General Curlie Issues
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Hi Our website was submitted and accepted by DMOZ about 6 or 7 years ago. I noticed recently that is has been dropped from the directory. Apart from a short outage (3 days) while the site was being moved from Win to Linux hosting it's been up. The site content has changed but it's general theme has not and all sub pages that are no longer used are on perm 301 re-direct. Any ideas why a site such as this would be dropped after so long in the directory? Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi all just wondered with the growth of the mobile phone market and more people surfing the net from them as a directory does dmos etc do specific area for submitting sites for mobile phones (i.e. mobile website, mobile web site, wap sites similar to an ordinary website but its size has been adjusted to fit the screens of mobile phones there is probably a proper name for them but I don’t know what it is lol). If they don’t could I suggest they do because I ‘m sure with the directories influence on the web the ones that people did would be better than the ones now
Last reply by motsa,
I registered for dmoz about one month ago and have not received a reply as to my status. Is there someone I can email? Your help would greatly be appreciated as I have linked dmoz to my website, but linking to dmoz will be of no use to me if I do not pop up on a search. Please Help! Thank You. Elva Miranda Moonlight Madness Virtual Assistant <url removed>
Last reply by motsa,
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- 8 replies
I understand that the ODP doesnt keep a list of rejected submissions. However, I think it would make sense if they did. There are so many people wasting your time asking if their site was included/not included and why. So, it would make sense to list this. I know the point of the ODP is to create great categories, but it seems the editors waste A LOT of time answering submission questions, when they could be reviewing sites for inclusion. Is there any chance this will happen in the future? Correct me if I am wrong, but ODP used to do this I thought..... thanks, aaron
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 8 replies
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how long it takes for a site to be reviewed on average. I understand that this is mostly voluntary work and different sections of the directory are handled differently and it takes different amount of time to get listed in different sections. But course its not like a section is not looked into for a year or so. So i guess what I am asking is that, is there a ball park figure or period range as to how long it takes for a site to be reviewed after which i would know that its either accepted or not and I should stop checking back. I do want to add that i think the work being done on the directory is impressive and i can unders…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 2 replies
Hi, I would like to add a link to a company that has 20 branches in some parts of North West England, but not all of North West England. The branches are in some towns and not others. Am I best adding the link in the North West, or adding it to each town individually, or adding the link to both the North West and each town? I woukd prefer the link in each town, but do not want to fall fowl of the listing rules. Regards, JPM
Last reply by jpmorganuk, -
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- 9 replies
Hi - I inherited the site about 30 months ago. Some years before, the company had been named Interwise Millennium- which is the name currently listed in dmoz. All I want to do is remove the "Millennium" from the name in the listing. I have sent many requests starting in 2006 to get this done. Perhaps they were killed off due to some sort of keyword-stuffing fear as I added in a current company description. The fact is, as long as google is pulling information from dmoz, it would be fantastic to at least have the proper company name appear. What is the best way to proceed?
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 1 reply
I noticed that there is an icon over to the top rightof the posts that when you hover over it says add to the users reputation. It also says I have a 10 for my reputation. What is that about? Am I Bo Dereck?
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 6 replies
Hi All Im sure this question gets asked a lot and i have read many threads to try and help me with this solution before i ask the question. I Have been trying to get this site included in DMOZ for a long time but nothing is happening. the site is <url removed>, by looking at this site does anybody have an idea if there is something on the site that may be prohibiting its inclusion or whether it breaks any guidelines? this way we can ensure it is changed! Your help and ideas are very much appreciated. Chris
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 6 replies
Not a thing has been added to the portugal sector for years now i applied to become an editor and was told that there was no call for editors in that section but its clearly not the case or is there an editor with an agenda. Paul
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
Hi All, My actual description is wrongly submitted. Now i want to edit the description as soon as possible and i would like to change its category also. Can any dmoz editor help me out from this? Is that task can be done only by dmoz editors? or can we do? Regards, karim
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
I have been trying to submit my company's new website to this site for almost a month now. The problem is that what my company does (design and manufacture packaging for a wide variety of products) does not fall into any of the listed categories. I really would like to add the category of "manufacturing" or even more specifically "packaging" but I currently cannot figure out how to, since the link where you should be able to suggest a new category is still having technical difficulties. Any one have any ideas?
