Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- RZ Admin
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- 7 replies
Hi! I live in New Hampshire, and was wondering how to change my location. Also, how do I change my avatar?
Last reply by snooks,
- 7 replies
My website tracker has been getting hits from this website and i dont understand exactly what it is? This is the link that i keep getting hits from.. Im trying to search to find if my website is listed but have not had any luck. Ive been on the website an hour and dont understand it..
Last reply by motsa,
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows what the very first post at RZ was and where it can be found. I am sure it can be found through extensive searches and clicking on links for days, but maybe an original poster here can direct the path...
Last reply by Collusionary,
- Meta
- 6 replies
Scott, I just became a member today. I looked through the FAQ and cannot find info on basic things such as how to post messages. Can you please explain exactly where a person starts to post a message? My real issue is finding out the status of my submission that was made on June 5th. How do I do this? Thanks in advance DSoinski
Last reply by Eric Bland, -
Are these sentences grammatical? And if not, could you rewrite for me or explain what’s wrong inside? Please:) Mr. Tulip used to be a guy of treachery, so I won’t back him up since he has trouble in his penthouse in this outskirt. Our disgusting mayor once announced this slain outskirt is where paupers used to gathering due to its slum-like region. Though many outcast infants are born and living in suffering, most of then comport respectfully and never beg for a mug of drink in their life.
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
- Meta
- 6 replies
Can an editor tell us, how many submissions Dmoz gets daily? What are the most 'popular' categories? If you are an editor responding, what is your category and how many submissions do you get? The reason I ask is because there are over 8 billion web pages in Google's Index and I was just curious
Last reply by Langers2, -
Meta-editor goes insane, promotes this site
by Guest -- 6 replies
In a curious spasm while speaking at the Internet Marketing Conference in Vancouver this week, Meta-editor Flame yelled "Go to for crying out loud!" While speaking, Flame received quite a few questions on submitting and not getting listed. Apparently being expected to know what was wrong with each individual's submission, Flame was overwhelmed by the questioning, and began spinning around on the stage. The spinning became more dramatic as he professed his belief that he was a monkey. Or that he was a tree. Reports are unclear on which he actually thought he was. When asked about the outburst later, a confused Flame only babbled about monkeys and trees…
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
hi there, I'm new here, I thought I should say Hello to you all. Cheers!
Last reply by Sameer Arora, -
- 6 replies
Today, I was accepted as an editor! I was denied only once of two times applying for an editorless fifth-tier category. Here's what I screwed up in the first app: My sample site additions belonged more precisely in a parallel category that I didn't recall existed. In the app, I pointed out several problematic links in the category. I made sure the reviewer of my app knew I had a thorough understanding of what good and poor links for the category were. I hope these tips serve a worthy applicant well! Take care!
Last reply by dtap, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
This is not about DMOZ, and i know this is a serious forum, but as the DMOZ system is down, i thought i would show you something that might put a smile on your face... I was looking for a driving instructor for my little sister today, and in my search through many websites I cam across one site that really made me laugh, mainly becuase i didnt expect what i saw... I hope you dont think this is advertising, i have no connection with the following site and it is very unlikely to be of any commercial interest to anyone here... Look at this site... Its's just an ordinary driving school business... However, take a look at their "meet the team" page http://www.1-2-…
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 6 replies
What does "Avatar pilferers suck!" mean? Can someone do that? I feel awful she has to wear a sign announcing a crime of underhanded thievery, unless she really wants to change it. Is it temporary? Is it a joke? Are we allowed to ask? Can you all get it back for her? Wishing for the swift return of the inquisitive, bright eyed, Motsa.
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello I’m a new member DMOZ forum, so excuse me if I make a few mistakes!! I’ve been reading a lot about a new Search Engine project called “ Nutch” website: 1 Can any one tell me what it is? 2 Is it going to be another Open Directory Project? 3 It talks about P2P, is it going to work as a P2P search engine? 4 Is there room for yet another Search Engine? Anyone with further information I would appreciate. Thanks
Last reply by bobrat, -
Break time: onomatopoetic words
by Guest wkallander-
- Meta
- 6 replies
thwack! I feel much better now...
Last reply by djdeeds, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi, I am totally new to this Forum, and just want to say hello, and ask. Is Music Mozstill active? I am just curious because I see ©2001-2007, and it doesn't seem like editors are still working on the project. I have seen a couple artists which seem to be more current, but I am lost. Does anyone know? Thank you for your time
Last reply by Cazarella, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hey fellow Editors, and members! I am about to release my first big ebook on Amazon and the Kindle. I was wondering if any of you are published authors and have some good advice for me. I know that self help are the best selling books of all time, and that's the theme of my book.
Last reply by super sue, -
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
I'm not sure what''s happening - since I didn't see any announcements about a change in the forum. But nothing works like it did on Friday, I can't change the layout template, my editor name is gone, and all my favorite threads have disappeared.
Last reply by kelleysmail, -
- 6 replies
I'm pleased to see that you have become an editor. I always enjoy reading your posts. I'll look for you under the name jjwill if it gets changed.
Last reply by musicman2059, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
I am now being asked for a password for Adult Access, I tried my Forum password, but it does not work. Can I have access Please Tigermanz
Last reply by windharp,
- 6 replies
I'm sorry, but I just have to have a little fun with this ... But I'm amazed at how prominently the notice of submission status discontinuance is posted throughout the RZ and even in many Ed/Mod signature blocks and yet folks STILL ask ... Just as funny though, are the one's who think they can "skirt" the issue by conjuring up "tales" of how an editor said to check back after "x" date and now what?? Or even the ones who think they're smart enough to find new ways to ask ... get real! I know that it must be very frustrating for you poor Editors, Moderators et al, but at the same time, I hope you're able to take with a grain of salt and simply laugh at the stupidit…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Editall
- 6 replies
Hello 'members lounge' world. I use several different browsers as a matter-of-course, and while lurking round here I realised that none of the pages worked with Mozilla 1.6. I did a search and couldn't find any posts on this, so I thought I'd bring it to this groups attention. A quick check of my browser settings reveals nothing obvious. My apologies if this is posted in the wrong place, there seemed no more appropriate forum. Regards John Devany
Last reply by Callimachus,
- RZ Admin
- 6 replies
Hi dear friends. I am from Chennai, India.
Last reply by Elper,
why does forum sig are not allowed on this forum?
Last reply by tocoy, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 6 replies
Hurray! (If listing in PHP, please list the root. That probably means waiting until there is root-level content; so don't yet.)
Last reply by jdaw1,
Hi everyone I'm new here and just thought I'd introduce myself, my name's Richard and I'm from the UK and currently at Sheffield Hallam University studying games programming. I'll try to keep active:D edit: I forgot to mention that I've applied to this category . if I make the editor grade I hope to improve it alot as I see a few sites on are no longer online and have outdated information. Anyway see you on zee forums!
Last reply by saultcollege.s2, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello Lounge. 'Tis said this is a place form members to relax, so a little thinking done in a relaxed frame of mind might do the trick. I'm having an awful time trying to figure which category my site should be listed with, and therefore which editor or editors to become involved with, and I need help. The site seems to intersect with many categories, and there isn't one that matches what it does. Buying, selling and swapping are equally important to the site users, and to us. Reason? People can buy, sell and swap goods and services, and yet the site itself doesn't actually have the materials of services for sale. And it's neither a shop nor a directory but is is …
Last reply by pvgool,