General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 2 replies
How often do the ODP search database updated?I see the ODP Search database last updated on Jul 2.If it having laws,please tell me the updated date by next time.My web site has been listed ,but it wasn't in search resault page. my english is not very well,i hope u can understand my meaning.
Last reply by suntao, -
- Editall/Catmv
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- 3 replies
Hi, I was an editor but I didn't log in for a while and obviously it was too long so now I get the "You must get reinstated" to log in stuff. I don't want to get reinstated right now, but I was just wondering if it was possible for a member of staff to edit my editor profile? It has my e-mail address in it, and it comes up on google. It's the same username as the one I'm posting with
Last reply by mark200, -
- Meta
- 14 replies
There is a chronic complaint that the DMOZ is not responsive – both with those who volunteer to help resolve the problem by volunteering as editors and those who wish only to submit a site to the appropriate category. DMOZ is a great project but suffers from the classic archetype “Tragedy of the Commons” : to much success becomes its own downfall. Unless DMOZ can get its communications better organized and become a responsive organization, it will be its own worst enemy. Many people submit site inclusion requests for legitimate sites that are never included in the DMOZ, nor are the submitters ever notified there is a problem. As a Web professional for the Cha…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 8 replies
we have submited our website <url removed> to ODP for several times since 2005 in the category, but why our website can't be listed? We think our website can meet the Editing Guidelines, who can tell me why our webiste can't be listed? How can we do? Thanks a lot!
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 11 replies
Here I would like to give a suggestion and I think if it will be done then dmoz will create most unique look for surfers, Befor this if we will make a search for "computer" in dmoz then it displays only english results. But I would like to suggest that if a person search for "computer" then dmoz should show results in english and all available languages. Before this I have suggested to show page numbers on bottom like Gooooogle. Thanks for your precious times.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
Hi I have moved from BC to Ontario and wanted to edit the location for the site. it seems that I can not do it, Only to submit again. Which I think I did but not sure. Did not want to spam. Who can help me find out. Thank you Amir
Last reply by spectregunner, -
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- 1 reply
Dear partners, Anyone knows how longs takes to get an answer in the spanish version of DMOZ? I suggested a site some time ago, but din not get any feedback. I would like to know if the site is not good enought or which is the problem. Thanks and regards from Madrid. Javier
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 2 replies
I have just realised that i have submitted my company under the wrong category. Can you please advise me what is best to do i.e. should I re-submit my site under the correct category with a short note explaining my error? Many thanks for your advice
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 26 replies
I have submitted sites to DMOZ over a few years and have never had one listed in the directory. Some of my sites are at the top of search engine results and have Wikipedia references. I have sites that get 15,000+ unique visitors a month and 100,000+ page views My sites contain news and information that I believe are interesting to my website viewers and the testimonials I receive confirm that I am providing a useful web service. One site in particular I submitted (which has not been listed) gets a lot of it's content ripped by a 'quick rich type of site', this site is now listed in DMOZ. I did send a message to the editor listed for my category and never receive…
Last reply by dinrock, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi guys, wanted to ask - when is a single site considered appropriate for inclusion in multiple categories? Thanks
Last reply by wmetellus, -
- 0 replies
When i was in the 6th grade my teacher gave us a pop quiz on current events of that year ,every one in the class was nervous about the test. my teacher told us we would have ten minutes to complete the test and who would finish first would be rewarded.. there where 20 questions on the test. all the questions where very easy to answer so every one in the class felt good about there grade. The next day the papers where graded and 90 percent of the students failed the test .... every one got all the questions wright ... so how did we all fail? AT the bottom of the test there was a paragraph that said do not answer any of these questions just sign your name at the top and …
Last reply by Johnnyg, -
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- 6 replies
It appears that there are a number of viewers who do not get their website listed in the DMOZ directory,for whatever reason, if none at all, despite numerous attempts and submissions from keen website designers or dark side SEO mystic wizards. Would'nt it be good to see a forum to see the reasons why websites have not been included and the suggestions to get listed possibly in future submissions. or perhaps it doesnt really matter these days, if websites are not listed at all in DMOZ, as some good SEO experts claim. <URL removed. Link drops not appreciated here.>
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
till you wait and see your site getting listed in dmoz, you can optimize your site for search engines. It has been more than 4 months and I am still waiting for dmoz to list my site.. Have Google been not supporting dmoz, dmoz would have been no where in www, no would have been hearing about dmoz.. abeen <pseudo-sig removed>
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 2 replies
Hi, DMOZ has been timing out for me all day. Is this an ISP problem (sometimes I can access any site but, it's odd), or is it globally down?