Last reply by chaos127,
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- 5 replies
Hello everyone! I hope I'm not being an idiot here? But, when i search DMOZ for wedding cake uk, wedding cakes uk, wedding cake london or wedding cakes london i don't appear in the results. My wedding cake company is one of five or six of the top cake companies in London, i don't understand why we don't appear. Also, does anyone know why we appear in event planning and not a wedding cakes section. Our site is located at Thank you May
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
how long does it take to update an existing listing? i am trying to remove some false information from <url removed> - the band used to be on Epic Records, but now is on Columbia Records. i've tried the update procedure twice now to no avail.
Last reply by makrhod,
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- 3 replies
Hi Dear All, Our company website has been listed DOMZ. But our webiste content has been modified and services from our company have expanded. So i submit our website one more time in order to renew the description. and later, i found out i made a mistake and not supposed to submit our website twice. and also, because our services expanded, our website should not be listed in current region category. I just wonder who i can report this issue to in order to make things right. Thanks in advance
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 2 replies
Hi, I can not login since the last week of September. My editor name is – prodosh. I’ve tried to reset my password from the forget password link but got the same password. Also tried the reinstate form but nothing fruitful yet. A password reset would be most appreciated. Thanks. Prodosh
Last reply by prodosh, -
hii i try to submit website to my sister <url> & no one anser me ?!
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 1 reply
(I'm not sure if my last post went through, so I apologize if this is a duplicate...) Recently, I tried posting on DMOZ, and was unsuccessful at my attempt. Similar to Stubhub, we are a ticket broker that sells premium event seating that sells to tickets to events that are either sold out or hard-to-find. DMOZ's policy on ticket "resellers" reads as follows... Please do not submit affiliate and reseller sites. We will not accept sites that are resellers of other sites selling the same tickets (e.g.,,,,, etc.) Sites that exist solely to drive traffic to another site's central ordering syste…
Last reply by nea,
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- 2 replies
Hello all - I'm new here I was wondering (can't see anything quite about this in the Help section) how I can go about requesting a change to the two categories our two websites are listed in? They're both in categories that aren't quite accurate, and there are better categories for each of them. They were submitted a long time ago, so it's bound to be our fault entirely they're in the wrong place, but it would be great if we could figure out a way to rectify this and get them in the right place. All advice much appreciated - thank you
Last reply by SafariSafari, -
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- 1 reply
Hi, A lot of time ago someone in my company introduced our website <url removed> in dmoz with a wrong description, that in a certain part of it reads "... french company ..." when it should say "... spanish company...". We have to solve this asap, how can we update that description? We already tried to change it through the correspondent form a couple of moths ago, but the description is still wrong. We have come across some information in the internet that claims that if we can contact the editor of our category he will kindly change it for us, how could we contact the editor of our category? Is this the way to make a change like this? The company is …
Last reply by kazhar,
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- 2 replies
I just have a couple quick questions How often do you update the DMOZ Search Database? (On average if updates are preformed randomly) And when the database updated is it site wide or by categories?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Is it possible to know the average number of sites submissions that DMOZ receives per day ( or per week, month ) ? Thanks!
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
You can see the question in the title. Does anyone know, how many categories DMOZ have? I'd verry interested in that ( and I hope, that was the correct forum? ) Greetings .wired
Last reply by dmclean,
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- 7 replies
I have sent several requests to change categories over the past 2 years. Our site has changed and the categories no longer apply. These changes have not been made and because of this we are loosing ALOT of revenue. It has been determined that our site will be better off to not be listed at all on DMOZ/ODP because of the current categories it is listed under. How do we get unlisted/removed from DMOZ/ODP?
Last reply by james wilkins, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 27 replies
I am just curious since the questions always seem to be the same why there is not a place to check on sites other than to search. Things I see asked consistantly are: 1) What is the status of my submission 2) Why is my site not listed 3) Am I banned or I have I done something wrong Seems to me that instead of having the editors constantly answer the same questions it would be easier to have a page that would allow users to look up the answers. Such as 1) a page that would say pending as of the date they submitted and no reason to resubmit you are in line and we will get there as soon as we can. 2) unless you are banned refer to 1 we do not supply cheese wit…
Last reply by jimnoble, -