General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 9 replies
what shall i do?
Last reply by sincerelyyours, -
- 4 replies
Hello, We have recently been listed under the category Regional: North America: Canada: Manitoba: Localities: W: Winnipeg: Health: Pharmacy We would like to be changed/added (which ever is feasible) to the following category so that we are listed with our direct competitors: Shopping: Health: Pharmacy: Online Pharmacies We are a SquareTrade certified orgainization which means that we are licensed and have been approved by an independant third party to be allowed to advertise our products online. This was required by the Overture network so that we could list with them. To be SquareTrade certified we must have licensed pharmacists, a brick and mortar pharm…
Last reply by thehelper,
- 1 reply
Hi My site <url removed> is listed under the regional catagory. I need to change it to a braoder catagory. If is a regional catagiry to USA & Canada. Currenty, the site is listed as Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: S: St. Catharines: Business and Economy: Computers and Internet. This needs to be updated. Help! How do I change catagories> Thanks!
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
I submitted my website - - to the ODP about 5/6 months ago and to date it has not been listed. I have found another category which is more specific to my website. Should I resubmit to this other category or not?
Last reply by goz007, -
- 2 replies
We work with several clients who we help build websites and get placement on the web. We had a client who we designed a website for who subsequently left our company. the problem is we had bought the domain for three years and the client left after a couple of months and did not want to pay for the domain. We retained the domain and over a year later used it with another client. The issue is that we never went back to change any of the descriptions in the open directory. The other problem is that the open directory now has a desciption for the old client. How do we quickly get that changed?
Last reply by mtb, -
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- 13 replies
I am wondering if it is possible for an editor to change the original description of our website. We are not actually a writing company but a professional CV writing company and the current description does not not actually describe us properly. It does make all the difference in Google when people search for us. I would be grateful if somebody could review it and perhaps be good enough to revise it? Our website is Many thanks Michelle
Last reply by pvgool,
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- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hi All, Hope some can help, We have move office and I do not know how to change and amend our details in the Open directory Please let me know How or who to contact. Many thanks Jacqueline Okwong Greenwood Letting Agents
Last reply by Elper,
- 4 replies
One of our accounting clients in Perth, has changed its name to Seeing as a DMOZ editor actually found and added the original site, I thought you guys may be keen to change over the site in the relevant category. Its our only client who ended up in DMOZ without us or the client doing anything. Do we have to do anything ? If so, what do we do ? Travis Kerslake
Last reply by giz, -
change of description?
by Guest nikitha-
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- 2 replies
can we request change of description to my already listed site, coz' it doesn't best represent the business I am in. Any thoughts? I hope/wish it is possible. Should we request the category editor in this case?
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- Editall/Catmv
- 12 replies
Hi guys I have a listing in DMOZ but we changed our domain name some months ago and rebuilt our site. How do I go about changing the listing? I've looked at the Update Listing page however I'm not sure if this will allow me to change my domain name or just the tite and description. The listed domain is but we have now changed this to Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Regards Peter
Last reply by lmocr,
change of website address
by Guest scoobontour- 6 replies
please can the address be changed for the entry be changed to the other listing in epsom has been changed already. regards Paul
Change one url to another
by Guest wusong-
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- 1 reply
Dear editors, We have a site listed in your ODP directory. I don't like the domain name, as it sounds like an offical organization, but my site is a private ran business website. I have newly purchased a new domain name. I'm wondering if I can change the listed url to the new one or not. Looking forward to your feedback. Wu Song
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 16 replies
We have had our site submitted for quite some time to the directory. When I asked for the last submission update on 2/20/04 it was still awaiting review. Today when I was checking the catalog I found our website listed in the directory. Thank you very much for including our site. I noticed the link was pointing to instead of I think the company that we had our site submitted through forgot to inclued the www in the link. Is there anyway to …
Last reply by dogbows, -
Change URL ?
by wii-
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- 5 replies
I have a site listed at DMOZ, but I need to change the URL, because I sold that domain, how can I do this ? Thanks
Last reply by liszt, -
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- 4 replies
So I had my site IP address changed so that it was a dedicated IP and no longer shared. Once that was done I figured I should re-submit my listing to DMOZ - now I am wondering if that was the wrong decision (I currently do not have a listing in DMOZ). Is there any way to check if this may have messed things up? Let me know if I should post my URL. Thanks for any help that you can provide.
