General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
Closed Directory Project
by Guest steve200-
- Meta
- 7 replies
I'm writing to express some frustration with the lack of transparency with the dmoz project. Transparency is the opposite of opacity, and in this context means that information regarding internal processes and procedures is available to people outside the organization. Right now, it seems that if the incense doesn't blow in just the right direction, your site isn't getting added into DMOZ. "Try another directory" will no doubt be the response. Some statistics I'd like to see: * Elapsed time between a site's submission and inclusion * Each editor's hours per week logged in * Instantaneous and moving average of elapsed time in each editor's queue * Approval/reje…
Last reply by leer, -
- closed?
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello all, The editor "pvgool" said this: This lack of transparency is no good. Why not explain to a webmaster why he/she cannot list a website? Even in the army we don't have this anymore "we dont discuss that or this"; there are ways too appeal decisions. So why, is this phylosophy allowed on DMOZ? I want to inquire about the submission of a site to a certain category. I am 90% that the editor that did not allowed my website in the index has commited an abuse, but there is stil 10% chance that I am wrong. Why I am not allowed to talk about this in these forums? Regards
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Our compnay name and it;s URL has changed due to legal reason and the old URL is turned over to a new company. And the old URL is listed in DMOZ. How does the old URL get changed to the new one? I have submitted an "Update Listing" request and explained the change and reasoning over 3 weeks ago but have not seen any change or even received an acknowledgement that my request has been read or received. The old URL is still active but only has a notice on it explaining the change and the new URL. Nothing else on the site has changed other than the URL. Any help in updating this soon to be dead URL is appreciated. The old URL is and is liste…
Last reply by spectregunner, -
Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/germ.
by Guest Ensslen-
- Editall/Catmv
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hello, i do not know in which category I should add my costumer. It is a company with 4 different business areas, bicycle components, motorcycle components, industrial engineering and injection molded parts. The site is clearly splitted in this 4 parts and then in two different languages (english/german). Is it allowed to split the site into 8 parts, or will this regarded as spam? for example: magura bicylce components in english -> sports, cycling, manufacturer magura bicycle components in german -> world, german, rad.... etc. This would…
Company Specific Categories?
by Guest -- 1 reply
I'd be interested to learn how the determination is made that a company with a network of sites is worthy of having theit own category. As an example, lists several firms at the bottom who have their own category. Each site in the category is a small info site dedicated to a specific area of law. None of these categories have editors. Were these categories originally setup by an editor associated with these firms, or was a decision made higher up the chain that there was something special about these firms that made them deserving of their own category?…
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Greetings. I noticed today that my sites disappeared from their categories, though they've been there for years. I looked them up in Google Directory and it turns out they are still listed there. Is there a problem? 1.<url removed> google directory listing: - website present dmoz directory linsting: - website not present 2.<url removed> google directory listing: - website present - website no…
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 53 replies
ODP editors are not only slow The ODP is the only organization in the modern world that proudly puts out a customer service announcement like this one. How long should I wait before I resubmit? The simple answer is "forever". Not even with a wink. The ODP doesn't have a problem with speed; it has a problem with reality.
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Please help resolve this issue [deleted] is a DMOZ editor in [deleted] [deleted] personal website [deleted] has listed some ... clients websites and does offer SEO services. Also this is ... personal website [deleted] and is just 2 months old. This got listed in DMOZ with lightening speed. [deleted] My question and complaint is How come editors here get privileges more than anybody else? How come an editor with affiliation in [deleted] got an unrelated website ... ([deleted]) listed in dmoz so fast? Don't you think, this editor has compromised the system in collusion with some other editors? Don't you think, ... has got some of her clients websi…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello, Do we receive any email stating that our website has been included in the open directory project? Sorry for another dummy question, but i submitted 2 sites and I have never heard anything back. Thanks!
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 22 replies
I am not certain this question is in the proper category, apologies in advance if it is not. Does DMOZ send out a confirmation of submission? If not, it would be very helpful in tracking submissions if the submitter received an autoresponse with the date and directory the listing was submitted to. That way you may not have as many people inquiring on submissions while they are still in the "bucket". Thank you in advance, Coverall
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Dear Editors, I am confused about DMOZ. I have waited more than 2 years to get my websites listed. I have even submitted some of my clients websites but still nothing yet. I even would love to become an editor to help but I am afraid I would be rejected. Is there a problem finding editors for the Caribbean? I would love to make a difference but what do I need to do to help get my websites listed faster? I have changed one of the websites I have to a new name. Can I become an editor to help out?
