General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
- Meta
- 8 replies
Just a thought, but the system of ODP that used to work on a lower volume of site submissions seems to be in a complete mess, top 10 google results are filled with dmoz listed companies which maybe out of date, more progressive companies have to wait years to get listed on dmoz and claim their rifghtful place in the top 10, how can this been seen as a autonomous view of the web world when it's not even up to date? Google needs to pump money into dmoz to get everything flowing in order to keep it's status as the world's best search engine. I suggest that someone design a portal that each web page pops into which can be crossed reviewed by the public so that the web beco…
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Greetings! I'm the webmaster of a site that listed at DMOZ. Today I was checking over the entry for our site and I was dismayed to find it says our event (an internationally famous festival) is 10 days long, considering we run for well over one month (!!!). I'm not really sure where the information included came from. I'm the one who originally entered the festival here -- and I know that my own information was accurate. (smile) How does one go about fixing these errors? I've looked around (briefly, I admit), but can't seem to figure it out... Thanks!
Last reply by CharlieMClint, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
There is an error in the editor contact forms, invalid Email address. The contact form only has one field for an Email address, but I think the error might be in the translation of the editor's name to an Email. I have not been able to contact the category editors using this form because of the proxy error. I have been trying to report an error in the musical instrument description file, specifically the standard tuning for guitars is incorrect. "(EADGBD)" should be "(EADGBE)"
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hello, I am new to this and would really love to understand how to get a site listing moved from one category to a more relevant one? Falcon Motorcycles is currently listed under: Regional: North America: United States: California: Counties: Los Angeles: Business and Economy: Automotive I feel it would make much more sense to list it under: Business: Automotive: Motorcycles: Makes and Models: Retailers: Multiple Brand As it is a very specific business that sells multiple brand British motorcycles. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Right now it is listed with used car dealers and much less relevant businesses. Thanks, Ryllis33
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I submitted a site to 2 or 3 categories a little over a month ago, but havent heard anything good or bad about the submission status for any of them. How long should the process take? Two of the categories do not have an editor listed, and the other category I submitted to has an editor, but when I fill out the contact form, I get a proxy error on submission. Please help...Thanks, Mike
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
Hi guys, Whats going on here? I have had my site in dmoz for years. I moved it to its own domain, updated in DMOZ, got the update changed.. and now all the sudden its gone? Why?? This doesn't make sense. My site is the best on the web for this type of information by far, with over 100 personally written articles Nathan
Last reply by makrhod,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, Could someone please advise me on how I can change the Editor settings for our company when I dont have the previous users email or login details. It was obviously quite some time ago or it could have been a consultant doing some work for us. I am the marketing manager for the company in question and require to alter our directories as our company has changed names and needs updating. Many thanks in advance. Cathy
Last reply by nea,
- Editall/Catmv
- 2 replies
Hi, Can anyone help me? I am an editor (andreawasik) and my account was deactivated due to inactivity. I submitted the reinstatement form months ago. I then sent an email request to an editor who had previously sent me an email, explaining the situation and asking for help. I have heard nothing back from anyone. I won't go into the reasons here on a public forum (though I explained my absence in my reinstatement request) but I was unable to login and perform editing duties for a while. I am now able to resume, yet I am unable to get a response from anyone for months now. If anyone out there can help, please let me know, I'd be very grateful. Thanks
Last reply by andreawasik, -
- Meta
- 26 replies
I am wondering of hutcheson's account was hacked over at SeachEngineWatch or is this post from hutcheson for real.
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 2 replies
I am having difficulty with finding the mechanism to update my listing. It seems that my site, <url removed> has been accepted and is now turning up search results at aol search. Is the problem that we need it to be re-indexed because some of the content has been updated since. For example: yahoo search now shows the proper results, titles and URL to us. However, google and aol search are still showing the old titles and structure. I have read the following from the help page: "How do I update the listing for my site? Updating is even easier. Simply go to the category which your site is listed, and click the "update URL" link at the top. For additional informati…
Last reply by gloria,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
hello there admin, my thread is moved, and I cant go there because it need password. As ive known that im just being active here so I dont expect to gain that adult password thread, Btw... my name is Jhun, im an adult webmaster designer, and lurker here for the past 3 years, Ive been inactive since then, but now I think I can gain and learn more here. Im trying to understand the competions for SEO. I am trying to do that also. I was hoping that im welcome back here... Thanks.
