Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I've only recently discovered this place & finally got round to joining today. I have a broad range of interests & have been looking for somewhere to find quality search results for a while. I must say I am impressed by the simplicity of the idea & hope that it works out. I miss being able to use better quality search engines as everywhere nowadays is so automated a large number of links are dead or out of date. Anyway, I shall get off my soapbox now
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 17 replies
Hey! I am new! And I just wanted to say hi to everyone! So hi!
Last reply by TONY WATT, -
- Meta
- Editall
- 16 replies
I don't know if this is the right forum to post my question. Last month, my website is showing on Google SERPS as . But last week, Google made a major crawl and it became . Why does this happen? I read many articles that Google recognize this pages as different URLs. I have more inbound links for non-www version and it have higher PR which is 1 compare to 0 with the www version. Because of this, the non-www versions should be listed. I can't do a 301 redirect because my host don't support it. It's hard for me to change and pay for new host. Please, if anyone knows how to resolve this problem, I'll greatl…
Last reply by harleyx, -
- 1 reply
If i have submitted site today ... then how much time do i have to wait and then ask the status for my site ????
Last reply by dogbows, -
pls password
Last reply by photofox,
- 1 reply
Please who would like to tell me how I can have an access to adult forum? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by gboisseau, -
- 1 reply
I submitted 2 sites to the appropriate category to get a status update on 9/10 and I haven't received a response. Is this normal or should I bump the thread up by posting another message? I'm not sure how long I should wait and I don't want to be too annoying. Here are the links to the threads:
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 8 replies
Hi All, We will be launching a new free site very soon called Our first concept will be to allow free members to monitor dmoz for additon and deletion of a url in a specific category, as well as some general stats about Dmoz as a whole (# of Cats, #of URL's, #Added , # Removed). What we are looking for is any other ideas editors, metas and users would like to see in a free service like this?
Last reply by Eric Bland, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Scott, I just became a member today. I looked through the FAQ and cannot find info on basic things such as how to post messages. Can you please explain exactly where a person starts to post a message? My real issue is finding out the status of my submission that was made on June 5th. How do I do this? Thanks in advance DSoinski
Last reply by Eric Bland, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I'm the newest member to this busy community and just thought I'd say hi. I've been reading many of the posts and site information but didn't see anything mentioning whether or not we are allowed to request reciprocal link exchanges with other member websites. If it's a problem then I apologize for this seemingly ignorant post. [reciprocal request details removed by moderator -- in answer to your question above, no, this is not the place to be asking for reciprocal links with other sites] Sincerely, ken
Last reply by pvgool,
- 3 replies
are you saying the Adult need a total different password???
Last reply by Ricky, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
Those of you interested in one of the ODP's sister sites - - they have opened a public forum that works in a similar way to Resource Zone. You can find the forum here: Those of you who don't know anything about Open Site, it's an open content encyclopedia with an ontology inspired by the ODP's. The forum will allow members of the public to report abuse, ask questions (also in foreign languages) - and hopefully it will make it more clear that Open Site isn't a directory. Don't feel compelled to go, but if you're interested in the ODP, then you could be interested by Open Site.
Last reply by Ricky, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
To make sure everything is running ok and to say hello. I'll stop in from time to time to say hello.
Last reply by Ricky, -
- 1 reply
What happened to the "" section? I went to check for broken links and images on my site and came across a broken image; Has this area moved? -- Alex Jordan
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 33 replies
I was just wondering how to get one, cuz it seems when I try to edit it I can't.
Last reply by dogbows, -
- Editall
- 1 reply
What are the dmoz/odp sister sites? Updated: They are, ChefMoz, MusicMoz, Open-Site, and Wikipedia. Eric Bland Eric Bland SEO
Last reply by Callimachus,
- 0 replies
Today is the opening ceremony for the Athens 2004 Olympics. The event will last until the 29th of August. Yeah, is very exciting to watch the best athletes from around the world compete against one another. And soccer is called "football." (Favorite Sport!) Schedule of the event:
Last reply by iKwak, -
REALLY BAD: Editor Profiles being Used to Promote Editor's Affiliate Sites
by Guest jbgilbert-
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 22 replies
If anybody at ODP cares about this problem, they are welcome to contact me and I will provide an example.
Last reply by Gimpy, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Anyone know a good, sure quick and easy way of telling which language is which when you edit a foreign language site? Its hard to tellt eh diffrence between french and spanish, there really similar. And russian and polish are hard to tell the difference between too....
Last reply by windharp,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
can you please pm me the adult pwd. thanks.
Last reply by photofox,
- 0 replies
To reply to the closed thread ... tends to wear out ones welcome.
Last reply by jaydilla, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
For example, if you are added in DMOZ then how soon after will u be added in Google?
Last reply by iKwak, -
Close Account?
by Guest porksoda- 2 replies
I want to close this account. I can't figure out how to do it. Could somebody point me to the proper place, or could a mod kill it for me?
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi Friends, Lately I have help my customer to design a web site and set-up an affiliates program solution for this web site Can you give me some comments and also some tips how I can market their product in more effective manner ? Thank you, regards, Botizen
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 0 replies
Anyone have a second to peek at my site? We really do insist on keeping all postings about any given site in the original thread.
Last reply by more4kids,