Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
Newbie question about kmeta / meta
by Guest awl-
- Meta
- 8 replies
I notice there are editors, editalls, catmv and meta. I understand an editall is a "monster editor" who can access all cats and edit, a catmv can presumably move categories around (?) and a meta can do all of these functions plus add new editors. I also see some people have a title of kmeta. What's the deal with kmetas ? What does it mean ?
Last reply by giz, -
chefmoz questions...
by Guest Painting-
- Meta
- 2 replies
I know is not directly related but I know a few editors on DMOZ are on Chef Moz, so I ask this question: Any guidelines or tips other then what is listed on the site to become an editor that you can suggest? How is it different then DMOZ? Is there a un-official Chef Moz hang-out to find more information for Chef Moz editors and users? I've already applied (still waiting) but I'm just bringing this up for other people that are going through the same process. (Nothing came up in a forum search) ;-) Isaac Bentley
Okay, I admit it, I'm stupid...
by Guest chameleon-
- Meta
- 5 replies
...I submitted a client's site to ODP back in November or December, and I can't remember exactly which category I put them in. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> They're a business consultant, who's running a forum to discuss the consulting industry. Is there any way I can find out where they were submitted so I can find out the status?
Last reply by dfy, -
A modest proposal improve the ODP.
by Guest -- 22 replies
We have posted a Proposal to help improve the ODP. If any editors would like to partipate in this discussion and offer suggestions, your participation is welcomed. The proposal is at the Webmaster Forum.
Who makes the lizards?
by Guest --
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 5 replies
Are the lizards from an official dmoz rep or do editors make them and put them in their cats? I want to have a little carpenter lizard when I grow up /images/icons/tongue.gif Angela
Last reply by cleve,
Do we want or need a forum to critique sites? 1 2
by Guest --
- Meta
- 27 replies
Surely some of you have noticed that there have been a few threads running amok in the "site submission status" forum. Someone asks about their site, someone else answers that it's still waiting or whatever and then, occasionally, someone makes a really great comment about how the site does/doesn't seem spammy or unoriginal in one way or another. At that point the original poster responds to the criticism and ... and ... and ... you get the idea. These threads tend not to be flame-fests, but they get totally away from the purpose of that forum. Do we need or want to set up a forum for folks to _ask_ for criticism of their site and whether or not it would be appropri…
by Guest --
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, 1 Can somebody please update me from member to editor please? mu profile : 2 i can no more connect to dmoz as editor ? what can i do thanks berberber
Last reply by dollsntoys, -
HELP before I hurt myself :-)
by Guest -- 1 reply
ok look at my login name, notice anything dorky? i meant to type in christophermiles and look what i actually typed. since i already signed up i cannot create a new account (spelled correctly) and use the same email account. can anyone delete this account for me and i'll start over? thanks chris!
Google Update New Site
by Guest -- 1 reply
Hey there people, i am going to open a new website which will have all the updates, news, and tips and techniques about SEO for google. Would anyone be interested in working with me for this? i know this will be a lot of help for people out there. Also, once this website get's popular, we can add SEO and search engine ranking services to our website too. Which would hopefully get us money. thanks
Last reply by giz, -
Done. /images/icons/smile.gif
Change from Member to Editor
by Guest yannt- 1 reply
Hi, Please change my status to editor. I'm yannt. Thanks. yannt
Last reply by donaldb, -
Break time: onomatopoetic words
by Guest wkallander-
- Meta
- 6 replies
thwack! I feel much better now...
