196 topics in this forum
by Guest -- 2 replies
Dmoz‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚ë‚¢‚ë“ú–{Œê‚ÅŒê‚è‚Ü‚µ‚傤�I DMOZ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚Í‚Ý‚È‚³‚ñƒ{ƒ‰ƒ“ƒeƒBƒA‚Å‚â‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚ª ƒGƒfƒBƒ^�[‚Ì•û‚É‚Í‚±‚ê‚©‚ç‚̃EƒFƒu‚Ì”“W‚Ì‚½‚ß‚É‚à ‚ª‚ñ‚΂Á‚Ä‚à‚ç‚¢‚½‚¢‚Å‚·�B
- 0 replies
Ni estas aktuale spertantaj teknikaj problemoj pri niaj serviloj. Aktuale la publikaj paĝoj estas senmovaj paĝoj kiuj estas produktita de rezervo. Ĉi tiu signif: (1) la publikaj paĝoj ne reflekt la plej lastatempaj ĝisdatigoj devigita ..i la adresaro; (2) skribo paĝoj, interalie ejo sugesto kaj petiloj, ne funkci*; kaj (3) redaktoroj ne povas kontrolon la statuson de nova redaktoro aplikoj. Ni ne aktuale havas proksimume tempon por la rezolucio de la teknikaj malfacilaĵoj. Ni ĝisdatigos ĉi tiu anonco kiam la sistemo estas plene oficanta denove -- bonvole ne komenco fadenoj demand kial la sistemo ne ĝuste funkci* aŭ kiam estos havebla denove. Dankon.
Last reply by natophonic, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
היי שלום לכולם, אני מנהל אתר חדש והמנהל הקודם הכניס את האתר לאינדקס של דמוז אך הפרטים לא מעודכנים ויש צורך לעדכן אותם 1. איך עורכים את התוכן? 2. הסיסמה והשם משתמש לא ידוע איך ניתן לשחזר את הסיסמה? תודה לעוזרים English: Hello, Our Website is in dmoz index but its not updated The Register man does not exist anymore in our company we dont know the password how we can edit the information? thanks.
Last reply by kspltd, -
[korea] Why not working !!
by Guest asmj505- 1 reply
Hi ! I have some question. I found good site that I want register How can i register ? Already I send this URL to 'korea/shopping/perfume/' category. Why isn't URL register? ps. This site isn't my site Only I am buyer. I only want to introduce this site. please give me instruction..
Last reply by uzs980, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Halo admin, mohon bantuannya bagaimana cara merubah username atau mengedit profil saya di Forum ini? Terimakasih sebelumnya
Last reply by Elper,
2-char language codes
by Guest hughprior-
- Meta
- 3 replies
I am webmaster for on of the sites which uses the wonderful DMOZ data, and if you speak anything other than English, I need your help!! Standard 2-char codes for languages are USUALLY well defined, e.g. the following list gives a supposedly definitive list: Supposedly. I have a particular need to find out the best 2-char codes for many languages which it seems are NOT listed there! The codes are to be used in the following site URLs, e.g. for French language, the 2-char code 'fr' is shown below: The list of ALL the languages being used can be fou…
Last reply by tuisp,
- 1 reply
ey... how do i add on google or just <<< its a counter strike clan how do i Add it????? how how how??????
Last reply by bobrat, -
ÅëëçíéêÜ - Greek
by Guest -- 2 replies
Êáëþò ïñßóáôå óôïí Åëëçíéêü ÷þñï óõæÞôçóçò ãéá èÝìáôá ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôï ODP êáé óõãêåêñéìÝíá ãéá ôï World/Greek. Å÷åôå êÜðïéá áðïñßá, ÷ñåéÜæåóôå âïÞèåéá ãéá èÝìáôá êáôá÷þñçóçò éóôïóåëßäùí-äéáäéêôõáêþí ôüðùí? Åäþ åßìáóôå ãéá íá âïçèÞóïõìå. /images/icons/smile.gif ÖéëéêÜ ÌÜñéïò CatMod - World/Greek
- Meta
- 2 replies
Helo, After 7 years my site is still not approved in its specific category World Româna Societate Relatii I am not the only one in this case so i suppose the editor on this category has personal interests to refuse the new submissions. Maybe he is afraid of new competitors. A super editor should take a look on this category. There are some poor content websites inside too and they was reported several times. I was a Dmoz Editor in the past so I believe that I know to judge if a website should be accepted or not. Thank you
Last reply by matrimo, -
- 1 reply
Čo mám spraviť, alebo koho osloviť, keď chcem zaregistrovať stránku do katalógu,ktorá nemá editora? Potrebujem tam dostať web: <URL removed> Ďakujem za skorú odpoveď.
