General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
i work for a company that does large format printing(fleet, POP, tradeshow graphics). we have a main site and then we have a second site for a specific custom product that we sell (custom printed garden kneelers) I have submited the main site to the DMOZ. Can I submit the second site as it has little to do with the main site. I have given you the links so you can view the sites if need be. I don't want to be one of those people who try to pull a fast on on you, I just want to have my sites listed without breaking the rules. Thanks for the help!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hi We have develope many web sites and most of them are listed in Yahoo and some in dmoz. We have the following sites which are listed in Yahoo <urls removed> We hired an SEO company to submit to directories including DMOZ. I am not sure whether they submitted twice or in the wrong category and when. Since we want to follow the rules we dont know what to do; we would like to know whether these sites were submitted, or submitted many times or submitted to the wrong category and if there were any issues how to rectify or how to contact the editors. As you can see these sites are not a spam site but gives good content to our visitors and getting good goog…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 2 replies
This is probably more a question for staff, but anyway... I notice there is: and and and Which all have a pagerank of 9. Any sane webmaster in a similar position would redirect at least the to and probably the .com's as well. Who knows what the combined PageRank for these essentially 4 separate sites is, maybe you would get a 10?... While some might say 9 - 10, makes no difference to the 'users of dmoz,' I think it would because the pages in dmoz which are pr0 or 1 or 2 might get a lift to 4 or 5. So what? - well I don't see many editors in…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- RZ Admin
- 46 replies
quote"The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors...........The web continues to grow at staggering rates. Automated search engines are increasingly unable to turn up useful results to search queries. The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can't keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. Link rot is setting in and they can't keep pace with the growth of the Internet"quote Wow...:thumb1: could've fooled me! Seems to me dmoz is the one not keeping up with the …
Last reply by nea,
- 1 reply
At the bottom of the category pages in the ODP, there is a line that says "Last update: 00:00 PT, Day, Month, year - edit". Is this referring to the last time an editor went in and edited his category, or to something else entirely?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Dare I ask the question that everone would like to (but is afraid to) ask? If it takes an editor upto 3 years to review a site submission, then should that person be an editor in the first place? Surely a more appropriate target would be 3 weeks ? Isn't 3 weeks adequate time for a keen editor to complete all lhis editing activities? Or am I being naive?
Last reply by rkhare, -
"add URL" is available but not "update URL"
by Guest Lowfyr- 9 replies
Hello, I have submitted a client’s site to I hope I have chosen the correct category. The reason is that my client sells to many of the states listed in the "mid-Atlantic" My question to you is, now that I have submitted to this category I cannot change my information, which I did incorrectly. There is an "add URL" but not a "update URL" What do I do to change the incorrect information I submitted? Did I submit to the wrong directory?? The website in question is Thank you, Sandy
- Meta
- 4 replies
I’ve just joined this forum and – after reading a few topical posts - got a rough idea that certain “affiliate” sites are rejected by DMOZ. Randomly browsing the Internet, I see *many* DMOZ-listed sites that have affiliate links (e.g. Google AdSense, affiliate links, affiliate banner ads, etc.). Some examples: etc. So I am curious as to the criteria that qualifies a site as “affiliate”. Did some sites – such as the ones I listed above – make it into the DMOZ directory *before* the ODP adopted “affiliate rules.” If such rules exist, where are they listed on the DMOZ site? They are not here (http:…
Last reply by windharp,
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- 2 replies
Hi all I am the current Marketing manager at Exhibithire, our previous SEo left the company and used his personal email to submit our website to DMOZ this took around 6 months for us to be accepted, i have realised we cannot access our dmoz account to make changes to our profile. Can anyone help. Kind regards Shane
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 16 replies
- 3.3k views the bottom of this URL has the tagline in the title. I have to say, this must be a joke. I have been trying to get a legitimate URL submitted for 6 years. I have followed the submission guidelines to a T, and have always submitted to the appropriate category. Still, after 6 years, no DMOZ entry. The mail email box for this directory is always full. Overall, this system is extremely inefficient. I cant believe that SEO bases any scoring off the DMOZ at all. I would be embarrassed to be associated with any organization that ran it's business like this, regardless of whether or not it generated revenue.
Last reply by litaliana, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
So I was going to submit my web site to the directory when I read this little gem... In exchange for ODP's consideration of the site I am submitting, I agree to grant Netscape Communications Corporation a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, publish, copy, edit, modify, or create derivative works from my submission. Uhhh, no I don't. So I didn't submit. Maybe I'm mistaken, maybe I didn't understand this correctly. I'm a writer, I publish my work to my web site, and I certainly would not grant under any circumstance a corporation, any corporation, a free license to edit, modify, or create derivative works from my submission. Isn't this asking a little mu…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 8 replies
I was wondering if there is another recording studio category other than this one: Are there any similar categories for recording studios, not just based in the UK? Thanks.
