General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
Contribute to ODP
by Guest -- 3 replies
can anyone voluteer to help your (1) programmer fix this problem? if not then why not accept donations to hire a few people to help out? I would donate money, and i'm sure that others would too. if so where can i send it to?
Last reply by apeuro,
- Meta
- 31 replies
For months I have had several sites awaiting review at several categories run by [a particular editor]. Is there a control on editors that have stopped doing anything? When was the last time she published something under category xxxx or its descendants? I know you don't guarantee any volunteer's performance, but maybe you could name someone else... Thank you
Last reply by VegasMack, -
- Meta
- 7 replies
We have tried several time to submit our website to dmoz. finally I succeed to get in touch with the Italian editor of the category. we have been told that our website (shopping guides related) is part of a category which already shows enough content (but i.m.h.o. it's a growing niche with new actors/players and new requests by users... while dmoz just list as the "fresh" content websites born back in 2002). The editor told us that anyway our website doesn't fit the guide lines due to the fact that we use even affiliates link to listings as tradedoubler and so on.. (but it's exactly the same for all other players listed in the category.. it's our business anyway, as …
Last reply by hutcheson,
by Guest qh7-
- Meta
- 17 replies
My work has been copied by another site. They have just cut and pasted my directory of links. I just searched for something in Google and found out about this. This site is in German and previously had referred visitors to my site. I cannot believe this. The site is also a listed in the open directory. Is there anything that could be done about this?
Last reply by giz, -
copyright information
by Guest kevinjones1967-
- Meta
- 1 reply
what can i do about compeditors typing my html name into thair html code to recieve hits,These same people they are even comeing up ahead of sites that i have gave links to......if you search for opal art inlay or opal art inlay jewelry...they are coming up ahead of my links.....if you go to www.internet archives they do not have the history for my site.....I made several custom jewelry pieces for them...and when I stoped working with them they started this........ out of spite.......I would be gratful of any information........(I am a little guy and i think this is why they think they can get away with this...what protects people like me....there code with my name in it.…
Last reply by windharp,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 3 replies
1) Does DMOZ/ODP have any policy about Intellectual Property Rights? If for example a particular site carried a number of copyright images copied from other sites, would that affect whether the site was listed or delisted. If there is no policy on IP rights, then why not? As the guidelines atate "ODP editors should enter sites that represent the following: Original, unique and valuable informational content that contributes something unique" As readers may guess, we are aware that a significant number of websites (over 400 and counting) use our copyright material. This is mainly in the form of photographs of coins and gold bars. Often text sections and entire pag…
Last reply by laigh,
- 3 replies
Hi I have a list of sites on a section on a website I am developing. I have got a lot of these links from a section in Dmoz. I am wondering does the Dmoz licence permit to use the site descriptions on my site? On Dmoz it says: Does this mean I can or can't? Sorry, but I get phase by legal jargon. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
Correct Catagory?
by Guest
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi, I submiited my site to in Novemeber 2004 and is awaiting review. I Just wanted to double check this was the correct catagory for a dance music directory. Just wanting to make sure!
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Good morning, I have tried unsuccessfully for the past 6 to 7 months to get my website category updated as well as my description to better reflect my service to the correct market. I notice you say too many requests will not achieve the goal and in fact do the opposite. How does one know what is too many when they wait for months between update requests and still there is absoluty no response? Perhaps if you had some way to acknowledge the changes requested or we could see the changes as requested within a reasonable time you would not be bombarded with the same requests time and time again for the same sites. We have no way to know if there is even an editor in our c…
Last reply by bobrat, -
Correct category for online photo gallery
by Guest richards1052- 2 replies
Anyone have any ideas about which category would be correct for my online photo gallery. It's kind of like a photo blog though with very little text. I've considered adding it to the weblog category or the Photography/Artists categories, but it's not really either. Any ideas?
Last reply by senox, -
- 3 replies
Hello All, I really need your help. Our website, was a Yangtze River cruise reservation website, we submited it to and it was accepted and listed in some time last Sept. With the development, our website have extended its service from Yangtze cruise reservation to cruise and package tours. We have package tours feacturing Yangtze River cruise here . I read the guildance very carefully, and compared several sites, then I though it would be ok for me to try to submit the page above to…
Last reply by chenqun, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Rainbow Academy is listed under Regional: North America: United States: New Jersey: Localities: W: Woodbridge: Education Since originally being listed, they have expanded to eight locations in New Jersey, only one of which is in Woodbridge. I'm not authorized to edit the site in its current category; how can I suggest the proper editor revisit this site and change its description and category? Bill
Last reply by hutcheson,
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Who do I have to talk too to correct false information on a referance page?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I have come across a person who has got every website he has ever made, listed in dmoz. Not just the once, he has listings for sites he owns listed in many categories and that includes categories not relevant to the subject his website is about. He is always listed close to the top even when a category has many thousands of listings. One of his websites is listed in more than 10 categories. I know there is foul play going on. He is either an editor or knows an editor that is listing his sites. Please help. Who can i trust to investegate this problem. I have tried the dmoz complains form to report a corrupt dmoz listing but the form seems not to work. Any help…
Last reply by Fred77, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
I got 3 websites and i have tried to submit it to the category, the 3 websites are totally different, please remove the red error message. Thanks.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
I am trying to submit my friend website and I always have that message: Sorry, we could not determine de IP address of your browser. Please go back in your browser if you need to resubmit the form.
