Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 3 replies
I am sure this is not the area but someone will most assuredly help. I had a password to the adult section …. Adult something… Can someone forward me the password. I submitted my site here (that section very 6 months now for two years.) How do I find out what is going on? The last correspondence was in August 04. So, it has been yet another 6 months. Thanks gang. Michael
Last reply by windharp,
- 2 replies
Hi, I originally registered "dcitarella" as a username and never received the confirmation email. I don't know if it is a problem with my email server, suspecting resource-zone emails are spam, or if the send confirmation email function from resource-zone was down or broken when I initally registered, or some other unfathomable issue. Anyway, I'd love to use that account, rather than this one. Is there a way that I can change my email address in my profile? when i log-in as "dcitarella" i don't have permission to change my email/password, or post an inquiry to forum admins. Please help. Don
Last reply by dcitarella, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
Search engines are by far the most common starting point for Internet users in their quest for finding information, products or services. Currently, there are 391 million people online throughout the world. This number is growing larger daily at an unprecedented rate. Internet studies now show that over 85% of the 391 million people online use search engines on a daily basis when they’re surfing the Internet. With this in mind, it is no mystery why search engine optimization has become one of the hottest topics within Internet marketing. With 391 million people online, the amount of daily search engine traffic is staggering. For an individual or company who is thinking of…
Last reply by SmashinYoungMan, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I am having a problem with meta in site submission status... I believe my words and actions were COMPLETELY misinterpreted and am getting the shortend of the stick because of it... I don't think it would be considered abuse, just ridiculousness and not listening to what I'm saying ... Where can I go to try and get this remedied... anybody? thanks
Last reply by jking222222, -
- 1 reply
His last day as an anchorman was this week. I never liked him anyway.
Last reply by brewery, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Wondering who develop the search engine and the directory engine? the CGI and etc?
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 3 replies
I read forum threads. Let me acknowledge: I know DMOZ has nothing to do with Google, Yahoo, or any search engine. I know you have nothing to do with web “content crawlers.” I know no one should rely on DMOZ without any targeted marketing plan. DMOZ forum moderators have driven home these points to countless people. Many keep asking these questions because it is not so easy to find answers about how the Web works. My one page that was accepted into DMOZ was soon caught and proliferated by thousands of portal directories around the world, which resulted in thousands of page hits, compared to my page that was not listed, which still has almost no hits. So I und…
Last reply by sams, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
So I'm clicking around the forum today, and I start browsing around in the status check forums. At first it was amusing, but then it started to get on my nerves. . . and I'm not even an editor who has to reply to people. It seemed as though 80% of the status checks did not following the FAQ or posting guidelines. Why? Is this normal or has this just become common as of late? /promises she's not anal retentive
Last reply by oneeye, -
- 11 replies
Hello! I'm currently participant of the university project which is to compile agents' usage and semantic web data (exactly: chefmoz RDF dump, which is part of ODP). I'm sure this not a new problem, however very important to me and my team. 1. Let me know where can I get help about syntax of RDF dump data of chefmoz if this is wrong place. 2. I've tried to parse RDF data from many time, and I've had to fix it (some lack in using of UTF-8 charset, misspelling in XML entities, incorrect RDF schema - failed checkind by W3W RDF Validator and JENA OWL Syntax Checker, lack of namespaces) and every try I had to fix some problems manually. I know it is eve…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello I study at the moment in Edinburgh and life in a studentaccomodation. We've tryed to set up a Network but failed. We have a Wireless Lan Router and a broadband internet connection. Coneccted to this is a desktop computer and three wireless-lan notebooks. We can connected to the internet from the router and MSN-Messenger is using our internal network connection (54 Mbits/s) but we can't make a network connection between our computers. Can you help
Last reply by uzs980, -
by Guest nephi2000- 0 replies
can u upload ur own avatar, its just that im new here thnx
How do you move cats?
by Guest 0 replies
I have a site which is currently in a catagory but as the site has expanded, it seems another catagory would be more relevent... how can i request it to be moved to a more appropriate catagory...?
- 5 replies
Not that it's important but I never ran into a problem where I coulnd't add it.
Last reply by dogbows, -
- 0 replies
i am nwe to here as welll i am really excited about it.
Last reply by thomas41, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I was just accepted on a Reinstatement request for... Kids and Teens: Teen Life: Sexuality username: brewery I was hoping I could get the "Editor" logo under my name here in the forums. If Im asking this in the wrong place, I apologize. Thank you!
Last reply by brewery, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Is there an equivalent to this page for Yahoo's directory? (people who have access to data and can tell you exactly which is your submission's status). Thank you in advance
Last reply by Dalponis,
hi,i need a paawrd
by Guest ahyau11- 0 replies
hi iam new here,i need psswd to access adult forum.110qs
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, just submitted my application to become an editor, and I just registered in the forum. I just wanted to pop in and say hi!
Last reply by rolandog, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
how come these two Romania and Russia don't have their own WORLD: Subcategory, each have more post's and viewers than many of the countrys who do have. who makes this kind of decision?
Last reply by spahiu, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
I have a question about Logo and brand protection. I hope this is the right place, but I am new here. Hello btw. In an open source or directory project, I need information about the standards or guidelines regarding the protection of a logo of brand indenty. In fact, is there any information on what is "ethical" to "not" be open. In other words, if I want a user to have total control or ability to custimize my site or application or simply have the "open code," is it possible to protect or lock certain elements that are not traditionally custumized by the user or client admin because they are standardized. I am not refering to the brand indentity of the application on …
Last reply by malmond, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi all, I have a domain registered as a framed redirect to another domain, but the search engines always miss out it's sub-pages. - indexed - indexed - missed - indexed Is there any way around this or do I NEED to buy seperate webspace for each redirected domain for it to be indexed properly? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. Andy.
Last reply by oneeye, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I've just registered today in order to submit the following URL . I'm just unsure which sub-category to submit under. Although there is presently only one very specific project on the site (a stereoscopic machine vision system), I'm soon going to be covering things as varied as a content management system in PHP & XML, robotics using a handyboard and Java/C++/VC++ projects. I'm basically going to cover things with a "how-to" approach, but cant find any sub-category with a broad enough approach :-/ Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-) Thanks Dave
Last reply by oneeye, -
- 7 replies
hi, All new user here just saying hello. from USA,ct thanks, foo
Last reply by jjwill, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, how can i get a password to the adult forum? thanks
Last reply by nea,
- 27 replies
Hi! I'm excited! I made new editor! So I guess now I'll have to be responsible ...eeh? Okay...I'm so happy! latessa
Last reply by brmehlman,