Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Gmail I have a few Gmail invites if anyone needs one. It might help to have your editor_name at to help keep things organized. Just post or Pm me. _________________ SEO Forum PR 4 Links Eric Bland SEO Website Designs
Last reply by Eric Bland, -
Hello New editor here, I cannot seem to login to the editor forum (been 3 days now) not sure if I need to request activation or another password . Plus if someone can upgrade me to an editor instead of starting a new thread that would be great. Anyway, glad to be part of the crew. Cheers Gaz
Last reply by viralgary, -
- 18 replies
Thought this was a place for us sit back and relax!! I’m curious, where are you lads from? And what do you do with your lives besides work?
Last reply by motsa,
- 14 replies
All points bulletin! We now have a regular Joe as an editor. What on earth is the ODP coming to? Congrats miromulus!
Last reply by Crichey, -
- 6 replies
I'm pleased to see that you have become an editor. I always enjoy reading your posts. I'll look for you under the name jjwill if it gets changed.
Last reply by musicman2059, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi, I m trying to submit my website from almost 2 years in Phone card section of DMOZ Directory but it never appears there can any one help me with this it never appears there so please can n e one help me with this. Thank You
Last reply by photofox,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hi, I've just learned about this site and have looked in the areas to submit my URL, except that I can't find out where on the site to do so. I have found the area that I need to be in, but not how to submit it. Can anybody help Thanks MS
Last reply by mstreski, -
- 1 reply
Dear SEOs fellows, i am optimizing a site related to Parrot cages, bird cages and supplies such as parrot and bird toys, play stands, feeders, air filters etc. i have also tried link exchange, but i am unable to get good PR and ranking in google, so plz guide me what to do now .
Last reply by jgwright, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Yesterday, while exploring the forum, I came across a great feature that allowed me to see a list of all of my older posts. (At least those that haven't scrolled off the forum.) I found it very helpful. Today, I'm unable to find that feature. Yes, I'm getting old, feeble and dumber by the minute. :o Can anyone help me find it? Thanks! Bill
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 2 replies
How do I contact an editor ?
Last reply by birthdayblews, -
- 1 reply
Hey people... I'm new here and I applyed to become an Editor. Hope I get accepted soon!
Last reply by musicman2059, -
Age of ODP
by kelkid- 4 replies
Hi everyone, Could someone tell me what year ODP was first available on the net?
- Meta
- 1 reply
I see this below member names "Editall/Catmv". The first part must indicate that they can edit all catigories. What does the "Catmv" mean?
Last reply by theseeker,
- 2 replies
Hello All, I apologize if this is the wrong category, but I really couldn’t find where this fits. I recently have changed URLs for my website. The category for my website is under: My website: The Nightmare On Elm Street Companion was under the URL: the new URL is: I submitted the change via the Update form and to my surprise, the listing under my category was updated immediately. My question is this. The listing under the open directory is still not updated - do I need to do anything …
Last reply by ucantnot, -
- 8 replies
hello frineds just join today ODP. Its really great feeling! Thanks
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
I've only recently discovered this place & finally got round to joining today. I have a broad range of interests & have been looking for somewhere to find quality search results for a while. I must say I am impressed by the simplicity of the idea & hope that it works out. I miss being able to use better quality search engines as everywhere nowadays is so automated a large number of links are dead or out of date. Anyway, I shall get off my soapbox now
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 1 reply
If i have submitted site today ... then how much time do i have to wait and then ask the status for my site ????
Last reply by dogbows, -
- 5 replies
Despite the bad publicity DMOZ gets, I have always admired the integrity and professionalism of its dedicated editors. With the mushrooming of 1000's of so called 'directories', I've realised over a period of time that directories today are perceived only as a means of SEO - either a 'relevant' link or a 'factor' in Google's or Yahoo's search algorithm (as in the case of ODP). I wish to create a more 'usable' directory that isn't perceived solely as such. The problem is, I do not know anything 'technical' about a web directory. I am hoping some of the experienced editors can advice me - 1) How do you create the directory structure? The directory idea I have plac…
Last reply by whitemark, -
pls password
Last reply by photofox,
- 1 reply
Please who would like to tell me how I can have an access to adult forum? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by gboisseau, -
- 1 reply
I submitted 2 sites to the appropriate category to get a status update on 9/10 and I haven't received a response. Is this normal or should I bump the thread up by posting another message? I'm not sure how long I should wait and I don't want to be too annoying. Here are the links to the threads:
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I'm the newest member to this busy community and just thought I'd say hi. I've been reading many of the posts and site information but didn't see anything mentioning whether or not we are allowed to request reciprocal link exchanges with other member websites. If it's a problem then I apologize for this seemingly ignorant post. [reciprocal request details removed by moderator -- in answer to your question above, no, this is not the place to be asking for reciprocal links with other sites] Sincerely, ken
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
What happened to the "" section? I went to check for broken links and images on my site and came across a broken image; Has this area moved? -- Alex Jordan
Last reply by bobrat, -
- 8 replies
Hi All, We will be launching a new free site very soon called Our first concept will be to allow free members to monitor dmoz for additon and deletion of a url in a specific category, as well as some general stats about Dmoz as a whole (# of Cats, #of URL's, #Added , # Removed). What we are looking for is any other ideas editors, metas and users would like to see in a free service like this?
Last reply by Eric Bland, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
To make sure everything is running ok and to say hello. I'll stop in from time to time to say hello.
Last reply by Ricky, -