Last reply by nareau, -
- 1 reply
Dear Sirs, Our website has been submitted about a month ago and does not appear yet. The site contains several times the words "under construction" ! Actually, it has nothing to do with the website itself. We are just informing customers that some of the buildings or homes listed are under construction ! We hope it is not confusing as we know you don't accept sites under construction ! Best regards, Mark
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 14 replies
For over a year I did send suggestion to this category with of course no replay of why the suggestion was denied or wasn't reviewed at all. I did submit it a few times but I certainly was not spamming. My point is, there is 15 links in this category out of which some are more than poor websites. There is one website which only displays Yahoo RSS from Iraq and Google ads?!? (Is editor of this category owner of this website as well?) The website I am trying to get listed has now over 9000 articles that are categorised and many are translated from Arabic newspapers by our staff (not available anywhere else in English sources). As well we provide separate RSS channel …
Last reply by lissa,
- Meta
- 15 replies
what is the maximum # categories if ever a site is being listed? is it possible for a single site to be listed on 3 related different categories?
Last reply by tocoy, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm writing this for two reasons. #1. I've been waiting four years to get one of my websites listed and waiting 2 years on another. #2. I'm shocked that DMOZ may be compromised by SEO Companies. Background: I've been doing my own SEO for years now, and finally I tried a highly rated SEO company I found on Elance. The results were great, the methods were not. I've since quite using them, but in looking for a legitimate source to help me out, I have found a highly rated company on Elance that guarantee listing in the DMOZ directory for $400. These companies have very positive ratings, and comments from their customers indicate that they are able to acc…
Last reply by Nate1001, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
I have been told recently that: 1. you can only list your site once - unless it qualifies for regional or its also available in another language. 2. you can only list the top level domain, (eg, not, Apart from that, I see time and time again, that these are the only circumstances that you can submit to the open directory. Today, just browsing, I found this: Search: gamespy Open Directory Categories (1-5 of 5) Games: Video Games: Simulation: God Games: Sim Games (28 matches) Games: Video Games: Action: M: Mega Man Games (15) Kids and Teens: Games: Computer and V…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello , in October 2004 I submitted to It seems that there is still no positive or negative result. Could you check again what is the situation? Thank you in advance. Bogdan
Last reply by jjwill, -
2 domain, 1 website, will spider know?
by Guest TonyNg-
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, i have a problem and i hope any of you guys can help. i will be grateful. I am from singapore and i have register a domain and a webhost. My website is half way to finish. The problem is my current domain name is a ".com" but now i need to change it to "". To have a .sg is very important for me and it is mosy certainly that most people will search my type of business in the Yahoo Singapore search engine. My webhost suggest that i buy a new domain with the .sg and can point my current domain and the new domain to my one single website. Personally, i want to change it to .sg rather than getting a new one. Is that possible? If that is not possible an…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Two of my websites in very different categories were suddenly dropped only after 2-3 weeks of them being listed. I wonder why they were dropped so soon after acceptance. There were no content changes in the website and the sites had no downtimes either.
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi folks, I hope this is the right forum to ask about this! The following URL's used (about 2 years ago) to be listed in : I think these URL's were added by the editor (we didn't submit them AFAIK). I just searched for "pagekits" today and the URL's appear to have been removed. I don't think these URL's would violate the submission guidelines in any way. Is there any way I can get these sites reinstated? Should I just resubmit the URL's? Thanks Matt
Last reply by thehelper,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Just two questions I couldn't find answers to in the documentation: 1. What does the number in parentheses appearing after the category represent? I would have guessed the number of sites in that category or in that category and its subcategories, but neither seems to be the case. More broadly I would be thankful for a legend defining the different areas of a typical category page. 2. I have a site in Spanish with a local focus, but for outsiders. In the instructions I read: "If your site is focused on a specific regional area, you may submit your site to both a subject category, and a category in the Regional branch." Does this refer only to the Regional category…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Just a quick question. If 2 seperate people submit a website for review (without knowing the other person has submitted too) would that hurt the review process for that website? i.e. would it be considered "spamming"? I suppose you have a method of collecting IP addresses and can tell that a particular website was submitted from 2 different PCs???
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 43 replies
I have submitted my site for over 2 years and have met all guidelines and submission rules but it still has not been listed. Could it be the editor for my category is my competitor and is deliberately ignoring my site submissions ? And why dosent the abuse email address work ?
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, Please please can someone check the status on my listing originaly submitted in september 2004: <URL and category removed per forum TOS> Thanks in advance
Last reply by hutcheson,