Last reply by growers, -
- 1 reply
Hello. I hope this is the right place to raise this. I am an editor of a couple of small OD categories, and I am also a UK campaigner against the use of Deep Packet Inspection by Websites for behaviourally targetted advertising. (Phorm in UK, NebuAd in the USA). The campaign has been approaching well known large websites about opting their websites out of profiling by Phorm's DPI model. There is an open letter from the "Open Rights Group" to large websites, at this url here <URL Removed> A number of sites have responded, Amazon have chosen to optout, as has a major charity, Youthnet, each for their own reasons. I don't want to clog up this forum with a de…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 5 replies
I have a few websites built on IDN (International Domain Names). I suggested one of them, but now I have a doubt: is it possible? Thanks
Last reply by bmastro, -
- 2 replies
Hello Is it possible now to estimate search database update? There was no update since April 15. Is someting broken? thanks
Last reply by Key, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi Expert, I am trying to email the category's editor to check why my site is not listed. Unfortunately, the email editor function is NOT working. Please advise how can I ask DMOZ to fix the bug as well as the way to check why my site is not listed. Thanks The URL:{some editor name} Error Message: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Dear DMOZ Editors, I'm posting an open question not to pan anyone, not to grind an ax, not to question the necessary editor structure of DMOZ; but purely out of frustration as a dedicated employee of a legitimate Internet services company that relies heavily on search engine placement and SEO for its income. My company rebranded a few months ago and, though we followed the submission process, our URL has stayed at its legacy address, with a legacy description. Fine. It's 301'd; it's sub-optimal, but it works. (For SEO, it /sort of/ works.) Then, without, I believe, any malicious intent, that same legacy listing was overwritten in a foreign language description (P…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I am currently editor of the following category: I need some advice. There are some people that desire to be in this category and have not really been recognized as artists in the LDS community. They have put their music on a website and in some cases the music is amateur even though the website and content are fine. I suppose the overall editing guidelines should be the greater part of the solution, but at the same time the category should be representative of the Arts in the LDS community and should not incl…
Last reply by aeclark,
- Meta
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I finally got into the DMOZ directory around 2 months ago. I've just checked today though and it's no where to be seen. The site is Alliance Online - <url removed> ...and if I remember correctly it was placed in this category: Thanks in advance for any information. Cheers, Mark
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi guys, I run a site that has been hosted at geocities for years. I just now got its own domain, touched up the interface and put it up at a new host. I did a meta-refresh redirect on the page however; I am wondering how I can get the dmoz link changed over to the new site? The geocities site shows some ads and I needed to use javascript code to 'frame break' the geocities. I submitted an update listing request and I believe it is passed the turn around time. Any suggestions? Thanks, Nathan
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- Meta
- Editall
- 41 replies
We have a website that was listed for several years and was dropped in April 2008 (we know, because log files show referrals from until May 2008). Since our website is an established quality site, we assumed that there was a problem with the ODP link checker accessing our site. So looking again our log files, we saw two failed attempts in April by link checker to access the site. So voila, that would explain the site removal. But why was the link checker blocked by our site? Because the IP address of the link checker belongs to a hosting company that also hosts many spammers. We have found fake Googlebots, scrapers, email harvesters and other s…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
I would like to suggest a New Category in the Health Directory. Departments of Health Kind Regards, Asklepios
Last reply by asklepios, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 14 replies
Hi DMOZ folks and readers. I have several things I would like to discuss, and felt that this was an appropriate place to post this discussion to. While I truly do not wish to be an editor, I would sincerely like to offer some feedback for the Categories that I am TRULY hoping for massive improvement. I would also like this to be actually read - and not treated as a "self-promotion" post. OK? I am interested in the GAMBLING FIELD entries. Before you shake your head because you do not appreciate this topic - please be aware that this IS a topic that a LARGE population around the world appreciates and actively uses. And it is deserving of inclusion in an ONLINE D…
Last reply by WagerWitch, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
I submitted my site for adding our site to DMOZ earlier, I was recent received a email from a DMOZ editor who claimed he/she also is a meta editor offer to have our site listed in the submited category for a fee of 300 RMB. I am just wondering if the editor legitmated to do under DMOZ social contract? If it is not legitamate, how will the DMOZ deal with such situation? Thanks for help!
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Advertising_and_Marketing/Advertising/Promotional_Items/ Can anyone tell me if there are any active editors for this category, and or if it is possible to contact them directly? Our company is missing out big time in not being listed here, and although I understand how Dmoz is a massive wait and frustration for many others around the World, I would have thought that this specific category was relatively small and easy to maintain, compared to some. If I was able to become a fair editor to this category, that would be of interest, but I presume there are no editor positions available? Kind regards, Ricky Ba…
Last reply by makrhod,
by cb21-
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi there I submitted our new site, did a search, site is not listed, tried to leave a feedback, feedback service out of service, asking to check back in a day or two, I check back every 2nd day since almost two months ... it tells me the same every single time I come back!! Just wondering Anyway ... is there any some kinda "service" where one can get a feedback 'WHY' one's site should have been rejected? I'm kinda sick of the internet "GODS" trying to tell the public when something s good or bad. (unless it is obvious and someone can tell me why our site is bad enough for not being listed in Dmoz! Are "Quality Serivce" sites not welcome these days anymor…
Last reply by hutcheson,