General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 38 replies
hi, is there any possibility to contact an editor of a special category?? regards, asoka
Last reply by chaos127,
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- Editall/Catmv
- RZ Admin
- 272 replies
Well, it seems that DMOZ has been experiencing unspecified hardware problems for more than a week. More than a week with editors unable to log in; more than a week with no updates whatsoever; more than a week without any ability to explain the problem or offer an estimated time for it to be remedied. I think this will be remembered as the week that DMOZ died. Even if the servers ever come back on line (which no one from DMOZ has been willing to predict), I think that what remaining credibility the directory had left is now gone. The open directory model is, however, too valuable to the Internet community to be lost, or more specifically, to allow it to be discre…
Last reply by crowbar,
- 1 reply
The site I want to submit is a purely informational in nature but I am having a hard time finding where it goes. It's a collection of articles relating to man made diamonds. Obviously, it's not shopping (as so many entries seem to be) - so what is it? Thanks!
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 2 replies
I am trying to submit a site for a workers compensation law firm in NH, but a New Hampshire category does not exist for workers compensation law firms - although there categories have been created for other states. I hate to submit it to the United States because the firm only practices in NH. Although I assume that an editor would automatically create a NH category for workers compensation firms, I have never listed a site before, and want to make sure that I don't make a mistake. Please help. Thank you.
Last reply by nea,
- 4 replies
I searched in vain for "new category" and "new subcategory", so I applied to be an editor in the broader category, and in my narrative, suggested a new and fairly narrow subcategory, which I was volunteering to edit. My application was declined on the basis that the parent category was too broad for a new DMOZ editor. So... how do I propose a new subcategory? Thanks much, Bill
Last reply by dory36, -
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- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
I have not been able to list my site and I have tried for a long time to get into the DMOZ. Can anyone give any kind of useful info. I have done this process 4 time waiting 6 month each time. The thing that makes it hard for me is I do not get any email back about the site submission. HELP!
Last reply by Elper,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
how can I get an incorrect listing changed. There is a company showing our website. I want this amended.. who can I contact to get it done? Regards
Last reply by arubin,
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- 2 replies
Hello, I'm wondering how long it takes to get a site listed. I re-submitted several times, In any case, how long does it typically take? Any insight, please do help. Thanks!
Last reply by shadow575,
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- Editall
- 4 replies
I have submitted my site over and over again and still i get no listing! I think there is definitely corruption or something seriously wrong here. I have tried to get <url removed> listed under business listings and it never happens. ((((((((((WHY)))))))))))))))?
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 44 replies
Scalable algorithms do it much better. At this point, I couldn't really care cause I've lost faith in this thing called Dmoz. For over a year, I've tried to submit my site <url removed> to dmoz repeatedly without luck. I decided to become an editor, and just got my application denied. Common reasons of being denied, a)poor quality sites, b)self promotion, c)out of scope, etc, etc, etc. Yea right, poor quality site, u look at my site and tell me it's a poor quality site. It is entirely custom coded with algorithms I learned while getting my Computer Science Degree from the University of Maryland at College Park. Heck, u time it, and the pages loa…
Last reply by shadow575,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 14 replies
this is unbelievable, look at the following category: 3 out of 4 links are to the same website. corruption ?!
Last reply by BIZ-GIANT, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Can anyone suggest me what is the benefit of submit a site in Dmoz directory my site is listed in dmoz directory but it is not getting any traffic from dmoz i think it is only time wasting IndianWebmaster
Last reply by informator,
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
Hello everyone my name is jay.what are the issues regarding ODP?thanks
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
- Meta
- 1 reply
At the category there are stars on top of the two sites What is the Meaning of Stars can u explain ?
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Greetings. I noticed today that my sites disappeared from their categories, though they've been there for years. I looked them up in Google Directory and it turns out they are still listed there. Is there a problem? 1.<url removed> google directory listing: - website present dmoz directory linsting: - website not present 2.<url removed> google directory listing: - website present - website no…
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 6 replies
The following category has no volunteer Top: Shopping: Food: Ethnic and Regional: Kosher (44) how should I proceed in order to request an update.
