Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
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Hi all, Respect to you n for this site. Gonayete.
Last reply by crowbar,
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how do I put on my own aviator?
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 2 replies
Hi Anybody help me how can i identify that particular site is banned in google or it is not just indexed in google.
Last reply by Sabir, -
- 0 replies
This is not meant to annoy someone or anyone. It is meant for anyone who could share a little bit of their time to a just cause. Thanks Editors and RZ members.
Last reply by monayuki, -
hi, this is my first post, just wanted to introduce myself
Last reply by firestorm,
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- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 22 replies
Wow - DMOZ is using vBulletin.... This must mean that vBulletin is King!
Last reply by wjcampbe, -
- RZ Admin
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how can I do!:icon_arro
Last reply by photofox,
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Hello everyone, I'm new here and wanted to know if you guys can recommend any good affiliate programs. So far, I've sign up for the big ones, google, ebay, and But I want to avoid the networks. Any input would help. Thanks.
Last reply by pvgool,
Hi, I'm new. Applied to be editor today and found my way here. Hope it's a peaceful and productive place. I noticed some of the requests to be editor takes weeks to get approval , I hope it doesn't take that long normally. Anyway, I'm kinda a computer geek years in IT, and wrote lots of business software but never really got into websites until recently. Please to met you all!
Last reply by deeb, -
hi,, am just login now as a new member, i hope have a welcome from all!! thank u !!
Last reply by deeb, -
- 0 replies
Greetings all - We're looking for a group of passionate folks to help us seed the community in a collaborative search engine that will be launching in just a few weeks. SO much of the community is similar to ODP editorial process (collaborating to help make search results better overall) that i would LOVE to reach out to the ODP community for advice, help, and possible contributions. We're still in quasi-private pre-launch beta, hence i am a bit cagey on open forums such as this, but drop me a line and i would love to show you our vision. Even if you are not interested, do you know of any good way (besides these forums) to bend the ear of ODP community at large?…
Last reply by clipclip, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Are there any editors currently viewing websites related to real fur products in the shopping directory?
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
I'm new at this. But I have a question if anyone can answer it. Thanks I built a website I came up with idea because I'm in the office furniture business and I wanted to build a better directory for Local office furniture dealerships to post their products online... I've submitted my website for submission once every three months is that too many times. I really don't know what the problem may be I think I created a very unique website but I havn't had any luck getting it listed. If anyone has any advise for me that would be great. Thanks everyone Sincerelyl Yours Frank Anthony
Last reply by frankanthony, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
big HI to everyone can't find an introduction section so this seems to be where everybody says hello recently applied to be an editor so thought I would join up as this is where all the action is ta alan
Last reply by handyman, -
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I've been a member here for a while. and I sorta forgot about the forums so now this is my first post, and hopefully I'll learn a thing or two, and maybe even get listed.. good luck with dmoz guys.. BTW, my name is Brandon, and I've been playing with sites for 5 years
Last reply by Loco.M, -
- RZ Admin
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I was directed by an editor to come to this forum to ask about changing my login. I was unaware when I joined that the login would be public. My fault. I was hoping to change my login to something eles. The FAQ states that I need to send an email to the administator, but gives no link or address. Does someone know where I would send my request? Thanks:)
Last reply by photofox,
- 1 reply
Hi all, I have a problem that may not occur to others often. Our company has 2 travel websites <url removed> for Uk branch and <url removed>, the Uk site has PR4 and the other has PR3, they have different content, I guarantee that. The problem here is that: They often change the position of eachother on google listing. They never appear both in google, one appears, one disappears...It seems that google know 2 our websites owned by one company but why google don't list both of the 2 websites and how can google choose which site to list and hide the other. 2 week ago the .com site is on the first page of google with the keyword "vietnam holidays" now with th…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- 1 reply
I am new to this forum. Thnx for accepting my registration .
Last reply by nakulgoyal, -
- RZ Admin
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hi my name is ashish ..i m from india my intrest in adult section where i can share my adult movies.. this is a huge community i ever feeling a proud to be a member of this gr8 forum
Last reply by photofox,
ciao je suis italien dans le wev j'ai trouvez un player avec zidane j'espere que plait <URL Removed>
Last reply by mfmfm, -
- 1 reply
Hi everybody, My name is Patrick and i am french, i am a young web designer and promoter! I'm glad to be part of this forum as far as dmoz is a cool resource on the web, well i hope i'll be useful somehow to that community! Cheers! Here its lunch ;D
Last reply by Alfonso2, -
- 0 replies
Hi I'm Alf from Manila. I came here to see what's new on dmoz because i've been seeing a lot of categories that were not updated for a long time now. Maybe there's a shortage of ODP editors? I dunno, will just read the forums. See you around alf
Last reply by Alfonso2, -
Hello to all you out there, hope you are all well. Almost immediately after filling the application for site inclusion for AdMain, my sites stats showed a visit from an url relating to the ODP:D . Is this normal? I know that this is a human edited directory, so I presume that it was a human visiting. Can anyone advise? Any feedback greatly appreciated.
Last reply by gboisseau, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, i am Emyrara, i live in France, i've got two kids, and a husband ...I discovered the web site early in the morning, and i like this system, it is very easy to use, and this have an utility.... My english speaking and reading are not very good, like you can see, so i will spent my time on board, in the french section, i guess ... Thanks for reading me. Bonjour à tous, je suis Emily alias Emyrara, j'ai découvert cet annuaire ce matin, et j'ai décidé d'y inscrire mon site, et j'ai également fait une demande pour devenir é trouve ce système très suis mariée, j'ai deux enfants, je suis actuellement en congé parental, lorsque cel…
Last reply by Jacob Mathai, -
web forum ???
by akm-
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Am trying to find a web forum site for for posting questions etc about <URL Removed> and their business plan software. Found an old post on this board, but it was not available for reply. Only place Ive been able to find a forum discussion about <URL Removed> and was wondering if anyone knows if <URL Removed> has a web forum site or not. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Last reply by photofox,