General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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Hi there my name is Rene Bryllupsfotograf From Denmark. What will happen with domain? Best regards Rene Asmussen
Last reply by Elper,
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Hey All. Am from Wikipedia. There might be interest in taking on DMOZ. We at Wikipedia like your work. What is the best way to discuss this sort of thing? How big is the DMOZ community? Could it be run on a wiki? Who owns the logo, name, and stuff? BTW am user Doc James on Wikipedia.
Last reply by Elper,
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- 1 reply
I second what @Robert Sumner said here. I've been using DMOZ on and off since about 2001, made some suggestions on this forum with my registration in 2004, but study, work and a failed application as an editor didn't see me contribute much further. However, just like Robert and others here, I've always thought there was much potential in a human-managed directory, if only it could've been better organised. Every end, is a new beginning and a new opportunity to learn from the past. Just like Wikipedia is best because it's human-edited, a directory created and maintained by humans is still vastly superior to AI and ML these days (hear that Any technology…
Last reply by miriam,
- closed?
Last reply by Elper,
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Just wanted 2 drop a note that I liked the concept of the site but never really got around to using it much. Once I applied 2 be an editor but was rejected, so that cinched it. I came back time 2 time when I had a unique idea to explore. Search engines and web directories must had beaten the site. It was poorly organized in its later years. But I always thought I saw potential there 4 it. Pac-Man strikes again ....
Last reply by Jezebel,
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Thank you Dmoz, you helped to me when I started to do web stuff... I never ever forget you! Best wishes, Ahmet
Last reply by Jezebel,
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- 14 replies
Just like many other website developers/owners out there I also tried to have my website listed on DMOZ. Based on a significant amount of reading and research I came to the conclusion that trying to reach this particular goal is nothing but a waste of time and I'll explain why... Although everything about my website is 100% alright and the category I chose is the correct one... it still didn't get listed so I thought I'd do some research and try to understand. And I did. Based on my readings/research it wasn't too hard to understand what's going on with DMOZ! While googling information about the DMOZ submission process and other DMOZ related info, I found som…
Last reply by snooks,
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Hello Guys,I am a new member on this forum I want to know about Dmoz backlink If you have some suggestions then tell me,Thanks you for your answers in advance
Last reply by mobilespy, -
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- Cateditall
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Hi guys! I just got accepted as an editor. The username is: georgeb2008 I can not login however through the top-right corner of the main website. I enter the logon information exactly as I received it and it's not letting me in. I went through the 'Forgot Password' option and I got e-mailed the same password so I'm pretty sure I have the right user/pass. Why wouldn't it let me login ? Thank you, George
Last reply by keithcornwall,
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Good morning, What really happens whe someone request to edit his existing listing in DMOZ ? What about when someone request to edit only the URL? Is there an automated DMOZ crowl&update of the urls ? Once an editor edits an existing ODP listing, or accepts a new listing in DMOZ, the modification will be seen directly on public page, or not?.... is there is a periodical update ...some days after the listing is edited by the editor befor to show on public page (as i can remember when i was an editor in 2005) ? We already set 301 redirects in the .htaccess of ccTLDs to the .com/fr/, .com/ro/, .com/it/ new domain folders. Can you assist related to this or …
Last reply by MattC, -
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- 4 replies
I have looked through the DMOZ directory, and have found the category my company should be listed in. I have submitted our site numerous times over the last several years with no response or addition into the directory. I am positive I am submitting into the correct category. One thing that I noticed differently on this category is become an editor is grayed out. I think this means that they have enough editors for this category. However nothing gets approved, which it clearly should based off the other companies listed. Any suggestions that would help? Business/Construction_and_Maintenance/Materials_and_Supplies/Wood_and_Plastics/Heavy_Timber_Construction/Log_Bu…
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi all I am the current Marketing manager at Exhibithire, our previous SEo left the company and used his personal email to submit our website to DMOZ this took around 6 months for us to be accepted, i have realised we cannot access our dmoz account to make changes to our profile. Can anyone help. Kind regards Shane
Last reply by informator,
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Hi everyone, I have two professional web site, the first one was accepted on DMOZ the other one not. My problem is that Google uses as a meta description the one which is listed for the one which is not. Maybe because the url is somehow similar (they both have my last name in it). It is a real problem for me because those two web site correspond to two activites completely different. Doese any one have a suggestion? in advance thank you
Last reply by Jouffroy, -
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I mean in difference catalog some company both has. For our company,we do wholesales all chinese car parts ,why no one can accept,please to help us.