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 15 replies
Hello, I submitted a couple of week ago the new information for my website: The web site, named "Cruelty Crawler" was already listed in this category: Now it has been renamed as "Wildlife Offenders" with its new url <URL Removed> but it has same content and features than the former one. I seen that an editor reviewed the new site, but in the Directory the old one (with its dead link) is still shown. Is there any problem? Thanks for a kind reply.
Last reply by wildlifer, -
- 2 replies
A month or so again i realised that i'd got listed in DMOZ, the search index even got updated and i was able to be found via the search function on the site. A good couple of weeks later however my listing disappeared and although as with many people i lose no sleep over not being listed, needless to say it was rather frustrating to have got listed then dropped off the list. My site was obviously suitable for listing (otherwise surely it would not have been listed) so my question really is, was the removal due to server problems that we all know dmoz has had in recent times or perhaps just a case of over competative editors attempting to push out the competition (somet…
Last reply by sabian1982, -
- 1 reply
Hi All, I can't seem to find my site <url removed> Is it still on dmoz and if it's been removed can someone tell me why? Thank you.
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 7 replies
Not one to have a paddy but I've been waiting patiently for our website to be listed @ Home: Family: Pregnancy: Chats and Forums Now I notice a new entry (I'm 80% sure it's new) http://www.No URLs here please ... and it's a closed forum with no frontpage (unless you class the Apache server index as a front page). Seen here: http://www.No URLs here please Now I understand that it takes time to be listed, but come on guys (and gals) I'm feeling a little downhearted when sites like this get put on and our community that has hundreds of thousands of posts and hundreds of active members get over looked. just a grumble... ignore me W.>
Last reply by shadow575,
- 4 replies
Could someone please guide me as to where I can post a question about a specific site that is already listed in DMOZ (for over 2 years) but does not show up in any DMOZ searches? Thank you Jon
Last reply by megavolt, -
- 9 replies
Hello DMOZ editors, I'm very happy bacause I got listed in DMOZ and I appreciate it. I just have some questions because I want to do things in the right way. My site has two versions because it is translated in English and Spanish. I got the Spanish index listed under the right category: World: EspaƱol: Salud: Medicina alternativa. I wonder if it is possible tolist the English version under a similar category? Which one? What I must do? Could this harm my first listing? I want to be right with your rules. I appreciate your reply, Brandon
Last reply by stuart.brandon, -
- Meta
- 43 replies
hi everyone! i am completely unhappy with dmoz....and i would like to tell you the hope these things could maybe change some day: - dmoz has a big influence on the web, but it is not organinzed well enough to be able to handle this responsibility. Some of these influences are: - influence on whether websites are found on search engines and whether they are indexed and how fast. You can say that is none of your business, but that's the way it currently is and therefore you have a great responsibility. - influence on whether websites are ignored or considered on websites like Alexa. Sometimes people are curious what the biggest website is in a certai…
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 4 replies
apologies in advance but I have looked through FAQs, forum threads etc so seek an explanation - minor point really - hope someone can help. I have found a couple of situations where I have used dmoz to seach for relevant sites, a couple of choices appear, great, but when i click on the dmoz category the sites im looking for dont actually appear within the category - sorry if i am at fault would like to understand.
Last reply by holidayindeal, -
- 8 replies
Hi, can anyone advise me how one can check if a particular category does have an Editor assigned to it.... and possibly what the current workload situation is within a category - ie no outstanding submissionto be reviewed, or 3 months backlog etc. I ask because I expect this would give me some idea as to where my company site stood in the review process. like many folk I first submited our website in the mistaken belief that inclusion in the Directory was a must for decent search engine rankings. as others have also discovered, this is not the case - in less than 4 months of enhancing our site content and getting decent backlinks, our small site now has a goo…
Last reply by crowbar,