Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
Hi all.
by Guest
- Editall
- 2 replies
Hello everyone. I am new here just found this place when looking for guidelines for my submissions status. See you people around.
Last reply by Callimachus,
- Editall
- 4 replies
Hi, could you please tell me how can I be removed from this Forum ? Thanks.
Last reply by Steven Page, -
Can someone help
by Guest 0 replies
Can someone help me I want to know the status of my site that i submitted recently the site is Thanking you in advance.
- Meta
- 3 replies
Can I Change My Memeber Name? If so how?
Last reply by informator,
- 1 reply
I can't login ODP editor I can add site. But I can click editor login. open end click editor login name and password ask me ? But i can't login. than Login Incorrect If you are an editor and you mistyped your username/password, please go back in your browser and try again. (Or did you forget your password?) I forget your password click And ODP username ? I can write username but "No such editor " then answer. Please help me !!!
Last reply by bobrat, -
Last reply by lmocr,
- 7 replies
My website tracker has been getting hits from this website and i dont understand exactly what it is? This is the link that i keep getting hits from.. Im trying to search to find if my website is listed but have not had any luck. Ive been on the website an hour and dont understand it..
Last reply by motsa,
About Submit Site ?
by Guest
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello i search the forum to ask where do i need to post about the states of our Site i try to look at "Site Submission Status" Forum but i think it is Closed for some reson we can't post there .. Please if there is other forum that i can post then let me know And sorry for my bad english Club2share
Last reply by nea,
My name is Mat and i'm from Poland... i don't now well english, but i'm still learning... so sorry if i make a mistakes please be patient greetings from Poland! btw i like sports(mtb bike) and motorbikes... i like techno music and polish hip-hop
Last reply by qinghan, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Although I have to say I'm still waiting to hear back about several of my web sites I've submitted here - some maybe I never will - after surfing this forum a bit I have to say that a lot of the visitors here are real pricks. Delivering some free web services with forums myself, I know what it's like to have people at least potentially benefiting from your hard work getting angry that you're not doing enough for them, or aren't doing it right. I just want to thank all the editors for all the hard work you do - I'm sure you know this but if it weren't good, DMOZ wouldn't be so important to the internet - and that is much appreciated.
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi palz., How do i add a trailing slash to all my urls using mod rewrite., like for example., in our site will not work and will show a 404 page but will work There are thousands of urls like this in our site. So if any user types: directly , it will show them a 404 page not found error. Would be really grateful for any help
Last reply by pvgool,
- 2 replies
Hi everyone - i've been a member here for some time(Feb or March '05 i think) and often log on to see whats happening, mainly i visit to help me understand whats going on and to see how surfers understand DMOZ. I'm the editor of two small arts related categories.
Last reply by martinpaling, -
Hi There Everyone. I am a New Member to the Forum. Reading all the Postings Here would take some time for me to Catch Up. (It will be like reading the Bible) Anyway I just like to Greet Everyone Hello.
Last reply by magne, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Has been a little while since i logged in as an editor to DMOZ. I can reset the password using my username but when i try to logon using the password given by the reminder tool, it doesnt recognise this. Any ideas? Cheers Aaron
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Just wondering, it's not real time I think. So, if an editor approves the listing, how long until it appears (usually)?
Last reply by andysands,
- Meta
- 16 replies
Hello Where can I ask about my site status? If its approved or rejected? First time i was rejected. But as he has give me reason behind the rejection.. I correct them and resubmitt again. I know.. status forums are closed...archived. but hope i will receive at least rejection email Help please. regards
Last reply by hutcheson,
I'm trying to log onto the editor forums for a category check, but having no success. Is there a problem?
Last reply by cgispy, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Dear SEO Fellows... We are working on SEO it's a new site .... We are very much worry about its Google PR... And we have added one link exchange page as well and we also keep looking the ways to increase link popularity. Please kindly Reply how to improve its Google PR? And why its not increasing.
Last reply by nea,
- 5 replies
The url below is dead Thanks
Last reply by motsa,
Hi everyone
by ruvan- 1 reply
Hi,. I just joined here, also sent my editor application to , Wish me good luck
Last reply by WRMineo, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
hi i am new here i hope i will beloved first:i will produse myself i am Muslim from egypt will u accept me? second:can i know what is this site taking about?
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
I find many websites which have two domains,but when i also find they have the same alexa index? Can i set up my websites as them, pls tell me ,help
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 6 replies
I am now being asked for a password for Adult Access, I tried my Forum password, but it does not work. Can I have access Please Tigermanz
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 3 replies
I just tried to login and I can't login. It says my account is not found, but when I do the password email option to get my password it sends it to me. My profile page is also showing up fine. Any idea of what is wrong?
Last reply by donaldb, -
- 8 replies
hello frineds just join today ODP. Its really great feeling! Thanks
Last reply by motsa,