Last reply by Brozman, -
- 1 reply
Kepada tim editor dari indonesia, saya ingin menanyakan apakah umur dari suatu situs merupakan salah satu pertimbangan agar bisa terindex di dmoz? atau apakah situs yang baru berumur beberapa hari juga bisa terindex.? mohon jawaban..!! thanks..
Last reply by patria,
- 0 replies
hi dear manegare u have to but an arabic forum here coz there is a lot of sites in arabic this is my littile note anees
Last reply by anees, -
- 3 replies
سيد احمد كامل رجاء تابع القسم العربي
Last reply by amr, -
- 0 replies
Din cauza unei intarzieri la transferul domeniului pe un alt host a existat o intrerupere de aproximativ 1 luna a afisarii site`ului Am aplicat din nou pentru introducerea lui in Director. Va multumesc, Cristian
Last reply by ateismro, -
- 1 reply
Francamente acredito na Internet como um instrumento revolucionário nas relações sociais. Acho que tivemos um planeta antes da Internet e teremos outros depois dela (com ela). Estamos vivendo um momento de transição. Isso porque através da Internet, as distâncias são reduzidas, a informação é compartilhada e o conhecimento é democratizado. Ficará cada vez mais difícil manter o controle sozinho. Acho bom que continue assim, e sempre que posso, contribuo. Muita coisa ainda tem que ser melhorada. O caso abaixo é um exemplo. Moro em Fortaleza, Ceará – Brasil, sou Corretor de Imóveis, Analista de Sistemas, usuário da rede, membro de várias associações comunitárias, al…
Last reply by rugbyfan, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys . I am form Azerbaijan . I am very interested in open source projects and applied for editor . Can you inform me about what I am gonna do if I'll be an editor . Thanks for attention .
Last reply by adigozel_atam, -
- 0 replies
สมัครสมาชิก forum นี้ได้แบ็คลิ้งค์จาก dmoz ด้วย จริงหรือป่าว?
Last reply by Mari Phuket, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hi guys, is there anyone from Indonesia who already been joined as an editor of Curlie directory? If you are the on, or you know some information about it, please reply this thread.
Last reply by jasaseo, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- 29 replies
ada yang bisa bahasa indonesia ngk ? saya orang baru nich...
Last reply by jasaseo, -
- 0 replies
Salam semua. Silalah pos di sini apa-apa perbincangan dan soalan mengenai World/Bahasa_Melayu.
Last reply by sabre23t, -
- 0 replies
:lol: :lol: :lol: hai kepada semua ahli forum boleh kita berbincang berbagai topik dan yg paling penting berbahasa melayu terima kasih
Last reply by bloggeraddict, -
Prosím o zjištění stavu <url removed> v kategoriiČesky/Internetové_obchody/Inzerce/ Děkuji Please let me know the status of <url removed>, submitted toČesky/Internetové_obchody/Inzerce/ Thanks
Last reply by privat, -
- 9 replies
Couple weeks ago I submitted page to world/bosanski/preduzeca category. It is not yet approved, but that is not reason for this posting. Real reason is that I’ve noticed that for some time there are no new pages in that directory and, what is even worse, some pages are redirect pages; some do not feature what their description say … Is this category still active, and why do you not accept new editors if you cannot manage it yourself alone? Thank you. p.s. This post is in English because I receive e-mails from this category in English, and I believe that its editors don’t even speak Bosnian.
Last reply by tutuolaf, -
Degemer mat d'an holl! Malo a zo bet pedet da zont amañ.
Last reply by yfig, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! (just felt like saying "hi" since that is my very first post) I've recently applied for an editor position in one of the small Bulgarian language categories.. I've also noticed that almost all of the Bulgarian language categories have no editor (even large categories with 300+ websites). Anyway my question is, is there an active catmod in this language that could approve potential editor applications and if there isn't one how could we get some action going within this language category? Best Regards, Sava Georgiev. Pseudo sig removed
Last reply by Y0yOy0, -