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Acest forum se bucura si de participarea comunitatii editoriale din World/Românã. Unii editori din aceastã categorie sunt disponibili, la fel ca ºi colegii lor englezi, sã ofere sfaturi ºi sugestii legate de ODP. Sperãm ca acest forum sã ne ajute sã ne îmbunãtãþim ºi prin el sã apropiem legãturile dintre comunitatea editorialã ºi public. Nu ezitaþi sã adresaþi probleme referitoare la categoria World/Românã. vladd - ODP Meta Editor.
Last reply by popstore, -
Chinese Simplified(中文简体) 现经所有ODP管理人员讨论一致决定暂时停止网站状态询问。 http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=39116
Last reply by florawil,
- Meta
- 7 replies
cut the submitting in two. come to your senses everybody~ merry christmas! site add: http://www.dmhy.net/ Submitted to: http://directory.google.com/Top/World/Chinese_Simplified/%E8%89%BA%E6%9C%AF/%E5%8A%A8%E7%94%BB/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- site add: http://www.whatisnet.net/ Submitted to: http://directory.google.com/Top/World/Chinese_Simplified/%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97%E6%9C%BA/%E4%BA%92%E8%81%94%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C/%E8%AE%BA%E5%9D%9B/ many thanks in advanced. --------------------------------- 这里致中国odp: 你们好, 我终于发现了论坛有中国编辑员了, 庆幸, 这个帖是我上个月提交的两个站点 还未被申请, 我想可能是不够详细, 我…
Last reply by dmhy, -
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- 1 reply
Hi, I have posted a thread to "Non-English / Türkçe" regarding Baykush.com which is not listed for almost a year. But unfortunately no one responded. We would like to register Baykush.com to "Top: World: Türkçe: Alışveriş: Giyim" http://dmoz.org/World/T%c3%bcrk%c3%a7e/Al%c4%b1%c5%9fveri%c5%9f/Giyim/ The site is still not listed, and we have been trying for months. If somebody can tell us the staus of our site's registration and inform us about what to do for being listed we will be very glad. Thank you in advance,
Last reply by pvgool,
- 0 replies
http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=/World/Česky/Obchod_a_služby/Vozidla/ zadal jsem zde stranku http://www.autoin.cz/ kvalitativne i tematicky zazapada do teto kategorie. Kdy bude zadana a pokud ne proc?:icon_excl Vim, ze je problem v nedostatku editoru a je tedy problem stíhat zařazovat odkazy. Ale moc prosím o zařazení. Please let me know the status of http://www.autoin.cz/, submitted to http://dmoz.org/World/%c4%8cesky/Obchod_a_slu%c5%beby/Vozidla/ Thanks.
Last reply by deadlift, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Prosím o zjištění stavu http://www.protektory.com v kategorii http://dmoz.org/World/%c4%8cesky/Obchod_a_slu%c5%beby/Automobily/ Dík. Please let me know the status of http://www.protektory.com, submitted to http://dmoz.org/World/%c4%8cesky/Obchod_a_slu%c5%beby/Automobily/ Thanks
Last reply by veli, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
<url deleted> (simplified chinese) 为海外读书人提供中国文化产品的网上书店。有书刊、影像制品等。
Last reply by makrhod,
- 0 replies
Merhabalar, Kaç gündür nereye başvuracağımı bilmeden sağa sola email mesajları gönderiyorum. DMOZ'un türkçe forumu olduğunu yeni gördüm. http://www.dmoz.org/World/T%c3%bcrk%c3%a7e/Al%c4%b1%c5%9fveri%c5%9f/A%c3%a7%c4%b1k_Art%c4%b1rma/ http://www.dmoz.org/World/T%c3%bcrk%c3%a7e/Al%c4%b1%c5%9fveri%c5%9f/Seri_%c4%b0lanlar/ http://www.dmoz.org/World/T%c3%bcrk%c3%a7e/Ekonomi_ve_%c4%b0%c5%9f_D%c3%bcnyas%c4%b1/%c4%b0nsan_Kaynaklar%c4%b1/%c4%b0%c5%9f_Arama/ kategorilerine postalanan http://www.ealver.com sitesi'nin durumu hakkında bilgi almam mümkün mü? Saygılar,
Last reply by aalver, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Please let me know the status of http://bbs.p2pland.com (domain name : http://www.p2pland.com) Submitted to the category Top: World: Chinese Simplified: 计算机: 互联网络: 论坛 about a few weeks ago. Thanks marmot
Last reply by nea,
Error message when submit site to Chinese Category
by Guest vicky90-
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi, I just submitted http://family.freehostingguru.com into World > Chinese Simplified > 家庭 (http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%bc%d2%cd%a5/) But I got the following error message: "Sorry, site suggestions are not being accepted for this category at this time. Please try submitting your site to another category on the Open Directory." Does that mean this category no longer accepts any sites? What do I have to do to submit the site in the Open Directory? Thanks in advance for your help. Regards Vicky
怎样提交望站地址? 能有一个详细的介绍: 我就是找不到入口在那??? 我的网站地址是:http://wxiny.com综合网站,分类怎么就找不到呢? 怎样提交??
