General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Happy New Years - after waiting since Sept 28th - Dmoz has finally Upated!
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 3 replies
I'm sure you are all aware that there are people on various forums slagging Dmoz off left right and centre, why do they do it? Mainly beacuse they are not listed, I am not listed in Dmoz but I would never slag it off, I mean it's free how can you knock something what is free, even though I am not listed in Dmoz there are many sites that link to me that are, so indirectly Dmoz sorts me out, I'm sure it is the same with the Dmoz haters. Dmoz haters stop slagging it off and be patient.
Last reply by hutcheson,
Dmoz hit ending in "chainsaw"
by Guest mistydk-
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- 15 replies
Dmoz is a great directory. Yeah, a little slow at times and sometimes a bit too picky and somewhat biased in the sites they choose, but it's still great. I have noticed one thing though. In a certain category (not naming which) I have noticed a lot of prominent links related to one particular company. I don't think that's fair, but I'm not the one editing and if I were the one editing, I would be much more interested in originality instead of a particular company. My site has some original content, but some of it is affiliate. It is also an adult site. I worked extremely hard on it and hoped DMOZ would accept it, but when I saw the dmoz hit to my site it ended with "c…
Last reply by motsa,
- 3 replies
OK, I am a newbie to this forum, but have chosen to get an opinion on this. I submitted my web site over a year ago, and still no joy. The site has excellent ratings in all search engines from a number of the different pages at the site (155 pages). I recently saw in my logs that a DMOZ editor had visited my site, and at a time when there were a few site issues. I believe that it is possible that an editor is mingling with some of the high rankers, and truthfully believe it is so. Thats life. A web site cannot do so well everywhere except at DMOZ, without some intervention. Is there a means to get in touch with these folks with an honest answer. I have cons…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 13 replies
As my own website is "invisible" now on many DMOZ directory-dependent websites and statistics website such as Alexa ("Top websites by category"), I was wondering how inaccurate those websites are. What is the percentage of "non-listed" websites, let's say with an Alexa rank of at last 250,000 that have not been listed on DMOZ due to some rules that are often in conflict with those statistic websites that are thought to give a balanced and neutral summary of the top websites in a certain category ? My feeling is that Alexa maybe only covers 20% as DMOZ does not assign a a category to every relevant website. But this means looking at Alexa is quite useless as it is …
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 2 replies
In my referrer logs, I see several entries like: This was several days ago. I checked the directories where I submitted, but my submissions don't appear. Does this mean they were rejected, or does it take more time?
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
How we can do if your need Dmoz index
Last reply by glengall1, -
- Meta
- 37 replies
I, too have been waiting a LONG time to get listed. Everywhere you look on the internet, you'll find that you "should only submit your site once every three months" or so...There is no reason in the world why it should take over a YEAR to get listed. You have some 9000 active editors and you cant process sites within a year? B.S.! All you editors are rude, knowing that you hold a very important key to our successes. You do not give very good feedback (other than fluff and excuses) and you have taken away the ability to give status's an idea, have a status check web page that will allow us to check our status ourselves...not just take it away completely! Char…
Last reply by srikondoji, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
Nice going chaps, you've disabled the site submission checks. So I guess now if I want to know about my ranking I can consult a ouija board. I've found your site listing to be mostly bureacratic and soul destroying, and your editors are almost entirely incompetent, rude and arrogant. Those editors that do a good job are dragged down to the same level as the rest of the powerhungry nincompoops that do such a poor job. I live in a suburb in Australia, but was rejected six months or so ago when I applied to administer the businesses in my suburb. Your apparently power-mad structure of course made it so that the people who were administering my State or perhaps country…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Dmoz is closed but I see there are directories with name of dmoz ...are those part of dmoz ?or some random directories ? Thanks
Last reply by mollybdenum,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- RZ Admin
- 272 replies
Well, it seems that DMOZ has been experiencing unspecified hardware problems for more than a week. More than a week with editors unable to log in; more than a week with no updates whatsoever; more than a week without any ability to explain the problem or offer an estimated time for it to be remedied. I think this will be remembered as the week that DMOZ died. Even if the servers ever come back on line (which no one from DMOZ has been willing to predict), I think that what remaining credibility the directory had left is now gone. The open directory model is, however, too valuable to the Internet community to be lost, or more specifically, to allow it to be discre…
Last reply by crowbar,
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- 15 replies
I have not been able to get my site listed for 1 1/2 years, and after reading this forum, I found out that the wait could be 3 years. The data here is so stale, why would anyone want to look into the categories in Dmoz ? Yahoo has a directory also, they charge $299 for the service, but at least they do what they claim. Given a choice between paying $299 and waiting 3 year and not knowing if your site is even in their queue, I will gladly pay the $299. Dmoz is doing a disservice to the internet by serving everyone it's stale data and throwing a wrench in to the google search engine.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- RZ Admin
- Meta
- 8 replies
i have a website.what can i do now,when DMOZ down ?