Last reply by cfitzwater, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone i have bean posting dead links in the wright place and all the sudden it says your posting will have to be looked at bye admin..
Last reply by Johnnyg, -
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I changed the URL of my site about 3 months ago. I added a 301 redirect, and filled out the "update url" request. The site documentation says that a DMOZ crawler should notice the 301 redirect and change the listing automatically. Is that still the case? If not, is there anything I can do to expedite it? I know there is often an editing delay, but if there is anything I can change with my redirect or anything else, I'd be happy to do it.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hello dear editors I have noticed today that my internet site <URL removed> has been suddenly removed from the directories in dmoz. It has unique content we produce ourselves, it has been listed for very many years, regularly updated and it is not a replica of any other internet site Who did it? There already had been such a situation several years ago, when one particular editor did it playing for his own profit. I hope it not the case again Please, clarify. Thank you for help. Best regards Sergey Polianichevski
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 49 replies
I originally submitted my web hosting company, "Infuseweb", to DMOZ right before the server crash. I waited 6 months or so until the problem was supposedly resolved then submitted again at you guys' recommendation. Waited another 6 months and still nothing, so I tried a last ditch effort 2-3 months ago and again, still nothing. I'm seriously at a loss as to why this is taking SOOO long. I've tried to be as patient and understand as I can be, but at some point you've got to scratch your head and say "what's the deal?" There's nothing on the site that should be delaying getting on DMOZ, and given 2 years someone should have gotten around to reviewing it, right? And …
Last reply by arubin,
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- 10 replies
Hey there, not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but it sounds the rightest :-) I submitted my website, http://URL Removed about a month ago, and haven't seen it up yet. Editors, have you been backlogged, or do I need to do something different in my submission? Your feedback so that I can meet you needs/criteria would be much appreciated. thanks much Paul
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 34 replies
I think if the editors cannot help from this zone, It should be stopped. Becoz 99% peopel are dissatisfy from the answers. If it is not useful and cannot resolve the problems, So it should be stopped. I really dont know, what is the basic purpose of the this zone, If editors have the same answer, Dont Send Private Messages, We Cannot Tell The Status, So why we are here to putting the questions and waiting for a soluble answer? Sorry, to those who feel bad.... Kashif
Last reply by pvgool,
- 3 replies
Hello to all May i ask how would best explain the Resource-Zone.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 37 replies
I'd be pleased if someone could help me resolve this issue, as I am certain it affects the whole DMOZ community. My first question is - Who can I report this problem to? Let me explain some detail to this issue.... In creating a submission to DMOZ, the guidelines suggest that you search DMOZ first to make sure your site is not included (step 2) before going onto look for an appropriate category to use (Step 3) so that you don't waste people's time. I have found that the search utility does not function correctly (either in the normal mode or the advanced) and I have tested this on the site - now, before you go off thinking "dumb user" - I'm an IT Consultant wi…
Last reply by windharp,
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- 1 reply
What is the difference between these two seaches? cycle cycling I mean to say both have different results.
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Im new to these forums so forgive me if im wrong but is there a separate forum/thread for people wanting to check on the status of a site submission ? I posted a site back in January 08 but have not heard anything. I posted again just a few minutes ago. The site name is xenbet , Im not sure what email address I put down for it ( either esiaboni or ptisouthwest) Can somebody provide update if possible ? thanks in advance The category is the
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 5 replies
I have found a Discrepancy in the Directory regarding Harry Potter RPGs. When navigating to Harry Potter RPGs, (Games, Online,Roleplaying,Television and Movies, Harry Potter Series) It takes you to a category called Hogwarts under Harry Potter games, which makes it seem like all Harry Potter RPGs should go in it (from the way I accessed it), yet if you accessed it a different way it would seem that it should only be Hogwarts RPGs. I suggest that all Harry Potter RPGs be condensed into one category, so that people do not get confused as to what should be there. Edit: There is also yet another category titled Harry Potter RPGs that has completly different listings. …
Last reply by jimnoble, -