General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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Hi guys! I just got accepted as an editor. The username is: georgeb2008 I can not login however through the top-right corner of the main website. I enter the logon information exactly as I received it and it's not letting me in. I went through the 'Forgot Password' option and I got e-mailed the same password so I'm pretty sure I have the right user/pass. Why wouldn't it let me login ? Thank you, George
Last reply by keithcornwall,
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Well, it seems that DMOZ has been experiencing unspecified hardware problems for more than a week. More than a week with editors unable to log in; more than a week with no updates whatsoever; more than a week without any ability to explain the problem or offer an estimated time for it to be remedied. I think this will be remembered as the week that DMOZ died. Even if the servers ever come back on line (which no one from DMOZ has been willing to predict), I think that what remaining credibility the directory had left is now gone. The open directory model is, however, too valuable to the Internet community to be lost, or more specifically, to allow it to be discre…
Last reply by crowbar,
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- 3 replies
Hi all, I found the area to add my photo but it didn't seem to let me upload or add the link to my image. Thanks, Katy
Last reply by caligirl78, -
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First, let me preface my thoughts with these: 1. I refer to the editors as a group with the pronoun 'you'. This is in no way meant to imply that all are as I will note. There are exceptions to every rule. If the remark does not apply to you (specific), don't get in an uproar. 2. I understand that the editors are volunteers, and have other things to do (job, family, a life in general) and, most importantly, are not paid for what they do. I do not have any knowledge of their work load, paid or voluntary. 3. I'm not intending to make the editors mad, but merely to note my observations and get some answers to some not-so-unreasonable questions. If I in fact do make yo…
Last reply by hutcheson,
Will submitters ever able to check status? 1 2 3 4
by Guest wotg-
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- 96 replies
Hi. Quick question, does anyone know if submitters will ever get the option of checking their own status? It would seem rather logical and relatively simple to me. I submitted my first site about a month ago, and while I'd like to know the status of the submission, it's really a little too early post a request in the 'other' forum. In other words, I'd glady bother a machine to look it up, but I'll hold off on bothering living breathing people for a while. (Hmm... there's a Terminator joke waiting in there somewhere). LC
Last reply by hutcheson,
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I am not going to point fingers at anyone - but post more of a general concern and disappointment in the way some people carry themselves. After subscribing to this forum, I feel like I have to tread very carefully around the moderators and editors of the DMOZ website for fear of having a website never listed. The more I read, the more I feel like I will be neglected (perhaps even banned) if I ask about the status of a website. That being said. I've read some of the comments and conduct of the editors through portions of this forum and I see signs of abuse. Whether it is verbal abuse in the form of condescension, or abuse in the sense that they 'know' they have …
Last reply by nea,
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Anyone have any idea about new DMOZ. When they are going to launch the new one.
Last reply by informator,
This third most common of all questions in the forums, continues to baffle me. What are people expecting? Obviously people who ask it have not a clue about the ODP. "We list sites with unique content, so if you don't have any unique content, you need to add some!" is about the only kind of answer that a real ODP editor could ever give. But surely this is not what people are expecting! Well, knowledge of the ODP is rare enough: but I can't even understand the question based on the most common ignorant popular concepts of the ODP. For instance: there is the "ODP Editor As Competitoricide" -- all four million sites were editors' sites added by themselves. But -- sur…
Last reply by sole, -
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I have added the full web site (Gebze evden eve nakliyat) and waited for the approval to come, did anybody know why bi and dmoz were closed.
Last reply by informator,
Reorganization and why dmoz human editing fails 1 2 3
by Guest JOE3656-
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- 65 replies
Human-only editing has reached it's limit. Many submitters vent frustration at the dmoz, not realizing editing continues to follow the same algorithmic laws that limit all computer programs based on trees. Human editing of the web is a losing proposition, even if based on the following highly dmoz favorable assumptions. Organization or reorganization of just 500,000 sites takes at least millions of node visits (following an nlog(n) vistation boundary (not exactly right (it's similar to a b*-tree) but it's close enough). A subcat with 4000 sites requires a least 12000 visits to remain somewhat organized (<1 year out of date). Assume that 5% of the websites becom…
Last reply by helper, -
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- 42 replies
Please remove the listing for my company, Britecorp: which can be found here: The reason is because of the description provided: is being used by Google to describe my website, and can only be damaging in that there is no attempt to even began to describe the fact that it is an internet marketing services website. Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated.
Last reply by donaldb, -
Kind of like how Yahoo does it. Pay a few hundred dollars and get a priority review. Seriously.. use the money to pay editors to edit. Get things moving around here. We all have to agree that the current 2 minute - 2 year plus policy is utterly ridiculous. Internet years are similar to dog years, to many things change in two years time. I am not saying that this a solid buisness model but it's certainly foundation for a better system then the current one.