Last reply by matrimo, -
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Dear users, my website is on DMOZ for over three months and it is indexed as we can see when we google [ dmoz], but it is not shown as a backlink in SEO Spyglass, Google Search Console or anywhere else. Our website has no penalty and other websites in the same dmoz category don't get a backlink from dmoz either. Our website and all of our backlinks are indexed very well, the only problem seems to be dmoz. What can be the problem and how can I fix it? Kind regards.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 5 replies
I suggest a new category in DMOZ. I suggest a new category named Agenţii Matrimoniale and it should be here : World Româna Societate Relaţii Agenţii_Matrimoniale This category allready exists in other languages, less in Romanian language. Thank you. Matrimo
Last reply by matrimo, -
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The state of Michigan is missing from the following directory: recreation/travel/resorts/north america/united states/#noMichigan
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
Morning, An old colleague in our company entered our site in DMOZ. The thing is he misspelled it and it's written in a wrong way. How can we change it if we don't have the username and password that we used to cread the account? We also want to change the drescription of our site. Best regards.
Last reply by carl1234, -
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What is Redirection?
Last reply by pvgool,
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Hi there, I understand the purpose of DMOZ, ie it is for surfers, and not to service website owners. I understand that it is run by volunteers, who will look at websites and list them based on merit, with the description they deem to be appropriate. I understand why this may not necessarily be the same as the website owners priorities. I understand that you never remove a website once listed, unless it disappears. However, I submitted my site many years ago (5, 6) with my own description, and was delighted to be added, and my description be used as I had submitted it. Since then I have a website theme that allows me to set a meta description for my site, which I have …
Last reply by Elper,
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- 8 replies
I want to change the email-adress connected to my editor-profile, as it will soon no longer be in use. I can't find anywhere to do this. Can someone help? nielsen
Last reply by williethomas05, -
- RZ Admin
- 5 replies
Hi, I have a big problem with the reset of a new password. My editor registered email address is at which rejects messages from DMOZ so I can't receive the reply from it. Therefore I need your help but, please, send me the password reset link from another mail system which has spf and dkim. Or you may request another editor email address which works with DMOZ (I have one with Thanks for your time. MINDSPRING
Last reply by mindspring,
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Hello ODP community, I am new to the forums but look forward to involvement with the ODP. I currently work for the vaping industry that is becoming popular quite fast. During the begin of this industry product where mostly exclusive to devices that contained nicotine to replace smoking aka electronic cigarettes. As the industry has evolved so has the terminology. Most Vapers do not want there product classified as a tobacco product as it does not contain tobacco. On the same note; vaping is not smoking and should not be categorized as such. The 3 categories you can find vaping related sites are as follows: Shopping: Tobacco: Cigarettes: Electronic Ci…
Last reply by grubhubclonescript, -
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- 2 replies
DEAR DMOZ TEAM, My multiple domains having good listing are now missing from the dirctory What remedies are available for finding out how many listing were there and re-listing ! Please guide! JPP
Last reply by Hilfan Soeltansyah, -
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My issue is not that uncommon, so I I feel I have to apologize for asking this .... but... I am not sure if the Reinstallment instructions apply in my case. I need to edit information on a couple of websites I submitted quite a while ago. And I have lost all account information. What I believed to be the email I used for registration is apparently not the one. Is there a way to restore account details in this case or would it be better to register a new account, just to amend the information on an existing website that is already in DMOZ? I'd be really grateful if someone could point me to a way to restore my account details!
Last reply by Kritter1, -