Seems like a lot of complaints (sometimes disguised as questions). However, I like the administrator commenting since it makes me feel like I am seeing expert opinion instead of rambling (like I am doing now). I am hoping to learn something!
Last reply by Kunal Shah, -
Hello Everyone!
by Guest -- 2 replies
Hello! Firs to all, my name is Robby and I am 17 years of age and proud to be a part of the ODP Forums! This is a very nice forum the OPD has here, and I am surely glad that I have found it. I just wanted to drop by and just say hello. I will be posting out here every now and then, so you will probably be seeing me around. I also wanted to take the time to compliment all of the editors, creators, and visitors who work hard to make the ODP what it is. Truly, it is a great directory and I hope it continues to grow with quality websites! So, my encouragements go out to all of you! Thanks and See You Around! Robby <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /&…
- 2 replies
Hi to all, Just joining this forum because I heard there are solutions to get in OPD - Dmoz and so many editors are there to solve it. Is it right Guys? Well right or wrong. But want to gain more experience and want to be an editor of Dmoz. Regards, Amit Verma
Last reply by priji, -
Did I make a mistake?
by Guest webmistressTiff-
- Meta
- 2 replies
Is this area just for editors of the ODP? I had made an announcement regarding an open source group and it was removed. I hope that I did not violate anything. Its a free group, and it doesn't benefit me in anyway. Sorry if I made a mistake. Please answer my question or point me in the direction of guidelines for this forum. It looked like this forum was for posting anything not related to ODP. Sorry again and thanks.
- Meta
- 2 replies
I'm new comer but not newer !!! Greeting from Hanoi, Vietnam Jimmy
Last reply by qinghan, -
- 2 replies
With all the bad news on TV about another 500K+ people getting pinks, surfing the web for good deals on eBay, checking out new funny videos on YouTube sure makes a gray day brighter. Kindest Regards, PhoenX
Last reply by ChrisCasarez, -
- 2 replies
Just wanted to drop in and say HI!! I'm so excited to be on the forums! Can't wait to get involved!
Last reply by firestorm,
- 2 replies
Hello Friends, I'm new in this forum and feeling glad to saying hello of the forum member and thankful of the forum admin for accept me in this forum community.
Last reply by kirk89,