196 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hi all, I tried suggesting my blog to the category, but I got the following message: Submit a Site to the Open Directory Sorry, site suggestions are not being accepted for this category at this time. Please try submitting your site to another category on the Open Directory. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please go back in your browser if you need to resubmit the form. What could be …
Last reply by bobrat, -
- 7 replies
I noticed that if I search the directory for "فردا", my site won't show up, but I have got a listing at under that name. Is this normal? Thanks! Ehsan
Last reply by ehsan, -
- RZ Admin
- 8 replies
Hapi kete postim per komunikim ne gjuhen shqipe - atyre te cileve ju vie me lehte te komunikojne ne gjuhen tone!
Last reply by Elper,
Ide lehet megírni az Open Directory Project World/Magyar kategóriájával kapcsolatos javaslatokat, kérdéseket és problémákat (például honlap-bejelentés, szerkesztõnek jelentkezés, kategorizálás stb. témakörében). Kifejezetten honlapot bejelenteni és szerkesztõnek jelentkezni természetesen nem itt, hanem a megfelelõ ODP-kategórián belül lehet. Segítõ jellegû, vagyis nem hivatalos fórum! Angolul tudóknak általános ODP-információkkal kapcsolatban ajánlott a többi, részletes topik is.
Last reply by MrSecret, -
Displaying Armenian pages correctly
by Guest hughprior-
- Meta
- 1 reply
The Armenian pages to me (e.g. display incorrectly in my browser (Internet Explorer 6.0.2800), yet other unusual character sets display correctly (e.g. Do you know what I can do (other than change browser!) to see the Armenian pages as they are supposed to be seen?
Last reply by tuisp,
Converting %xx chars to readable
by Guest hughprior- 1 reply
In a page like there are 3 types of chars: a) the %xx format used in the URL b) the 'internal' format which is what you see when you view the source HTML and what I am currently using in PHP in the form: $char['url'] = "%c0"; $char['readable'] = "À"; $this->converter[] = $char; c) the visual representation seen by the user (e.g. the actual Greek characters in this case). Now, my questions: 1) is there a list of conversion chars? 2) is there a function in PHP to do this? Thanks!
2-char language codes
by Guest hughprior-
- Meta
- 3 replies
I am webmaster for on of the sites which uses the wonderful DMOZ data, and if you speak anything other than English, I need your help!! Standard 2-char codes for languages are USUALLY well defined, e.g. the following list gives a supposedly definitive list: Supposedly. I have a particular need to find out the best 2-char codes for many languages which it seems are NOT listed there! The codes are to be used in the following site URLs, e.g. for French language, the 2-char code 'fr' is shown below: The list of ALL the languages being used can be fou…
Last reply by tuisp,
Cesi a Slovaci
by Guest Cibi-
- Meta
- 1 reply
Tak co, jste tu?
Last reply by emiliocz,
by Guest kartik- 10 replies
Its continuation from
Last reply by codepoet, -
[korea] Why not working !!
by Guest asmj505- 1 reply
Hi ! I have some question. I found good site that I want register How can i register ? Already I send this URL to 'korea/shopping/perfume/' category. Why isn't URL register? ps. This site isn't my site Only I am buyer. I only want to introduce this site. please give me instruction..
Last reply by uzs980, -
by Guest iago-
- Meta
- Cateditall
- 2 replies
¡ Benvidos ao foro aberto do ODP ! Este fio abrimo-lo pra que podades facer as preguntas que vexades sobre o directório en Galego. Estaremos ledos de dar resposta a aquelas dúbidas que plantexedes sobre como traballa o directorio, nas categorías que debedes rexistrar o voso sitio, a maneira de facerte en editor, ou calquera outra pregunta que querades facer. Benvidos de novo, estades na vosa casa :-)
Last reply by aferro,
Hevalên Kurd ji Kurdistanê û Editorî
by Guest -- 1 reply
Roj bas gelê hevalan Ez li editorên ji Kurdistana bakûr, bashûr, an jî rojhilat digerim. Em bi hevre dikarin li ser pêshvechûyîna dmoz û katagorîya Kurdî bixebitin. Chawa em dikarin chêtir malpera tovbikin û wan rind bidin nasandin? Ez li benda agahdarîyên we disekinim. Bi kîjan binziman (soranî, zazakî, kurmancî) wê xebat were avakirin ne pêwîste. Bi silavên biratî
- 10 replies
South Asian Indian Subcontinent - Bangla,Gujarati,Hindi,Kannada,Marathi,Punjabi,... This is the forum thread for Discussing languages of the Indian Subcontinent. I am and editor for World/Hindi Computers and Society categories and also for Test/Word/Sanskrit . If you have any thing to share, you're most welcome.
