General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 14 replies
I've had a site up since 2002. I rank high in Google (#1) and Yahoo as well as many of the directories and metacrawlers. But I have never been able to get on dmoz. I submit about once every 6 months, but no luck yet. I would love to know if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 9 replies
I have one site listed in one category in DMOZ. Our website moved and I have submitted the new URL to DMOZ more times than I can count over the last year. I have never heard anything from them. I've filled out the contact forms on their website and even filed a couple of abuse reports. I have never been acknowledged! I'm so frustrated I can't stand it! The category is: Business: Industrial Goods and Services: Machinery and Tools: Cutting and Machining: Cutting Machinery My company name is InnerLogic, Inc.
- Meta
- 3 replies
I tried for many weeks now to reach the site to submit a site. Whenever I try to open any page from with my browser, I get the message ' couldn't be found. Please check the name and try again'. I tried different times of the day and different browsers. Does someone have an idea? Eva
Last reply by motsa,
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- 3 replies
I tried submitting from two different ISP's and I keep getting the same message - it says that the directory was unable to determine my browser ip. In both cases I was directly connected to the net. What can be done?
Last reply by theseeker,
Can't submit redirect page
by Guest MaineWeb-
- Meta
- 9 replies
I understand you can't submit a URL that redirects to another page. That makes sense. However, we just transferred our site, to redirect to a page in our new e-commerce site - It has all the information the old myheadsets had, but now it is attached to our online ordering and account status. Is there anyway I can get this listed apart from I want to submit to: Business/Telecommunications/Equipment/Suppliers/Hardware_Accessories/Headsets_and_Handsets BUT, I don't want them to think I'm trying to trick them into listing my main site twice. Any ideas how to do this? Thanks!
Last reply by thehelper,
- 3 replies
I checked the directory today for my listing and am shocked to see that it does not appear to be listed now. I realize that DMOZ is going through an update, and I am wondering if this is the reason my site is not listed. It had been listed for over three years. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you!
Cannot find url in search function
by Guest -- 2 replies
As per an email response from an editor, my site was listed on 9/3/02 ( It is listed in the category but, it doesn't come up in when I search. I know it takes some time to propogate to be added to the search function, but should that have happened already? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" /> Any advice/feedback would be very helpful. Sincerely, Peter
- 2 replies
Because I cancelled the e-mail account that I used to register with DMOZ as an editor, I can no longer retrieve my password. The help pages do not address this issue, what can I do?
Last reply by tripoline, -
cannot search 1 2
by tygg-
- Meta
- 26 replies
I was doing research this other day and after many repeated searches I only got "The page cannot be displayed". I still get that and cannot search. is it something wrong with dmoz search ? If this is a spam filter it is really a way to sensitive one as I like to search a lot at once when I do research, then read the searches after. Any idea about this ?
Last reply by rpfuller,
- 4 replies
I am listed in BUt when I do a search nothing comes up. Is there a reason for this.
Last reply by esemji, -
Cant get this site to register
by Guest kdslfg- 1 reply
- 1.7k views it wont work, please help!
Last reply by Alucard, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
hello there admin, my thread is moved, and I cant go there because it need password. As ive known that im just being active here so I dont expect to gain that adult password thread, Btw... my name is Jhun, im an adult webmaster designer, and lurker here for the past 3 years, Ive been inactive since then, but now I think I can gain and learn more here. Im trying to understand the competions for SEO. I am trying to do that also. I was hoping that im welcome back here... Thanks.
Last reply by growers, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
We noted that Capital Asset Financial Services Ltd have an ODP listing. We also noted that BBC Watchdog published critcal comments about them at: An editor may wish to review their listing in view of this. We have also added our own page about them at:
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 1 reply
I think there needs to be a category called "Tarot, Tarock, & Tarocchi Games" under the Card Games/Trick Capturing section. It would be suitable for sites such as and or There are similar categories in the French and German languages. I think the English DMOZ needs something comparable.
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 5 replies
I have spent another month trying to understand why we were denied entry into the directory, looking over the guidelines again and again. Can someone please give me some hints or at least tell me why we can't be in the directory so I stop wasting time looking for something 'wrong' with our site. Thanks for your help!
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi all, I have joined this forum to find out a bit more information about the casino category, hopefully you can shed some light on this for me. Firstly, why are no more sites aloud to be submitted? Is this due to there being no editor? Or high levels of spam? I understand DMOZ certainly doesn't need to give users the chance to submit there site but it is very frustrating that competitors are listed and even though I feel I could add a better offering to the category it won't allow me to. Secondly, the casino category is broken down into software operators, inside these categories you can submit a new site. The software used with online casino I manage is not lis…
Last reply by Webzcas,
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- 4 replies
If one category is showing yesterday date as a updation date.It means all the sites of that particular category has been reviewed or there is possibility that some sites might be still pending.
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 34 replies
Is there a way to check how long it has been since a catagory has been updated by an editor, or to check when the last time was that they logged in? I have searched for a particular editor, but can't find them in the member list. Is it possible they are not a member of the forum? My point, is that if I am going to wait a year to be included because the editor has not logged in, I would like to know, so I won't worry about it. Help ease my mind please.....
Last reply by jjwill, -
Hi Following a recent submission i may have submitted to the incorrect catagory. Should i re submit to the correct catagory ,or will an editor correct if wrongly placed. i submitted to : site url : date submitted - 25-04-05 Thankyou
Last reply by Alucard, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hey <details removed> is listed in the ODP under ยท COMPUTERS-SOFTWARE-GLOBALIZATION-COMPUTER AIDED TRANSLATION Catagory Due to Marketing changes we want to change our position to the Follow Catagory :computers, internet, searching, search engines Since according to Alexa 90% of our traffic goes to either <details removed> Which is our Search Platforms supported by Google. How do we make this process and how long does it take So Alexa and other ranking sites can change their category database as it is based under your directory Thank you for any answer Kind regards Michael L
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 4 replies
What comes first, the chicken or the egg? Ok, I think that a new catagory should be created for Concealed Carry type websites on the internet. They are many but spread out over all the other gun related catagories. I would like to edit such a catagory but find that I first have to apply for a different catagory? that already exist... I have submitted an app already under the username THEBIRDBATH and recieved a confirmation on Feb 26th. What can I do to be the editor of such a catagory that does not yet exist but needs to. With 46 states having CCW/Concealed Carry laws, shouldn't this have its own catagory? I could list dozens of sites to fill it.…
Last reply by midgetlov, -
- 3 replies
How would one find out if there are editors for a particular catagory? Another business similar to mine was listed under a different category, but I felt that I had chosen a more relevent, specific category. Since it has been a long time, I do not recall the precise category which I had chosen. It may take another look at the submission process to determine. Also, mine was submitted through 1 and 1. Is it possible that there was a problem with the server, etc, and it never made it to DMOZ? Thank you in advance for your help
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
I need to find out how to change the location of my company listing. Currently listed under Business/Financial Services/Venture Capital/Industry Focus. I would like to be listed under Business/Financial Services/Venture Capital (no Industry Focus). Could you help?
Last reply by lmocr,
- 1 reply
Hi, Last week I submitted a site under: Health:Mental Health:Products and Services, I no longer find that catagory listed. All I see is Health:Products and Shopping...Can you assist me? Many thanks, Kent
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
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- 10 replies
where can i make a catagory suggestion?
Last reply by jdaw1,