General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I am wondering about a specific category that does not have an editor. How does a person get a link added into that category when no one is there to review it to see if it is appropriate or not? And while I know of "What you are seeing at the bottom of the category is that there is no editor named. This does not mean that a category gets no editor attention. Any editor "higher-up" the category tree can edit in a category lower down. In addition to this, there are two categories of editor, called Editalls and Metas who can edit any category in the directory. So yes, someone will eventually review every suggestion." I have not seen any movement in the category whatso…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
How would one find out if there are editors for a particular catagory? Another business similar to mine was listed under a different category, but I felt that I had chosen a more relevent, specific category. Since it has been a long time, I do not recall the precise category which I had chosen. It may take another look at the submission process to determine. Also, mine was submitted through 1 and 1. Is it possible that there was a problem with the server, etc, and it never made it to DMOZ? Thank you in advance for your help
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
We submitted our site to our local area. Then a few weeks later after we were not in the dir. We found a little better area and submitted into that area. We do not want to be flagged for spam. Any thoughts John
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, Im new here, I am a member of several other forums and have read a lot of posts about webmasters complaining about DMOZ editors etc. I would just like to share my thoughts and would like to view other peoples thoughts too. In my opinion DMOZ editors should be given some gratitude, after all they are helping the "web community" and manually adding/accepting/rejecting sites within their own time for FREE! So when people moan at them and say lots of bad things about them, keep this in mind. I'm sure I have said some bad things about them myself at some point but I have come to realise what they actually do and im sure they dont want to criticised over so…
Last reply by Icoste, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
I'd like to see if there are any active editors for the directory... it seems that no one has paid any attention to it...
Last reply by makrhod,
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
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- 11 replies
This so-called "open" directory project is about as open as the Skull & Bones Club. I have run a reputable statistical consulting business serving clients worldwide for over 3 years, and yet none of the 3 applications I have made to be included in the Statistical Consulting section of this "directory" have ever been approved, or even acknowledged. In view of this treatment, I can't help but think that it takes some grease on somebody's palm to get listed. At the very least, some serious favoritism is going on, and if this project aspires to maintain any reputation for honesty, this situation should be investigated. I'll be interested to see if this message even gets a…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, Some pages in the directory are unranked. Why? Can we submit these pages for checking or is it normal? Thanks, Michael
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi, I'm trying to register the URL <URL deleted> , an agricultural engineers and suppliers for models such as Zetor, McCormick and Merlo, and have tried filling the register form, but the security code doesn't show, so I am unable to complete the form. I have tried to refresh the 'code' and tried playing audio, but it fails everytime. There is a pop-up that is initially blocked, but when I unblock it it refreshes the page and still fails to show the secuirty code. Is it something to with my internet options or browser? Thanks, in advance, for your help. Chris
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, How can i find out why my website as been removed from the directory and other poor quality sites been added the category even tho there is no editor for the category ?. Regards
Last reply by hutcheson,
Category ?
by Al69-
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi All I have been submitting my site to a category for two years now and I have noticed at the bottom of the page >> Is this normal :icon_ques Regards Al
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 5 replies
Can we submit a website with register_globals (php.ini)? I mean to say if a computer disabled then? Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
We have our listing with DMOZ. 1 Year ago we have changed our company name and jurisdiction from TrumpGain, Corp. to Trumpgain Limited (UK). Also we have a made a rebranding of our website. We sent update listing requests for at least of 5 times. Nothing changed. Current description of our website is not correct. Current - TrumpGain Corp. - Features forex trading signals, short and long term strategies. Statistics from 2000. We would like to have - Trumpgain Limited - forex signals provider. Please help
Last reply by nea,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 33 replies
We submitted our site years ago but for whatever reason we were put in the wrong category. I tried unsuccessfully a few times to update and it has never been updated. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this done?