Last reply by esemji, -
Jeg håper at noen av de norske redaktørene kan dra igang en norsk diskusjonstråd hvor man kan få anledning til å diskutere ting man er opptatt av rundt Open Directory.
Last reply by mindcrime2, -
- 0 replies
Salam semua. Silalah pos di sini apa-apa perbincangan dan soalan mengenai World/Bahasa_Melayu.
Last reply by sabre23t, -
Hola a tothom. Ja veieu, això de l'ODP és una mica la casa de tothom. Gairebé una setantena de llengües representades confeccionant el directori més gran mantingut per persones. T'interessa? Pregunta, doncs, que t'orientarem i t'informarem abastament d'aquest projecte. Ah, oblidava recordar-vos que el català és la desena llengua més representada, amb més d'11.000 enllaços llistats i classificats. Fes-hi una ullada ( ) i vine aquí amb les preguntes que tinguis. Totes trobaran resposta, segur. Fins aviat!
Last reply by eligetuescort, -
by Guest -- 2 replies
Dmoz‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚ë‚¢‚ë“ú–{Œê‚ÅŒê‚è‚Ü‚µ‚傤�I DMOZ‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚Í‚Ý‚È‚³‚ñƒ{ƒ‰ƒ“ƒeƒBƒA‚Å‚â‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·‚ª ƒGƒfƒBƒ^�[‚Ì•û‚É‚Í‚±‚ê‚©‚ç‚̃EƒFƒu‚Ì”“W‚Ì‚½‚ß‚É‚à ‚ª‚ñ‚΂Á‚Ä‚à‚ç‚¢‚½‚¢‚Å‚·�B
by Guest burlega- 1 reply
hhtp:// Hello Wladek, this is your neigbourn from Lithuania. I submitted a to Top: World: Polska: Regionalne: Europa: Litwa, but till now waiting. Is that something wrong?
Last reply by apeuro,
ÅëëçíéêÜ - Greek
by Guest -- 2 replies
Êáëþò ïñßóáôå óôïí Åëëçíéêü ÷þñï óõæÞôçóçò ãéá èÝìáôá ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôï ODP êáé óõãêåêñéìÝíá ãéá ôï World/Greek. Å÷åôå êÜðïéá áðïñßá, ÷ñåéÜæåóôå âïÞèåéá ãéá èÝìáôá êáôá÷þñçóçò éóôïóåëßäùí-äéáäéêôõáêþí ôüðùí? Åäþ åßìáóôå ãéá íá âïçèÞóïõìå. /images/icons/smile.gif ÖéëéêÜ ÌÜñéïò CatMod - World/Greek
Srpski/Bosanski/Hrvatski 1 2
by Guest -- 36 replies
Pozdrav svima! Ukoliko budete imali bilo kakvih pitanja vezanih za ove jezike u ODP-u, bice mi zadovoljstvo da vam odgovorim. chasm, ODP meta editor
Last reply by kebic, -
- Meta
- 24 replies
Welcome to the non-English Forum ! This is an area dedicated to discussions about ODP in languages other than English, or about ODP categories of the World branch. If you need to discuss general ODP-related issues and you can read and write in English, please consider posting in one of the specific Forums, otherwise post here in your preferred language and we will do our best to answer your questions. If you need to discuss issues related to the World branch of the ODP, you can post here either in English or in your preferred language.
Last reply by mcdutchie,