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 18.8k views What they describe has not been my personal experience. I've always had positive and quick response to my web submissions. It's like they're describing an alternate universe. Oh well.
Last reply by cocoacafe, -
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- 4 replies
Hi All, Hope some can help, We have move office and I do not know how to change and amend our details in the Open directory Please let me know How or who to contact. Many thanks Jacqueline Okwong Greenwood Letting Agents
Last reply by Elper,
Broken Links 1 2
by Guest --
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- 26 replies
I found a few broken links in the mathematical recreations area: In Top: Science: Math: Recreations: Games and Puzzles: A Base for Number Games In Top: Science: Math: Recreations: Journal of Recreational Mathematics Zoma's Land O'Logic Regards, Nick
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Anyone knows what's happening at ? It has been a few weeks now that I cannot do anything in there; all I get is The Chefmoz forums only return a blank page.
Last reply by windharp,
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- 82 replies
Dear Editor/Reviewer, The reason everyone feels they should receive a response is because thats the normal professional courtesy of the business world today. Email has enabled communication to be FREE and very simple...basically a couple clicks with your mouse button. Common courtesy if a reviewer does not "accept" a suggested site would be to inform the one who submitted the site. I realize this takes time....probably about 15 seconds with a standard "not accepted" form letter. Maybe if it was clearer on the site submittal form that there is a "indefinite wait time" you would not have so many requests for a status check. Personally, this site is disheartening....t…
Last reply by bobrat, -
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- 26 replies
I am wondering of hutcheson's account was hacked over at SeachEngineWatch or is this post from hutcheson for real.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 57 replies
I know that editors surely do not need outside opinion on internal matters, but since that opinion has been welcomed in the past, and since this is a very important issue, I'll offer mine. Discontinuing the status check is in my view long overdue. I suspect that it started as a courtesy to submitters, but from what I can see it had become overrun and out of control. Hopefully those editors who fought the first line of defense in that forum can put their time to better use. Of course, the anti-ODP group will use the discontinuation as *proof* of whatever their most recent allegation might be. But hopefully, most will see through their argument. Good decision…
Last reply by solid7, -
the new ODP 1 2
by Guest --
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- 43 replies
i'd just like to comment about how i like the new ODP. before, when the many major search engines used ODP data, the ODP community was largely arrogant and rude - thinking that they held the keys to something everyone needed. now that that bubble has burst, i like how humble everyone has become. i like that now we are with the ODP just to make the ODP great - without care if we're making the internet a better place to surf (because, let's face it, few users see our data these days). we're making a great database for ourselves - and we're the ones we need to please. i do admit, though, i miss the days when everyone thought the ODP was sooooooo important, and tha…
- closed?
Last reply by Elper,
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- 64 replies
The idea that Google gives special love to sites listed in the Open Directory is an urban myth. But it is so prevalent that it seems worth starting a thread specifically to tackle this. I am therefore copying here a reply I made on another thread. Search engines do tend to use the Open Directory to seed their indexes, but that doesn't mean that they rank ODP-listed sites any higher than those not listed. In fact I don't know of any proof that any SE does. What does seem to be true is that all the major engines use backlinks in some way in their algorithms. So if a site has no links to it and then is listed in the ODP, that is likely to have a noticeable effect on its…
Last reply by charlesleo, -
editor bookmarks
by Guest --
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- 21 replies
Just curious if anyone knows whether or not editor bookmarks are included in 'dumps' - i.e. will google and other engines consider them when assigning page rank? I understand this question would probably be better answered by the individual engines, but I’m looking for general acknowledgement one way or the other.
Affiliate Links and Inclusion 1 2
by Guest --
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- 34 replies
How does the excessive affiliate link rule work? I work for a large comparison shopping site (guess?) that has a great deal of trouble being included in the appropriate category on the ODP. I've been working to change this for six months and the company has been around since 1996. Home > Consumer Information > Price Comparisons This category seems to make the most sense, but we have several listings/links in less relevant categories. 1) Shopping > Publications > Books > Directories 2) Home > Consumer Information > Computers and Internet > Hardware > Printers I'm most concerned with getting into a category that makes sense b…
Last reply by apeuro,
I don't beleve more that my site http: will include in the ODP. It is more than one year that I am waiting for. I saw FAQ, I checked everything many times and I am sure that the site has all charatteristics to be included. I understand that editors has a lot of work, but 1 year is not serios. I am REALY deluse. Tati
Last reply by hutcheson,