General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 4 replies
I have never had a problem getting listed in the past. I wait my turn like anyone else. But one difference now is that there are NO editors for any of the quailfied catagoires for my site. How would I get listed if there are no editors to review the sites? Catagory is head and neck cancer.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Editall
- 4 replies
So where are they and what are they doing. Not adding new sites that`s for sure. I`m sure i can speak for alot of people when i say that so many of us are still waiting for such a long time, even years to see our site getting listed on dmoz. I`ve seen some categories sit there for months and months and nothing has changed. As for becoming an editor think again. It is just as hard to become an editor as it is getting your site listed. They like to give alot of talk on here about how good the editors on here are at doing there job. That may be so for a hand full that are actually doing a good job, but what about all the rest. Dmoz is huge and from the outside looking it, i…
Last reply by crowbar,
- 5 replies
Hello, Please visit this link, http://www. I don't think that any editor can do this kind of practice but if done then can you check that which editor remove the listing or you checked? Thanks
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
I guess I don't understand the logic behind the dmoz model. I've been trying to get listed in a chat category now for a while with no success. I see the majority of the sites in the category are 2 bit sites cobbled together with no real features or benefit, or that are basically dead and forgotten. Many of them you can't even chat at. At the same time, my site has over 10,000 active members and gaining about 100 new members per day, has webcams, voice chat, custom profiles, photo galleries, videos, interest groups, and blogs. If you were someone looking through the directory for a good chat site which would you rather go to? A site that you can't chat at with a hand fu…
Last reply by crowbar,
- 4 replies
Hi! Problem: legal, commercial, daily updated russian site is still not added to the crystal fit ...World/Russian... category. For months I wait for some progress, but see no result. Reason: "there is no editor for this category"! And when it`s gonna spawn? BTW: the chosen commercial category looks like a crap box, I made 2 abuse reports but nothing happened. Request: I`m not going to beg you "please, add my site!!!". Any editor will do it - no doubts, this is a perfect fit. I need an editor, a temporary editor, a kind enthusiast, just somebody to fix it. Is there anybody going to solve my problem or "wash hands" again? Surely, you can redirect me to the l…
Last reply by Jackino, -
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- 6 replies
hi all, i want add mysite to but not found subcategory. Yesilhisar is town in Kayseri/TURKEY. ( please clik: Rural districts in Kayseri for wikipedia) Other town subcategory (Bünyan, Develi, Felahiye, Pinarbasi,Hacilar,Sariz,Talas,Tomarza,Incesu,Ozvat an,Yahyali) is found but my town subcategory is not found. Please add new subcategory in This Category . some available links a Yesilhisar subcategory: [no need to drop urls] Thanks.
Last reply by Earthquke, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
Dear members of this forum, i would like to address an issue here on DMOZ that caught my attention. I noticed the use of the name "Macedonia" for a country that until recently it's official name was FYROM and some years ago was Skopje and until late 1930s, it's name was Vardarska. Since the name "Macedonia" is under dispute, how could you possibly force the use of that name as a country's name here on the Open Directory? Please reply. Kindest regards.
Last reply by informator,
- 0 replies
After two years of surfing resource-zone everyday, I am registering myself. I found in these two years that resource-zone management is very punctual, active and helping. The most common and appealing thread is "Web Suggestion". People claiming web submit but still not listed... My personal feelings are that the editors, moderators and administrators replying same time and day in resource-zone threads then why can they ignore suggested webs? The answer is because they control forum and suggested webs too. The threads are some but suggested webs are too much. So I request to all the people who submit the webs, they should wait and do not loose hope to edit their w…
Last reply by editpk, -
- 2 replies
I checked the list of directories using ODP data. Some are giving complete results from DMOZ and some are charging (add url charges). Is this allowed to these search engines? I mean to say if they are using ODP data then they should give same results in their search engines. Like addurl-free is not showing same results like DMOZ. Thanks a lot.
Last reply by everkraft, -
- 1 reply
Would you please clear my mind about "BOLD LISTING" in Dmoz?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys. I just need to know. Is any kind of self-promoting allowed in ODP? Like if i add my own sites to ODP and make them my favourite, and add my friends sites etc. Is that allowed in any way? /Thanks.
Last reply by crowbar,
- 4 replies
Hi just wondered when people review sites do many take into account thing like the UAAG (User Agent Accessibility Guidelines) or disabled person issues or more a content for the masses sort of thing..? would it put people of with things like larger text etc something that was maybe more disabled users friendly...? Whats dmoz guidelines for disabled user friendly sites does it have one
Last reply by chaos127,
- 2 replies
For some reason the website I work for has been listed under "Adult" which obviously is causing significant problems. I don't know who did the initial submission, or why they would have considered it an appropriate label. Not to belabor the point, but we don't even show any nudity or allow cursing on our site. The only thing I can think is that because we are so juvenile in tone, the word "boob" may as well be our motto, someone jumped to conclusions. I have tried to remedy this on my own and have gotten no where. If anyone could give me some advice, suggestions, or solutions, I would greatly appreciate it.