Last reply by djdeeds, -
Would like to say "thank you"...
by Guest burt- 3 replies
Submitted a site on the 26th nov, it was looked at less than 24 hours later by an Editor, and today it is in the Dmoz directory. And it was submitted to a cat that has no editor! Thank you very much to the Dmoz Editor (whoever you are) who cleaned up that particular Cat <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Hello Everyone!
by Guest -- 2 replies
Hello! Firs to all, my name is Robby and I am 17 years of age and proud to be a part of the ODP Forums! This is a very nice forum the OPD has here, and I am surely glad that I have found it. I just wanted to drop by and just say hello. I will be posting out here every now and then, so you will probably be seeing me around. I also wanted to take the time to compliment all of the editors, creators, and visitors who work hard to make the ODP what it is. Truly, it is a great directory and I hope it continues to grow with quality websites! So, my encouragements go out to all of you! Thanks and See You Around! Robby <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" /&…
New Server
by Guest -- 0 replies
You should be hitting the new server by now. I had to take the other server offline to find the problem with drives in the array being marked offline. This server is a twin to the other one except it has 2 36 Gig IBM 15k rpm scsi drives connected to the Adaptec onboard scsi controller. I don't trust using the Mylex raid controller until I can find what the problem is. Performance should be the same. If you have any problems post to this thread so I can troubleshoot them. This server hasn't been online for a while so there might be some quirks.
funni game~^^ (fer relaxatoin~ =P)
by Guest -- 0 replies
Outwars! (recommended) Lemonade Selling Game Neopets! ... if you wish to know more... I have a few more(so you can email me at or try your luck with search engines~ =P These are just the one I (currently) play =)
meta - editor - editall etc
by Guest burt- 3 replies
Hello Been reading a lot in here over the past couple of days, and I'm wondering what these titles signify. I'm aware that it is the 'Editors' rank within ODP, but is there a list anywhere of the different grades ? Looked in the FAQ for the board but nothing there.. I assume (top to bottom) : meta editall (but how is this different to editall/catmv) editor Is there any more ? Whats the highest rank one can attain ? Thanks.
Last reply by totalxsive, -
- 1 reply
Please could you change my Member status to Editor. Many thanks.
Last reply by giz, -
- 0 replies
Hello myself and Webfirm would like to thank the editors at Dmoz for doing a great job as of late. I notice there's alot of complaining but not alot of appreciation mentioned. I mean Hey? A 1 day turn around yesterday for sites submitted is just sensational. I notice you guys have just been getting faster and faster. I hope i make your job of editing a easy one also. Thanks to all the editors who have been in Australia->Western Australia particulary lately. Do you guy's come on this board? Thanks again! Appreciated alot, I'm just Happy as can be at this moment with you guy's, You's make my job as a SEO alot easier to do in certain aspects. <img src="/images/…
Last reply by nuthin, -
Hi all from the new guy!
by Guest --
- Meta
- 1 reply
I just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a weekend. I hope people discuss search engine optimization and marketing? Maybe there is a particular thread dedicated to this subject?
Last reply by windharp,
Search Engines 1 2
by Guest -- 39 replies
A serious point, why do you list Search Engines when they do not have any original or unique content?
Last reply by apeuro,
Change from Member to Editor
by Guest -- 2 replies
May I change from Member to Editor, please. Thanks, keygolf
Server Switch
by Guest -- 1 reply
I had 2 hard drives in the raid 5 array die on me. I was able to get a backup of the db before the second one died. I moved the site over to another server and in the process might have lost a post or 2. Let me know if there are any problems. The server we are on now is Windows Advanced Server and I am still working on the configuration of IIS. Everything seems to be running smoothly, but, since I am accessing from the network the server is on I wouldn't have a problem because I have admin privs on the network as well as the server. Please let me know if you have any problems.
Last reply by giz, -
Why no ODP Chat?
by Guest --
- Meta
- 4 replies
Forums or bulletin boards serve their purposes as question & answer and archives. But, why is there no chat for ODP editors? Seems it's important enough to merit a chat room. Also, this might be a way for ODPers to get to know eachother, better.
Norton Internet Security
by Guest -- 4 replies
I have just turned off Norton Internet Security in order to make this post. I do not like having no internet protection, so am going to turn it back on but would appreciate any hints as to how to allow posting while still protected.