Last reply by opomena, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Some time back I designed a web site. I then used this forum to determine what category it should be in. I was told, by an editor, that the category I selected was "perfect". I posted the url and waited. Not sure of the date I submitted, I went to the "submission status" and posted an inquiry. I was told it was too early and to inquire again on the 15th of Sept. I did, but unknowingly started a new thread to do so. I was told to post my inquiry to the original thread and the new thread was closed. I posted to the original thread and that is where I sit. I am hoping someone can give me an idea as to how long I should wait for a reply to this latest inquiry. I am afraid th…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 1 reply
I referring to the information about our site submission status on As my further questions are not directly connected with “submission status”, I think that this is the better place to ask for further information. The problem I can see: We do not submit anything to the Henderson Clan category on the above mentioned link. We have jewelry for almost 100 Scottish Clans and there is no reason for us to submit just ONE page of ONE clan to anywhere. We are online for 7 years and last 18 month rather patiently waiting for reviewing our site in category which is seems to be most appropriated in present categ…
Last reply by hutcheson,
Connection refused...?
by Guest pwillener-
- Meta
- 4 replies
For about an hour or so I'm getting a "Connection refused" message when trying to access Anyone else the same problem? (I have no problems accessing other websites, including ).
Last reply by giz, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Would ODP consider putting a stamp on the top of each directory about the time/date that the category was last edited? I think this would cut down on the mysteriousness about the editing for a category. Maybe this was previously suggested, so don't kill me in the replies! Just looking to help improve the project.
Last reply by thepinpeople, -
Contact at Netscape
by Guest --
- Meta
- 10 replies
Is there a contact at Netscape or AOL for a ultimate manager of the directory? There has to be someone in charge, somewhere???
Last reply by beebware, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
I have the name of the editor for the category that I submitted to a while ago. The category is: However, the contact page, like most of the other pages here, doesn't work. How do I get hold of barebodkin?
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Respect to all DMOZ editors and Staff members, I would like to ask for a contact how can I write a feedback to some of the staff members appointed to the DMOZ directory but working in AOL Netscape, Is that possible? I saw that rdkeating25 is an editor in Chief also bbgrant is a director, so please if You can provide me this information through PM if it is confidential. Thank You.
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 4 replies
When is it appropriate to contact a category editor about a submission? Thanks
Last reply by kokopeli,
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, Thanks for providing such a great service, which i might add is in your own free time. Excellent! I was just wondering if i could contact an editor of a certain catagory? Is this possible ie email? Keep up the good work! Adam
- Editall/Catmv
- 5 replies
kctipton wrote: Nobody is promised a _reply_ from Why then is everyone always told to write staff@ - Is it just a way of sweeping them under the carpet? As for editors going astray - it has nothing to do with subjectivity - though thats a good excuse - over used too. My inquiry was sincere - are you telling me its not possible? The honest fact is that - yes - I am dissapointed - I think I have a strong case with regards to claiming my site is just as worthy of being indexed as numerous other sites already indexed. At least 2 other editors shared my feelings and added my site - other editors deleted it. The claim of affiliate links doesnt hol…
- Editall/Catmv
- 1 reply
Before I submit a site which has a content management system under it, I'd like to clarify the submission guidelines, specifically: "Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address." If I have a site at for which a cms system will redirect to (for example), should I submit the site url as or - or will it make no difference? Thanks & regards
Last reply by arubin,
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I have recently completed a homeowners directory and would like to submit to the ODP. My question is: I have had very few submissions as the directory is only a few days old. If I submit it now and it gets reviewed relatively quickly do I run the risk of being rejected for lack of content? Once the directory gets some submissions it could prove to be very helpful to users. Thanks
Last reply by brmehlman, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hello, The background/foreground contrast difference on doesn't conform with W3C standards, and it makes the page a bit hard to read... Just a friendly advice...
Last reply by motsa,