Last reply by zengguofan, -
- 4 replies
My site is about 80/20% Japanese/English language content, so I submitted to a Japanese sub-directory about three months ago. How can I inquire about the status of my submission? I am not even sure if the submission really went through, because of all the garbled text with the double-byte Japanese fonts, Thanks,
Last reply by abuehler, -
- Meta
- 13 replies
烦请各位编辑员帮我看看我的网站能否收录。 我提交的目录是: World > Chinese Simplified > 健康 > 药物与药品 URL:http://www.chemdrug.com http://www.chemdrug.cn TITLE:新药研发咨询中心 网站说明是:提供新药研发相关咨询,发布新药研发进展。 真希望能被DMOZ目录收录,我已提交多次,但仍未收录,也不知是什么原因。希望各位编辑员能帮我看看,如果合格就请把我收录了吧。 小弟先谢谢各位了! 如果不符合收录要求,也请各位能给个建议,帮助我改进。 再次感谢各位! 初到贵地,第一贴就是求助,真不好意思。 也不知发此贴是否有违版规,请版主谅解并指正。
Last reply by ebaiyun, -
- 10 replies
我为公司http://www.ecstone.cn 申请加入DMOZ目录都两个月过去了,连封电子邮件都没收到。石沉大海了。我提交的那个分级目录下没有编辑员阿!!! 有知道的朋友请帮忙回答下,谢谢~~
Last reply by dalechou, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
你好, 我提交http://www.media9.com.cn到Top: World: Chinese Simplified: 商业: 市场营销: 网络营销,发现有editor.dmoz.org来的链接,但仍没有进入目录。希望知道审核状态,如果被拒绝希望知道原因。 谢谢!
Last reply by florawil,
- Meta
- 2 replies
ODP Master: how do you do~~ my name is yan tao~ my site add is http://www.bnbcn.com the directory I submitted to was: http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e6%b8%b8%e6%88%8f/ very quickly, pretty fast and no annoying ads~~ I will be grateful if you can kindly let me have my application submit and status Thank you very much.
Last reply by yantao, -
- 4 replies
ODP Master: howdy! My name is xueshan. My website is <URL Removed> I submitted to the category: http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e5%95%86%e4%b8%9a/%e8%ae%be%e8%ae%a1/ or http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e5%95%86%e4%b8%9a/%e8%ae%be%e8%ae%a1/CI%e8%ae%be%e8%ae%a1/ thanks very much!!
Last reply by leowant, -
- Meta
- 21 replies
我很认真的做一个网站,听说这里收录把关很严格。 怕怕的。怕也要经过一年半载的才能被收录。
Last reply by airfish, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
我是新手,请问在那里可以查找是否收录? 我的网站<url removed>
Last reply by dalechou, -
- Meta
- Cateditall
- 4 replies
我是新手,请问在那里可以查找是否收录? 我的网站:<remove URL> 申请了近一年时间了..
Last reply by woshiwo995, -
- 1 reply
目录提交页面出现以下信息: Service Temporarily Unavailable We apologize for the inconvenience while we resolve technical problems. Please check back in a day or two. 我的网站无法提交,以下是本站信息: 网站名称: 英语网摘 网站地址:- 网站描述: 英语网摘、网络书签、网络收藏夹.中小英语网站、个人英语博客、英语论坛免费推广平台 关键词: 英语网摘、网络书签、网络收藏夹 参考分类: Open Directory - World Chinese Simplified 科学 社会科学 语言学 语言文字 英语 Alexa : (三月平均):756189 提交人: ezhai 联系方式: - qq:17442616 msn:zxfeng1980@126.com 请相关目录管理人员添加一下:thanks very much
Last reply by ezhai2008, -
- 1 reply
我的小站 http://www.bnbcn.com 已经提交到:World: Chinese Simplified: 计算机: 软件: 目录 希望中文编辑可以查看~ 谢谢兄弟!
Last reply by squares, -
今天在统计器里看到editors.dmoz.org的地址,应该是编辑员产看了网站。但是去目录看了好象没有收录,郁闷!我的站应该还算符合要求,不知道是不是目录比较不合适还是咋的。管理员能否给个意见:url:15p.com.cn 我提交的目录是:Chinese Simplified: 商业: 消费用品与服务: 玩具与游戏 和 Chinese Simplified: 购物: 玩具与游戏 给个知道意见
Last reply by florawil,
status of www.youngchina.cn
by Guest Banbin-
- Meta
- 3 replies
I will be grateful if you can kindly let me have my application status.My website is: http://www.youngchina.cn The directory I submitted to was: http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%b5%d8%c7%f8/%c5%b7%d6%de/%d3%a2%b9%fa/%bd%cc%d3%fd/ or http://dmoz.org/World/Chinese_Simplified/%b2%ce%bf%bc/%bd%cc%d3%fd/%c1%f4%d1%a7/
- Meta
- 2 replies
3月9号提交的,可是现在在GOOGLE上我都搜不到了,提交以前还是可以搜到不少的 在baidu可以搜到一点,比以前少了,还试了一下yahoo的搜索,也几乎少到没有
Last reply by youer511, -