Last reply by compson, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Here I noted that if you will make search in DMOZ. If you will write "net tailor" then get different results and if "Net Tailor" then different. I think direrctory should show all result in both searches even it will be written in small or CAPS:icon_ques Thanks a lot.
Last reply by everkraft, -
- 6 replies
I have been registering clients sites to OSD for several years, haven't had to many problems getting listed with the exception of one where the editor seemed to have totally abandoned the small category. But, getting listed is not my problem with OSD. It is the uselessness of most the listing on OSD. I realize all the editors are volunteers, but it seems as the guidelines themselves are destroying this resource. I find trying to search OSD, not only am I denied most of the site that are relevant to what I am looking for, but the ones that actually come up rarely have much relevance at all. So, basically I don't use OSD. It is useless to me when I need to find…
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
- 1 reply
Hi Friends I have a website <url removed>, my website is listed 3 times on Dmoz in different categories with different descriptions. Now I want to delete my site from 2 categories and want to change description also. Please Help
Last reply by gimmster, -
- 9 replies
Good afternoon! 13/04/2007 my site has got into a category Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Music: Lyrics. But, the description was, actualy, not correct with lots of grammatical mistakes. Besides, the category doesn't confirm to the site's subject. I wrote letters to higher editors, where I've described this problem and asked to investigate it. And also totransfer the site into another, more suitable category (for example, offering the categories Arts: Music: Lyrics or Arts: Music: Lyrics: Hip Hop). The site had completely dissapeared from DMOZ after it (27/06/2007). I have sent lots repeated applications about site's addition to catalogue, b…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 4 replies
Hello, We have been waiting patiently for more than 3 years now and my site has never been included. I read somewhere that you have had a servercrash and that site waiting for inclusion are lost?? Should I submit again? The website is <URL removed> and the category was: By the way: in the three years I have been waiting there hasn't been added any site to the category. Did you forget about Andalucia? Thanks a lot... Ralph
Last reply by RalphD, -
- 2 replies
May be I am wrong:) As DMOZ is a volunteer organisation. That means the people who are working for all are with the devotion of helping human beings. I think they should start a plan to help financially world over poor, needy students. What do you think all and if my suggestion hit your mind then what method should be used for accomplish this great plan:icon_ques
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 4 replies
Hi all! I have a couple of websites I would like to register in your directory. But pkease, help me how I can do that. At first I tried to add the URL in the directory when I only registered the web sites. They were almost empty. That time I understood why my suggestion has been refused. Now I swear they are full of good content but I still haven't received any answer for my requests. Please help. Maybe my mistake was that I wrote the comments in Russian, but as I could notice the others do the same. One of my web sites is about my city. Thaks in advance, Dmitry.
Last reply by Dimmas, -
- 3 replies
Help, I submitted my site <URL removed> a few months ago via some automated SEO software. Now I have come here and read all the correct procedures I know my entry sucks. What should I do? Do I resubmit a correctly formatted entry or wait and hope a good natured editor will correct it for me. I assume if it looks a rubbish entry it will get removed from the queue and I will never Know.
Last reply by gimmster, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello I got from time to time in my referring sites list this url editors . dmoz .org , i've submitted my website to dmoz a year ago but nothing yet, could someone please tell me why a editor is browsing my site that offen ? I suppose that my application was not rejected because I have that referrar in my list more than one time. thank you radu panait <url removed>
Last reply by nea,
- 3 replies
Hi! We are a well known open source software project (at present we have almost 10,000 downloads per months) and so I also tried to get our site listed in the dmoz directory in the according directory. So two years ago i submitted the site a first time. Nothing.. absolutely nothing happened. After 6 months I submitted a second application - at that time I thought I had made a mistake in my wording or something and therefore my application was denied. Same thing happened: Nothing. And still I blamed myself or the workload on the editors. So I put in application as an editor for that specific category. This time (after three more months) I got notified that…
Last reply by c_schmitz, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
hello, I have submited my website at odp under a wronge category, And I wanted to chenge the category to coldfusion software is this possible or not ? If yes give me ur suggetions. Thanks in advance.....
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 3 replies
I recently put up a new website for my domain http://URL Removed I went to dmoz and searched Jill Hill Real Estate and found this page - For starters I do not believe I should be under money management as I am a Realtor in Marin County California. Secondly that url for my site no long exists. How do i get these issues corrected? Thanks
Last reply by sfraise77,