General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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I'm not sure if this has been reported, however I'm trying to send a message to an editor using the feedback form and I keep getting the following error. Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server
Last reply by makrhod,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 12 replies
Hi, I have been trying months upon months to update my website on dmz. Numerous emails over the months to dmz and nothing. The description of my website is not even close. I do not sell Royalty free images and would like dmz to update my listing. These listings are causing an issue and I need them corrected. [Website details removed] What do I do to get dmz to update my listings? The editors wont update it, the staff email wont change it? Any info would be great!
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 1.8k views but I noticed that there was a site that was listed in Shouldn't it be moved to cursors instead? So I was wondering if this section has any editors or not? Because I have submitted several sites to cursors and have not received any e-mail I'm wondering if this section is not managed?
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
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- 4 replies
hi submitted my site 4 months how long does it take? <URL deleted>
Last reply by hutcheson,
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
Hi, Firstly, I would like to apologise in advance if I am not allowed to post suggestions for new categories or if I am in the wrong forum. I don't actually want to add a website but I often use the directory to find websites and I was a little shocked when I couldn't find a Habbo Hotel category but I can find a Neopets category. If one is created I will happily suggest websites to go in there as I know quite a few! I am currently looking in /Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Online_Communities/. Thanks, Zagek
Last reply by Elper,
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- 7 replies
Greetings, It seems that it has been a long time since the Hebrew directory in DMOZ has been updated. There are numerous of important/relevant web sites that have been around for years and yet to be added to the directory. I have tried to post a few of them, but I haven't got any response and it has been over a year since I've sent my suggestions to the directory. I hope anyone in this forum can shed some light on this issue. Ayahuasca.
Last reply by makrhod,
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- 10 replies
Was reading all the topics about questions, answers, frustrations and so on, about the DMOZ listings. I'm not here to judge anybody and it is not my intention to be critical against a volunteer based project, but I must post here my experience, because I'm also one of many others who have tried and tried for about two years now to update my site's listings and finally I gave up. As I wrote, I tried many times to update my site's listings. To be clear enough: my company sells its own products and as such I think it has the most valuable information about the products. I changed the domain extension, the old listing's descriptions are outdated (the company is growing and…
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
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- 3 replies
I've tried to submit a URL several times and I'm not receiving the confirmation email. I've checked spam too. Any ideas as to what I can do to get my URL submitted to Steve
Last reply by hutcheson,
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I registered my URL and prior to reaching the last screen my computer went down so I resubmitted. Is there a problem if it was submitted twice. I was not sure if the first one went thru. Please advise
Last reply by makrhod,
- Editall/Catmv
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I have submitted many sites to the OPD over the years and always have had a timely pleseant response. I would like to get ahold of the editor for the folowing category: Top: Shopping: Antiques and Collectibles: Militaria I am filling out the form correctly but no reponse, does this category have a editor? James
Last reply by makrhod,
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- 2 replies
A general question. Are Dmoz checking the activity of his editors? For instance effectivity - % processed applications per month/week... Do the editors active - not loged in since months.... I would say from my experience of vBulleting usage on which is this forum also based, it would be nice to push all editors register in this forum and one can keep eye on them as well lot of questions could be clarified with community and say asking for a suggestion about this or that application...
Last reply by hutcheson,
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Hello, I have a problems with christian category in turkish. I tried to add my site too many times, but some editor doesn't accept to add it it to dmoz. I don't know why, web site is okay, everything is fine for category. But they don't accept. Is there anyone can help me about this situation? Any christianity editor? Because i couldn't find anyone in Turkish for christian category. If you think you can help, Please contact with me. Thanks
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
I've been trying to get my site listed for over 2 years with no response from anyone. I just read on wikipedia that: "as of October 2007,, a news aggregation site operated by ODP founder Rich Skrenta, has more than 10,000 listings" And, Lo and behold: Now, please, can someone explain to me how this is allowed to happen?