Last reply by theseeker,
- Meta
- 13 replies
I recently contributed three new pages, and other small contributions to, for those unfamilar with it, it bills itself as:- "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia is a multilingual project to create a complete and accurate open content encyclopedia..." Although I made a few editing errors, mainly technical, in my contributions, these were rapidly corrected by others, in a very straightforward way with no fuss, no recriminations, and no negative criticism. The opposite in fact, a welcome message from another user, and a friendly helpful hint or two. I learnt quickly as a result, my expert input was retained, and I came away feeling I had made a posi…
Last reply by Alucard, -
- 2 replies
I've been watching the category for a while now as it's something I am personally interested in improving as Cambridge, MA should be represented as the tech hub of New England. My reason for posting is that the category has a broken link (Xpogen Incorporated -- and I didn't see a way to report this. Also, I know there isn't a schedule or anything, but is there a typical timeframe where categories are updated? Thanks in advance for the reply....
Last reply by jcraven, -
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 8 replies
Could you please tell me the date that my site was submitted? It may have been in 2000 or 2001. The site is Ebay Auction Secrets For Buying Or Selling, , listed on . Thanks!!
Last reply by hutcheson,
Couldn't find our site anymore??
by Guest juzme123-
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, I am the web master of the website This domain was accepted into the category since last year and was listed there for nearly over a year. However, I just discovered yesterday that it's gone missing. I wonder what went wrong? Could somebody kindly help us check the status of this domain and let us know why it's no longer found in the category mentioned above? Did someone in our organization done something that caused this problem? We have several people updating the site so please let us know if something on the site is not acceptable to DMOZ. Thanks! Tom
Last reply by enarra,
- 3 replies
I'm new here and came in to try to figure out why my website falls to the DMOZ wayside. Now, I'm reading, and it was a "light bulb" moment. :icon_idea Everything I've read online that mentions DMOZ has been related to the need to get listed for SEO and marketing purposes. Consequently, that is how I viewed it, and how I interpreted the value of my website. NOW I GET IT! Finally... I wish I had noticed this forum sooner. It would have saved me some frustrating thoughts of "Why aren't I good enough?". Creative and unique content that adds value to the users of the DMOZ listings is what you are looking for, not just general business submissions of sites tha…
Last reply by gimmster, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Just wanted to pop my head in to say thanks to the mods and editors that helped me out when I first joined the forum asking questions. My site has now finally been listed on dmoz, funnily enough not with my description or choice of category so I'm guessing it got picked up by one of the other editors (thank you whoever you are ). The category in which we have been listed focuses on a specialized area which makes up only about a 2% of the whole website. I was wondering if the index of the website could be listed in another category? Anywhoooo, thanks for your time, it's appreciated. W.>
Last reply by Artisands,
- 17 replies
I have briefly questioned the listing policy and its implementation before, but have recently added an ODP criticism page to my own personal site. The page itself is incomplete as yet, as is the rest of the site. It's a more permanent record than posting here, and I can add to it and modify as required. Fair comment or what?
Last reply by donaldb, -
- Meta
- 20 replies
I know you have discontinued this service. However, I am employed by a multi-million dollar company ( and we are continually concerned as to why we cannot be listed in dmoz. We applied only once several months ago...and have only reapplied recently. We are a leader in our industry with heavy sponsorship and advertising across the USA. Are there any financial options to speed up this process. AC
Last reply by kokopeli,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 14 replies
I suspect this question will only resonate in people who go out of their way to act as gatekeepers. While fully understanding and acknowledging that the ODP is a catalog (directory) of websites and has no allegiance to any one webmaster, wouldn\'t it be more productive if less time was spent on actually placing sites than on the politics of getting sites placed. So many questions and, indeed, former forum sections have been devoted to discussing the ephemera about whether sites should be included or not. Too often some editors will go to great lengths to write treatises on why a site has not been reviewed after years , what ODP policy is, why it takes so long to get…
Last reply by shadow575,