Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I posted my site into a catogary that does not have an editor will this matter or will someon have a look anyway Thanks
Last reply by fzx5v0, -
- 3 replies
Sorry. I'm a newcomer and have been reading some posts. What does 'bump' mean? eg "bump Page 5".
Last reply by chatterbug89, -
- 1 reply
Can anybody tell me if there is a way to check and see if the site I submitted is even out there? I have listed it twice and both times when I asked for it to be checked I was told to resubmit because it was not there. I hate to keep asking for somebody to check submission status, is there another way? Thanks.
Last reply by thehelper,
- Editall
- Meta
- 17 replies
Hey! I am new! And I just wanted to say hi to everyone! So hi!
Last reply by TONY WATT, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello Lounge. 'Tis said this is a place form members to relax, so a little thinking done in a relaxed frame of mind might do the trick. I'm having an awful time trying to figure which category my site should be listed with, and therefore which editor or editors to become involved with, and I need help. The site seems to intersect with many categories, and there isn't one that matches what it does. Buying, selling and swapping are equally important to the site users, and to us. Reason? People can buy, sell and swap goods and services, and yet the site itself doesn't actually have the materials of services for sale. And it's neither a shop nor a directory but is is …
Last reply by pvgool,
REALLY BAD: Editor Profiles being Used to Promote Editor's Affiliate Sites
by Guest jbgilbert-
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 22 replies
If anybody at ODP cares about this problem, they are welcome to contact me and I will provide an example.
Last reply by Gimpy, -
- 9 replies
The editor forum login keeps telling me that I am logging in incorrectly. Then when I provide my username and my email address, it says they don't match up. I am definately at a loss about what to do, so if someone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello I’m a new member DMOZ forum, so excuse me if I make a few mistakes!! I’ve been reading a lot about a new Search Engine project called “ Nutch” website: 1 Can any one tell me what it is? 2 Is it going to be another Open Directory Project? 3 It talks about P2P, is it going to work as a P2P search engine? 4 Is there room for yet another Search Engine? Anyone with further information I would appreciate. Thanks
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
I would like to find out the status of my submission to an adult category and when I submitted my post under "site submission status", I was informed by an ODP editor that this should be submitted within the adult forums. My current password does not work for these and I've spent the past hour looking for guidelines on how to obtain authorization. Please help? my website is Melrose Urban Female Jennifer
Last reply by tuisp,
- Meta
- 33 replies
I was just wondering how to get one, cuz it seems when I try to edit it I can't.
Last reply by dogbows, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I put in my password, but it says it's incorrect. Can anyone help me out?
Last reply by tuisp,
- 1 reply
I had been inquiring about the submission status of my site, and from the second time onwards, I had been advised to keep to the original thread. I have been trying to find my thread for almost half an hour now. Without success. How do I find the thread of my original message? Socialhuman
Member to Editor V If you are an editor, you can use this thread to request that your status be changed on Resource-Zone to show it. This also gives you access to the Editor Lounge forum. Please note that Resource-Zone forums are not the private editor only forums. You do not need to have your status changed on these forums to access the internal DMOZ forums. You can access the internal DMOZ forums from the link on the main DMOZ editor dashboard. If you are a new DMOZ editor it can sometimes take up to 24-48 hours before you will be able to access the internal DMOZ forums. Changing your status on this forum will not make that happen faster. Also note that DMO…
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 6 replies
I am now being asked for a password for Adult Access, I tried my Forum password, but it does not work. Can I have access Please Tigermanz
Last reply by windharp,
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
I'm not sure what''s happening - since I didn't see any announcements about a change in the forum. But nothing works like it did on Friday, I can't change the layout template, my editor name is gone, and all my favorite threads have disappeared.
Last reply by kelleysmail, -
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
If you have trouble logging in you might have to request a new password. If your login fails use the link to reset your password. Thanks
Last reply by arubin,
To access the adult forum you now need a password. Post your request in this thread and one of us will pm it to you. I will have an autoresponder set up that you can email for the password in time. Sorry about the inconevnience.
Last reply by photofox,
Thank you
by Guest IBM- 2 replies
Don't know how often you get thanked so thank you for listing us in the odp.
Hi Guys! I'm CandyCane, an OPD editor.
by Guest candycane- 3 replies
wassup? I would be in the editor forum but it won't let me in..but that's alright I'll hang out here 'till somebody answer my e-mail to get me in
DmozPolice - Should We Be Worried?
by Guest robparker-
- Meta
- 14 replies
Hi, Anyone seen this - I've heard of them before but I'm not sure if it's a joke or the real thing. What are they attempting to do?
Last reply by magne, -
Who knows a webfilter that can stop Flash adverts?
by Guest Aquila- 7 replies
A certain popular website that begins with Ya and ends in hoo has this nasty habit of allowing Flash advertisements to take over your screen. It's getting right up my bottom and I'm getting sick of it. I know there's ways you can block Flash does anyone know good ways of doing it:question:
Last reply by totalxsive, -
by Guest anarkasis-
- Meta
- 2 replies
please add me no explico el ingles :o
redefining moments...
by Guest lovelace- 1 reply
no doubt,to say the least,that to start somewhere isnot much a task....
Last reply by thehelper,
Ok..So, busy in busiest forum !!
by Guest trraju- 0 replies
Lot of changes in DMOZ and Resource-zone designs ...Much better than before..
by Guest Zigga- 1 reply
What are those flowers that sometimes appear with the names of category editors for? See e.g. on the bottom of .