Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
I just watched that documentary entitled "Bush's Brain" and as a conservative myself, I was very shocked and appalled by some of the actions of Mr. Karl Rove...I had heard this fella was a rather slippery idget, but some of the things that he may have done are simply dispicable and are not indicative of the "right".....I could not believe that he had the nerve to blast Sen. McCain regarding his military service....simply disgusting Just was wondering if anyone else saw this one?
Last reply by magne, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
hi Are both Google and Dmoz directories are same? I mean if i submit to dmoz it will be submitted to Google Directory too? regards
Last reply by dotcommakers, -
by dotcommakers- 0 replies
Hi How are you guys? Just want to say hello! What can I do here ? What can I do for DMOZ? he he regards
Last reply by dotcommakers, -
- 3 replies
I happen to look at the calendar for the first time ever today. I couldn't help but notice a large amount of birthday's in the month of September. Further, I couldn't help but thinking that cold winter months must contribute a bit to all of us born during this busy month ... ?
Last reply by WRMineo, -
- 5 replies
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dmoz answer to everything? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Is dmoz the real driving force behind Google or can you get Google rankings without it? Just asking.
Last reply by motsa,
by David Lindon-
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
How can you get signatures here?
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
where I can ask about my site submission status, I post my request in: my site:
Last reply by Alucard, -
- 1 reply
What is your opinion of Mozilla and Firefox? Have you tried building one from scratch/"open source"?
Last reply by giz, -
- 0 replies
Hello,everybody.I come from Zhongshan Guzhen Meilin Lighting Factory,China.Very glad to meet you here.
Last reply by meilinlighting, -
- 0 replies
I submitted an application, and saying hi anyway, HELLO ALL! Lol, I really hope I get in, spent alot of time researching the companies and summing it up. I hope to become editor of the regional : Australia : Web Hosting bit... Bye. DG
Last reply by drewg, -
- 27 replies
Hi! I'm excited! I made new editor! So I guess now I'll have to be responsible ...eeh? Okay...I'm so happy! latessa
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- 1 reply
I had a thread that I got exremely frustrated with for many reasons, I am sure it may have some effect on my future within the directory but I accept that as I went and made an ass of myself by relying on some information that was sent to me that in most cases was not correct, and because it offered the best answer for my concerns I had no problem accepting it and using that info here. After taking a day or two away I found it wrong with what I had done with poking at the editors but this was from frustration and information I wanted to believe at the time. I didnt want to just walk away without letting the editors and modorators know my feelings in the end and now …
Last reply by WRMineo, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
hey doing a project research these days...n m juz curious abt ur views...r there any ways to compensate for smokers in nightspots? as we all know...second hand smoke is harmful...and hence smoking is banned in nightspots in some states and countries... so i'd like to hear from everyone about their creative views on how can smokers not feel played out by the bans?
Last reply by windharp,
I just thought I'd stop in and say hi from the great state of Minnesota. I'm a hopeful editor for my rural hometown's category and I believe in DMOZ's mission to provide quality, unique, and interesting content. In regards to the Internet, my main interest is in forum communities. The dynamics of such communities fascinate me, whether it's moderating or just participating. Hopefully I'll get to know some of you over time. Take care!
Last reply by innate, -
- 1 reply
hi, going against the tide of what is usally said about DMOZ editors, i think it's about time i did another appreciation thread. i did one back on October 31, 2002, 11:59 PM on this particular forum. so i think another one is due! heck it's almost been 3 years. in particulary myself and my collegue jimmy (who was the one who pointed to me that indexing is becoming more frequent) give thanks to the editors that frequent the Australia region, we have noticed an increase in submissions getting listed in a quicker time frame over the past 3-6 months. we hope we make the work for you's easy by providing good descriptions on the sites, but if you's have any furt…
Last reply by oneeye, -
- 0 replies
Howard here, From Atlanta,GA well actually just a bit north, Been in the Biz since 1996 and own and run 2600 plus websites all on different domains and were not counting the subs. And a Turnkey Websites Operation with 6 in-house employees and 4 online employees, were all versed well in Php, Asp, Html, web promotion, Traffic, Optimization and well just about anything you can think of, I have one kid who does work for me who is the Einstein of php and cant be beat hands down. Other Then That I'm a Old Hillbilly , well not real old 39 and Love my Budweiser, Pickup Trucks, and Sweet Hillbilly Redneck Women. So Howdy You all! Howard
Last reply by TurnkeyDesign, -
- Meta
- 12 replies
I got a pretty big site listed sometime within the last few days.... Just stopping in to say yippe '''' Acurate title + Acurate description = DMOZ Listing Thanks again everyone.....
Last reply by WRMineo, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi everyone. This is just a thread to pass along an idea, and perhaps someone out there may find it useful. If you think for a moment, and wonder how people's lives are made better to some degree simply because of the existance of non-profit and charitable organizations. For example, if you've ever had a family member that has received hospice care. Or maybe someone you know has a disability. On a much broader scale, the pure water you drink, the clean air you breathe, the education you've recieved -- much of these are made possible due to the efforts and/or supplemental assistance from non-profit organizations. Many non-profit organizations are started mostly …
Last reply by WRMineo, -
- 4 replies
I just applied to become an editor for "Top: Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: Toronto: Business and Economy: Shopping: Food" and just wanted to say "hi" to everyone here. I guess time will tell if my application is accepted.
Last reply by chrisranjana, -
- 7 replies
My site just got listed on The respective editor may not see this but thanks anyhow.
Last reply by chrisranjana, -
- 6 replies
I'm sorry, but I just have to have a little fun with this ... But I'm amazed at how prominently the notice of submission status discontinuance is posted throughout the RZ and even in many Ed/Mod signature blocks and yet folks STILL ask ... Just as funny though, are the one's who think they can "skirt" the issue by conjuring up "tales" of how an editor said to check back after "x" date and now what?? Or even the ones who think they're smart enough to find new ways to ask ... get real! I know that it must be very frustrating for you poor Editors, Moderators et al, but at the same time, I hope you're able to take with a grain of salt and simply laugh at the stupidit…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is LeAnne, I applied to become an editor to a category a month or so back and received a response that it was to large of a category for a new editor so I just now reapplied for a smaller local category. I am a SAHM to 3 little ones in NC-USA. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Last reply by narender, -
- 6 replies
Today, I was accepted as an editor! I was denied only once of two times applying for an editorless fifth-tier category. Here's what I screwed up in the first app: My sample site additions belonged more precisely in a parallel category that I didn't recall existed. In the app, I pointed out several problematic links in the category. I made sure the reviewer of my app knew I had a thorough understanding of what good and poor links for the category were. I hope these tips serve a worthy applicant well! Take care!
Last reply by dtap, -
- 7 replies
hi, All new user here just saying hello. from USA,ct thanks, foo
Last reply by jjwill, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 22 replies
I mentioned in another part of the forum that about 5% of my site visitors this month are using Firefox. This is the first time I have seen a significant dent in the IE percentage. After trying it I have become a convert. No wish to be snobbish, but my customers often come from higher socio-economic groups and maybe these people are more open to trying new browsers than the majority of the surfing public. To anyone with their own site and access to the stats, what percentage of Firefox visitors are you getting? It would be interesting to know whether it is a commercial site or not and any view (albeit maybe subjective) you have about the demographics of your visi…
Last reply by leftie, -