Members Lounge
635 topics in this forum
- RZ Admin
- Editall
- 4 replies
When in the User control panel/Settings if you click "Notification Options" you receive this error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method IPSLib::canReceiveMobileNotifications() in C:\Inetpub\\forum\cache\skin_cache\cacheid_4\skin_ucp.php on line 1702 Secondary error: when I tried to post the above in the Editors sub-forum it gave me the following error: [#10342] We could not determine which forum this topic is in. Third error: when clicking on the Calendar menu item I receive the following error: [#1040] You do not have permission to view this calendar or this calendar does not exist. (As an aside, you're really runing …
Last reply by yktan, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Anyone know a good, sure quick and easy way of telling which language is which when you edit a foreign language site? Its hard to tellt eh diffrence between french and spanish, there really similar. And russian and polish are hard to tell the difference between too....
Last reply by windharp,
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Just wanted to drop in to say hello to my old friends at DMOZ. As I said when I resigned, all editors are saints, and all metas are workaholics and I miss you all. Keep up the good work. :moz:
Last reply by brownsmurf, -
Yes we can
by giller-
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hallo need a password pleas sorry for my bad english
Last reply by giller, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I'm just submitted three of my sites, does anyone know how long it usually takes. I know it says 2-3 weeks, but just wanted to see some real examples. Also do you get an email if the site was not accepted? Thanks!
Last reply by tomkelly, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
What is the future of Dmoz? Will it change the submission way of Website?
Last reply by pvgool,
Age of ODP
by kelkid- 4 replies
Hi everyone, Could someone tell me what year ODP was first available on the net?
What's going on in here you damn right i'm a pirate!@!
Last reply by BIZ-GIANT, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
I came here to check on the status of the submission for my personal website, located at but I just found out that waiting seems to be the only the anwser. Anyway, since I'm here and I don't see many good wishes and happy faces around for the editors and their volunteer work I will take the opportunity to wish all editors and dmoz staff a very... Happy New Year Ultra150s
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 4 replies
hi i am new here i hope i will beloved first:i will produse myself i am Muslim from egypt will u accept me? second:can i know what is this site taking about?
Last reply by motsa,
- 4 replies
I am not sure this is the right forum so forgive me if it is not. I had a site that was recieving a 4 / 10 on page rank. Now I check and the page rank is 0 / 10. All the links from other sites are sitill there and they have 3's and 4's out of ten. Does anyone know what might cause this abrubt change. I read one post that said you are black balled (if there is such a thing) if the rank is grey. The site rank is still white just 0 / 10. It is still listed in DMOZ so I am not complaining just curious http://htt:// Thanks, James
Last reply by Janeth, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
This is Dani from India, Found this community from a blogpost. Is it real DMOZ community(Owned by AOL) or DMOZ editors made this for helping peoples?
Last reply by Max99, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I have a website <url removed> which has over 1000+ backlinks in msn,yahoo etc,but google only shows up 4 backlinks. my site is a PR3,but i'm sure if google showed all my backlinks I would have a PR7 or PR8 site.
Last reply by kjones, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
how come these two Romania and Russia don't have their own WORLD: Subcategory, each have more post's and viewers than many of the countrys who do have. who makes this kind of decision?
Last reply by spahiu, -
About Submit Site ?
by Guest
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello i search the forum to ask where do i need to post about the states of our Site i try to look at "Site Submission Status" Forum but i think it is Closed for some reson we can't post there .. Please if there is other forum that i can post then let me know And sorry for my bad english Club2share
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Just wondering, it's not real time I think. So, if an editor approves the listing, how long until it appears (usually)?
Last reply by andysands,
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, My name is Jahne Holley and i am vey interseted in journalism and editing. I also enjoy public speaking and took a class for it in the 8th grade. Writing and editing others work is very fun and also demanding. It is importnant that you put your best foot forward all the time because you never know what could happen or who could be obsering you closely! Thank you for taking the time to read. Yours truely, Jahne Holley
Last reply by dake, -
For old time's sake. Big 15 today
Last reply by andysands,
Could we have a new thread?
by Guest schoik-
- Meta
- 3 replies
I was wondering if we could have a introductory thread that for all new editors, and or users could write a bio about themselves. Just a little suggestion... - Chris Schoik
Last reply by motsa,
- 3 replies
Hi every one I am sri from India
Last reply by ndehiliyadda, -
Hi, I'm new. Applied to be editor today and found my way here. Hope it's a peaceful and productive place. I noticed some of the requests to be editor takes weeks to get approval , I hope it doesn't take that long normally. Anyway, I'm kinda a computer geek years in IT, and wrote lots of business software but never really got into websites until recently. Please to met you all!
Last reply by deeb, -
- 3 replies
hey kmeta makrhod, i am sorry about this and have been regretting this action for over a year now. i only wanted to tell the editors my site and products are as good as they say. i dont know how i can fix this. i will never bribe again. please reconsider my site <url removed> i am sorry..... ray
Last reply by usaccess608, -
- 3 replies
OK so who all here has a link to Dmoz on there Home page Like ME.!!! Woot Woot:icon_arro:icon_arro:cool::icon_arro:cool::o:o:D Ha Ha It says If you search it they will come.
Last reply by Bluesky154, -
- 3 replies
I happen to look at the calendar for the first time ever today. I couldn't help but notice a large amount of birthday's in the month of September. Further, I couldn't help but thinking that cold winter months must contribute a bit to all of us born during this busy month ... ?
Last reply by WRMineo, -
Hi Guys! I'm CandyCane, an OPD editor.
by Guest candycane- 3 replies
wassup? I would be in the editor forum but it won't let me in..but that's alright I'll hang out here 'till somebody answer my e-mail to get me in