Last reply by Veer Taneja, -
- 2 replies
DMOZ is massively slow this week (30 seconds or more per page often). Any info on this anyone? When will it be back to health?
Last reply by miromulus, -
- 5 replies
I heard that due to some issues, DMOZ resorted to a older version of their database - when will the new one be re-implemented? My site was listed and now it is no longer their and it's been over 2 months now? Site:
Last reply by giz, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi My website is listed in with the following text: "SAS Paintball - Provides indoor, outdoor, and woodland areas for scenario games. Includes booking information, rates, scenario list, and directions. Located in Odsall, South Staffordshire." The problem is, we are located in "Codsall, South Staffordshire". Please can someone advise me how to get this updated? I submitted changes several times, and no luck (over last month). It is worrying, because more and more search engines are listing us with the data provided in our DMOZ listing. This will affect users looking for a …
Last reply by blackstar, -
- Meta
- 6 replies
Turkey (Türkçe) categories have many of low profile web sites.. (new and undersized sites,empty sites,landfill sites..) And Our high-quality sites is deprecated. I'm angry to this situation. Sample : I have <URL removed> i suggest this url for two years ago. And this site didnt approved for two years ago. I suggest 3 times in two years. I reviewed what I wrote. I suggest another category, I think think... But deprecated.. Why? I want to answer: Because we have quality web sites But we dont have a close friend of the editor. We don't have close friend, close friend of the editor. We do not recognize any editor. And we suggest our web site link…
Last reply by wikican, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, I have a site which is awaiting review under my niche category. If I submit again to my regional category, will that affect my 14 month old submission in my niche category? For instance, I am under review (an old one) in /Recreation/Motorcycles/Scooters, would that submission be penalized by another submission in /Regional/North_America/United_States/Virginia/Business_and_Economy/Automotive/ Lemme know, Chelsea
- Meta
- 20 replies
None of the following is intended to be disrespectful, just my point of view of where Dmoz is failing. The Open Directory Project (ODP), also known as DMOZ, produces a comprehensive directory of Web sites by relying on a team of thousands of volunteer editors. Over the past few years, the ODP has boomed in importance. Why? Because it provides directory results to Lycos, HotBot, Netscape, AOL Search, Google Directory, Alta Vista, Yahoo and more. Please make a note of what ODP stands for (open directory project). You may believe that when an organisation like Dmoz becomes too big, then the concept about why Dmoz was formed in the first place simply disappears. The O…
Last reply by oneeye, -
Kind of like how Yahoo does it. Pay a few hundred dollars and get a priority review. Seriously.. use the money to pay editors to edit. Get things moving around here. We all have to agree that the current 2 minute - 2 year plus policy is utterly ridiculous. Internet years are similar to dog years, to many things change in two years time. I am not saying that this a solid buisness model but it's certainly foundation for a better system then the current one.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 30 replies
I've tried to get my listed with So far no can do. However, I see a few broken links and sites that have nothing to do with the category I submit too. Anyone know the CEO for AOL? I am willing to motivate DMOZ and get this in a new direction. I feel some changes need to be made. Best Regards, RazSport
Last reply by giz, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
well for an idea i would like to know is listing in dmoz needs resubmission as search engines do ?
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- 2 replies
Hi, Today domoz is asking username and password while i am submitting my site to it. Is anybody facing this problem. Just share it with me. Thanx Sid
Last reply by sid, -
- Meta
- RZ Admin
- Editall/Catmv
- 40 replies
Dear all, I am glad that I could register to this forum so easily, more easily that I expected... after all the trouble I have with DMOZ. The communication with DMOZ is like hitting your head into the wall and expecting the wall to respond:mad: I have a website with over 400 articles devoted to Polish culture: <url removed> Last year I moved my website (after 5 years) to a new ID address and I cannot get DMOZ to recognize me at all! Since the articles are devoted to many subjests: culture in general, immigration, fooc etc - I tried to submit to different categories with no avail. My old website is listed under Polish immigration. I submitted information …
Last reply by Jaga, -
DMOZ pages given PR0 by Google
by Guest msaw- 4 replies
I understand that this is not an issue of concern to most ODP editors, but I am surprised by the following observation. All pages below this one show up as PR0 in the Google PageRank classification. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Why would Google dislike oil painters in particular? <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
Last reply by beebware,