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
I had several domains listed in several language categories. Now, they have been removed apart from the German entry which has been replaced by the English URL, but still in the German category and with the German description. This was because a DMOZ editor thought, that it was possible to change the language on the .com domain and hence only one domain should be listed ("it is the same site"). In fact, you could only change language by changing the URL, this is also due to legal restrictions as different legal entitie are responsible for different contents/domains. So when people click on it, they end up on an English speaking website. I would like to get th…
Last reply by motsa,
- Editall/Catmv
- 5 replies
With the new developments in web technology, we are increasingly using web applications as opposed to installed software. Not only are these web applications accessible from anywhere, many of them are also free. However, not everybody is aware of these free, online alternatives to desktop software. It seems only natural for the directory to include a first-level category for web applications. What do you think?
Last reply by firestorm,
- 3 replies
Hi, I have been trying to contact a particular DMOZ editor using the Email editor link on your website, but upon clicking the Submit button, I run into the following error: <-------- Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi. Reason: Error reading from remote server --------> When I click the "POST /cgi-bin/send2.cgi" link in the above message, it takes me to another screen which says: <--- Bad email address Please enter a valid email address. ---> My email address is a valid address, so I am not sure what else I need to do …
Last reply by firestorm,
- 2 replies
Have you ever heard the discussion from SEO book that google no more "respect"DMOZ and yahoo submission directory?well you could read this discussion <URL deleted>.
Last reply by firestorm,
- Meta
- 13 replies
As my own website is "invisible" now on many DMOZ directory-dependent websites and statistics website such as Alexa ("Top websites by category"), I was wondering how inaccurate those websites are. What is the percentage of "non-listed" websites, let's say with an Alexa rank of at last 250,000 that have not been listed on DMOZ due to some rules that are often in conflict with those statistic websites that are thought to give a balanced and neutral summary of the top websites in a certain category ? My feeling is that Alexa maybe only covers 20% as DMOZ does not assign a a category to every relevant website. But this means looking at Alexa is quite useless as it is …
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 16 replies
I checked the stats on Alexa for Flirtbox in the UK. I wanted to see other websites in the same category, but the link has disappeared. I have asked at Alexa and they have told me they use the DMOZ data and obviously <url removed> has disappeared from DMOZ and used to be listed? Therefore no category links can be displayed anymore. I have searched DMOZ and noticed the only Flirtbox website listed is the German version, but the German version is the one with least visitors (less then 1000 per day) whereas the UK has over 10,000 unique visitors per day, So why has it disappeared from there and when was that? Thanks! Toby
Last reply by motsa,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 18 replies
I don't want to insult any editor, but the DMOZ directory listing for the niche field I am interested in is absolutely abyssmal. Besides not ever being updated, most of the linked sites on there are not of high quality, and some are completely biased. Since DMOZ is the most important directory on the internet and google values it so much, I am curious if this is just due to the fact there are so few editors and because my field is a niche area.
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 11 replies
How can I have my site de-listed on DMOZ? Thanks Charlie
Last reply by makrhod,
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 3 replies
Editors, My company's listing for <url removed> (in Computers: Internet: Domain Names: Registrars: B ) is seriously stale. I've submitted numerous requests to get it moved (or even deleted if necessary) but to no avail. Can someone PLEASE push this into the correct queue and get it out of Domain Names and into Computers: Internet: Abuse: Denial of Service ? This issue has been ongoing for years!
Last reply by IRCCo Jeff, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I tried to email the editor of a category via the 'Email the Editor' form, and I received a 502 proxy error when I submitted the form. Is there any other way to email the editor, as I've tried twice from different computers in different places and each time I get the same result. Thanks in advance, --C
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Please tell me how to find out the status of a site registered in DOMZ 10 months ago. It's not are displayed in the directory. Thanks a lot! Eugen Mihai
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Is there a way to find a list of editors or contact editors for a specific category? Over the past 6 months, I have tried to get my website listed under Games>Roleplaying>World Building three different times, and I never receive so much as a response. I would just like to find out why. I have one of the largest RPG world building communities on the internet right now that is a resource for hundreds of people, and have specific programs and everything for the site, and there's no logical reason why I haven't been added yet, and I would just like some help or advice on what I could do better. Thanks, -Ish
Last reply by Ishmayl, -