Last reply by makrhod,
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hi there, my site <URL removed. We don't discuss individual websites here so they are neither needed nor welcomed.> seems to have vanished from DMOZ, not sure when this happened but I just wandered if there was a way to find out what I did wrong ?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
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I'm new here, and if there's already an answer to my question, I haven't seen it. What should be done to remove a dead link? Specifically: lists ng Guro sa Cuyo which redirects to a Yahoo page which redirects to which is 404
Last reply by photofox,
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- 18 replies
Hi all...I've followed the instructions, and sent through a request to the editor to alter my listing. Google uses my DMOZ description for it's listing, and it does not accurately reflect my business anymore (I've moved into wedding photography, and my listing only states 'babies'!!). I've managed to get good ranking for my keywords but I really feel this is affecting my conversion rate...why would anyone click on a listing that say's 'baby photographer' after they've done a search for weddings. I just can't seem to get any response to get this altered. Is there any other avenues I can pursue? Thanks
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 7 replies
If DMOZ is run by AOL, is there someone paid by AOL who has the hat on and has some kind of general responsibility? I want to make a complaint outside of the DMOZ complaint system and move the complain one level higher then DMOZ itself. Who is responsible at AOL for DMOZ and had the power to make general "political" changes?
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
Does anyone know if anyone ever tried to sue the DMOZ organization or an editor for "unfair competition". E.g. if a websites of competitors are listed and there is no apparent reason why it has not been added for a long time? E.g. if it can be prooved that in a certain category are only a small number of new site additions and the editor has logged in regularly, it would be hard to prove he has not "seen" the website. If several independent people would come to the same conlusion, a website is worth to be listed, this would be a clear case. What do you think? I also know that terms&conditions are not always accepted, i.e. sometimes terms&conditions (e.g. …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
I have filed a DMOZ complaint last year. The status is still unchanged and nothing happend. The complaint has been ignored/not been read. Is there too many complaints to DMOZ can not process them? Or has the complaint system been disabled or forwarded to a shredder?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 10 replies
DMOZ warrant any value from search engines? I mean this question in all seriousness and with the utmost respect I can muster. The directory is so old, so out of date, so out of touch, that I don't really understand how or why search engines would grant it any sort of value. I think that because of its design (or the way in which submissions are added) it can never hope to be a viable "open" directory. If some of the sub-directory categories really do take years to be updated, how can DMOZ be any kind of relevant or accurate reflection of the internet (especially considering the pace at which websites are born, expand, and ultimately die)? One might argue that DMOZ is m…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 1 reply
I am trying to submit my website. I got an email that was titled opendir - 4d023e25b6cbfe4d380191d851894b85 with the body of the email advising: "INSTRUCTIONS - please read and follow carefully. To complete your application process, please reply to this message. This will confirm that we have your correct email address. Do not change the Subject: line -- it contains your registration key." When I hit "reply" I repeatedly get an error message saying, "Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. Subject: opendir - 4d023e25b6cbfe4d380191d851894b85 Sent: 7/4/2009 10:34 AM The following recipient(s) could not be reached: appl…
Last reply by nea,
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- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Dear sirs! Today I have suggested our corporate website: (website URL removed) to the category: (category removed) Please, tell me when I will be able to see the submission results? I submitted this site 2 weeks ago to other chapters (Drinks, Beverages etc.), but I can't still view the result... Please, help me! :(
Last reply by photofox,
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- 2 replies
I need a new category to be created so that I can submit my site in the right place. Since I am not an editor I cannot do this myself and going via the “How do I suggest a new category” route led to the error message “Service temporarily unavailable”. I want to submit my site under the following category Society > Religion and Spirituality > Buddhism > Lineages > New Kadampa > Centers and Monasteries > Norway, but Norway is not yet a category here, so could an editor out there please add Norway and then reply to this thread so that I can submit my site. Thanks.
Last reply by Mark Marriott, -
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- 12 replies
Hi there, We run the web site We were located inside: but not anymore! When you do a search for glow sticks, we still come up in the search ranks in dmoz, and the directory stated next to the listing indicates the above url. We wanted to be moved to a more relevant directory: The funny thing is, I can't for the life of me remember actioning this move, I'm getting a bit forgetful you could say. My question is, does it look like it will appear in the 2nd directory? Strange how it still shows…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 7 replies
I am getting a proxy error. Is this temporary?
Last reply by jimnoble, -