Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
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Hello Friends, I am Corwin from India i am new here means just joined this site but i will available anytime here because i think this is one of the best place to communicate millions of peoples at same place....
Last reply by nitpat1, -
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My posts and status got deleted like 70%, no freedom of speak here, even in my own profile. I guessed these editors are afraid soon they will be out of their box and into reality, they want to have the powers and control. Their only powers and control is in this cyber box, no one should make voice against their might. These guys and gals are cyber dreamer.
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
Just thought I would say Hi. A little mental into marine fish, I have kept them for about 3 years now, met a few people on my travels and some that have been keeping marine fish for over 25 years, one guy had the same two clown fish he kept from starting out. Also interested in technology and audio visual, being a member of cedia we do some very high end installations for clients in the UK. I am also interested in running my site which has been online since 1999 when I opened it. Have any of you ever kept fish ? Thank you for reading Mick
Last reply by DigitalWorld, -
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I'm here to look for some information. Working anywhere gives us something new to learn every day. I wanna know about webserves? Is anyone experiences its SEO services? I want to start some new work and looking forward to start it with webserves. So, all the information is welcome.
Last reply by nea,
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- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
We recently learned that Open Directory Catmod for both World/Srpski and World/Magyar, cicka passed away on August 14, 2010. Ivana was a devoted editor and she will be greatly missed. Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/Open_Directory_Project/In_Memoriam/Cicka :rose:
Last reply by egood,
- 0 replies
After reading a few threads,I wanted to introduce myself to this community and look forward to sharing ideas with other forum members. Best regards, Richard
Last reply by RichardBlank, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, My name is Jahne Holley and i am vey interseted in journalism and editing. I also enjoy public speaking and took a class for it in the 8th grade. Writing and editing others work is very fun and also demanding. It is importnant that you put your best foot forward all the time because you never know what could happen or who could be obsering you closely! Thank you for taking the time to read. Yours truely, Jahne Holley
Last reply by dake, -
Yes we can
by giller-
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- 4 replies
Hallo need a password pleas sorry for my bad english
Last reply by giller, -
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11kbs only xyet too large for RZ. <url removed>
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
What is the future of Dmoz? Will it change the submission way of Website?
Last reply by pvgool,
- RZ Admin
- Editall
- 4 replies
When in the User control panel/Settings if you click "Notification Options" you receive this error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method IPSLib::canReceiveMobileNotifications() in C:\Inetpub\\forum\cache\skin_cache\cacheid_4\skin_ucp.php on line 1702 Secondary error: when I tried to post the above in the Editors sub-forum it gave me the following error: [#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in. Third error: when clicking on the Calendar menu item I receive the following error: [#1040] You do not have permission to view this calendar or this calendar does not exist. (As an aside, you're really runing …
Last reply by yktan, -
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- 8 replies
I submitted my site for submission over 7 years ago. I pretty much gave up on being listed in ODP, so I have not made an effort to come into the forum for a number of years. It appeared every time I asked about site review, inclusion, it would make an editor mad and perhaps that was why my site was never listed. I don't know. I do know that Google, MSN and Bing has recognized my site in a top tier status for at least 6 years or in Bing's case, since the the SE inception. Do you think many members were listed as inactive because they stopped coming to the forum because of fear of making an editor mad?
Last reply by william13,
Hi Im new here. I look forward to getting your valuable input. Regards
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
OK so who all here has a link to Dmoz on there Home page Like ME.!!! Woot Woot:icon_arro:icon_arro:cool::icon_arro:cool::o:o:D Ha Ha It says If you search it they will come.
Last reply by Bluesky154, -
- 0 replies
Hi friends. ODP is very useful to all business people.
Last reply by graajasundar, -
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do i can go to editor members of Dmoz?? please help me
Last reply by pvgool,
- 3 replies
hey kmeta makrhod, i am sorry about this and have been regretting this action for over a year now. i only wanted to tell the editors my site and products are as good as they say. i dont know how i can fix this. i will never bribe again. please reconsider my site <url removed> i am sorry..... ray
Last reply by usaccess608, -
Hello all! I'm new to forum ang taking a look around.
Last reply by MegaMan, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I am Kelly from Houston Texas. I am New to this forum. Thanks Kelly
Last reply by greenoro0, -
by greenghost-
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- 10 replies
just found the great site with lot of resources about DMOZ. hope the forum will help me to get listed on DMOZ thank you
Last reply by nea,
- RZ Admin
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Mainly, I am looking for a hosting company that bills monthly. I don't want to pay in advance and get stuck with a provider. Found chime host -<URL Removed> but I can't seem to find many sites reviewing them. I see justhost on comparison sites but they require yearly payment for the low price. so what you guys think?
Last reply by photofox,
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- 6 replies
Hey fellow Editors, and members! I am about to release my first big ebook on Amazon and the Kindle. I was wondering if any of you are published authors and have some good advice for me. I know that self help are the best selling books of all time, and that's the theme of my book.
Last reply by super sue, -
- 0 replies
Hello! Jacob from California. came across this forum while searching and looking forward to learning :-)
Last reply by qswarm, -
- RZ Admin
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- 8 replies
I checked the FAQ's, and it said it may or may not be disabled in my user profile. I see some of you have avatars and photos, and I was just wondering if I could partake in the fun. Is there a time or post requirement for this option? Thanks, cg78
Last reply by Keef, -
- 1 reply
Hi,we start website <url removed> for consumer protection last year june month with more than 40,000 product and 20,000 company reports we can get any consumer related information using this website so please give your sugesstion increase our page rank to get appriciate from seo experts so its very useful for us to get more information
Last reply by jimnoble,