Last reply by rbrown, -
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- 16 replies
I just requested a change in my listing, as the title and focus of my website,, had changed from security stickers and signs to stun guns. I did not expect anything to happen in the same day, but I have found that my listing has disappeared completely from its original category,, and has not been reestablished in any new category. I know the new category's editor will have to look at the site, but I would hope that making a change to a site with the same URL, would be simpler and quicker than a completely new submission. Is it common when making a change, that th…
Last reply by motsa,
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- 4 replies
Hi, I was searching for the listing of my website ( Couldn't find it.. Then I searched for the old name...( and whoeps... there it was! I wanted to know if it is possible to change the URL from to The category is: If anybody can fill me in on this... I would be more than happy! Kind regards, Joris Keeman
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 24 replies
Hi. My wife's website,, was accepted on Jan. 15 under /Arts/Visual_Arts/Painting/Painters/Abstractism/K/. That is the URL it is registered under, and which appears on several art sites, as well as her c.v. At first, DMOZ listed the URL as, which is the URL our ISP uses (we redirect the site to our ISP because it offers a "free" website with our Internet subscription). I contacted one of the DMOZ editors and within hours, the listing was changed to Soon, it began appearing on some major search engines, which was great. However, in the last week or so, another editor apparently changed it bac…
Last reply by stecklow, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
Hello Dear Editor, The website I am inquiring about is It can be found under the following category: My question is this: Just recently we changed the URL to Currently, when you click on it redirects to However, I was wondering if I could submit a request for the URL in the directory to be changed to Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Last reply by dsingh, -
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- 1 reply
Hi, I have been submitting sites to ODP for a few years and never had a problem. I submitted a site in December and it was never listed. At the time it was submitted I believe the rules said that the site could be resubmitted if it wasn't listed in 3 months. I resubmitted the site after 3 months... I'm not sure when the info about using the forum to check the status was added and if I created my own problem by resubmitting the site, or if there's anyway that I can resolve the issue with the submission of the site if I was at fault without knowing about a change in policy. If anyone has any info that could help me out I'd apreciate it. Thanks, Ransom
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 3 replies
Hi! Back in March I submitted a change of description for my store, Checking today in the category that the site is listed, it says that the last update was made on June 13, 2005, but my description was not changed. The description listed now is inaccurate and it is wreaking havoc with my search engine placement because Google automatically uses the description I have in DMOZ's listing (not to mention customers who are looking for something I no longer sell). Should I submit the description again or is there anything else I can do to get this changed?
Last reply by spectregunner, -
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- 1 reply
Hi all, I've got a site to submit to the directory, but find the structure doesn't fit particularly well. My site deals with graphical plugins for Photoshop, PSP and compatibles, which share the same plugin format. Unfortunately the ODP structure divides plugins into separate application groups. As such I can either have my plugins listed under PSP or Photoshop, but not both. It'd make more sense to have a plugins subdirectory, Computers:Software:Graphics:.8bf Plugins where plugins would be listed. I've read Jorg's observations on the structure and concur. Is there a chief editor who is responsible for the tree structure, and sub-editors handle the content? If not, …
Last reply by pvgool,
Changing catagories in Mdoz
by Guest chad- 6 replies
First, I would like to say this forum seems to be an excellent way for those of us that are not completely proficient with the Open Directory Project to get help. I listed my website prior to the creation of a new catagory. My website contains thousands of bar and resturant products and our name reflects we are a foodservice dealer. When I listed my site, the closest catagory available was Hopsitality (Hotel). Since then a catagory for foodservice equipment has opened. For the past three years I have been requesting, begging, pleaded and getting frusterated to no avail. In an attempt to sway the editors, I included the Websters Dictionary definition of both foodse…
- Meta
- 7 replies
I've been trying to have my site moved to a more appropriate category. Or at least the category above where my direct competitors have been placed. They sell handcrafted chairs, whereas I sell chairs and tables, etc. I'm currently in: I want to move to: Based on the ODP description of these categories however, I can see that this might not happen. The category i'm listed in states: The category I wish to be moved to states: However, two of my main competitors are listed in a sub-category of this, with the following desc: …
Last reply by bobrat, -
Changing categories for a website
by Guest maryellens-
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- 16 replies
Can anyone please tell me the secret to getting the category of my website changed from "Inn" to "bed and breakfast" I have sent numerous change requests to editors with not luck What is the secret. We really fit more into the description of Bed and breakfast than INN
Last reply by hutcheson,