General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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I was looking at BUSINESS:OPPORTUNITIES:HOME BASED and noticed that the LAST UPDATE has no date. How do I find out when it was last updated?
Last reply by lissa,
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- 5 replies
I am working on optimizing a super health related site which is listed in the ODP. The only problem is we have just one match in the correct health category and 5 matches/sites in the Home: Cooking Category. Unbeknownst to anyone, these pages were submitted and picked up. Although we offer recipes, we are not a cooking site. Organically, a lot of emphasis is given to these pages and we would like to focus on providing health information and support a community of people living with a chronic disease. We believe that the weight that these pages received from the ODP has influenced the search engines and distracted our audience from our main message centered on health …
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
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- 21 replies
ODP is being soundly hammered (italicized text was a link to vFunk DJ directory) by other human edited link compilations when it comes to the DJ field. With a negligent link operation refusing to employ new editors at a sufficient rate, how many other places will dominate parts of it? It may sound like little potential, but niche link resources are rapidly growing. What happens when they begin to partner and merge? Will ODP be soundly hammered as a whole?
Last reply by crowbar,
Hi, I noticed in my toolbar that has PR=0 . Does someone else see it or is it only me? It is a little weird. I checked other sites and they have PR but dmoz is PR=0. Thanks, Ovidiu.
Last reply by ovidiuweb, -
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- 6 replies
I submitted my site to ODP, probably 6 or 7 months ago. My main priority was to get listed in ODP... but what can i say, while i'm waiting for my site to get listed in ODP, all the other directories on the net have seamlessly listed my site, even some of them reviewed and ranked it. But for ODP, it's like shooting in the dark, no answers no nothing. So my solution to ODP is.. why not atleast add a simple nPHP page.. where users like us can enter their URL and get the status? I'm sure it will not hurt the OPD's "complex" database system..!!!! atleast it will reduce the % of complains you guys get from people.
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 1 reply
I just found that my site <url removed> has been removed. the site was listed on i am not able to understand whats the problem, is it because of the state name changed to uttarakhand. Please look into the matter Thanks in advance jeewan samant
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 30 replies
I asked for an update to my description a few weeks ago.I checked and it was updated, but instead of changing it to what I had written, they removed some words that I hadn't asked to be changed (I believe I asked for 'diaper cakes' to be changed to 'baby diaper cakes', wasn't changed, and 'baby security blankets' was changed to just blankets, rather than 'baby blankets' as I asked) I just sent in another request, just asking that these two changes be made since it better describes my site as it is now since I was added to DMOZ, but I don't want to cause trouble by asking for another update so soon.Is it okay that I asked for the description to be changed to what I reques…
Last reply by motsa,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 12 replies
Can anybody explain what the difference between a site and a deeplink is? Is an own domain name a prerequisite for a site or can multiple sites be located under the same domain name? Or is the differentiator perhaps another one: one company or individual is not allowed to have several sites (with different domain names) if these sites are somehow related?
Last reply by motsa,
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- 7 replies
Hello, I just want to hear about what you would think about something we talked on DP forums. Since DMOZ does not have a task to serve backlinks for websites, and only purpose is to provide a spam-free internet guide for people, then you can add a "nofollow" tag to outlinks. That way noone will benefit the links but people who actually want to visit these sites over DMOZ. What people complain about DMOZ is; beyond the guidelines, every editor has his/her own way of doing things, good or bad, ethical or not, there's no "DMOZ style". And audition of editors is just impossible due to the amount. So if editors are only volunteers to help improve directory, and DMOZ …
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 3 replies
Hi, I submitted a URL like: Yet, then we changed our minds and made a 301 redirect to Then What? Shall I re-submit my new URL? Or should I just wait for inclusion? If my site is accepted, which URL will be in dmoz, old or new? Thanks!
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
Hi, I understand that status report on a submission is not available and I would not want to pester anyone. I do have a problem though, in that I submitted our website a while ago and am hoping to be included, - but I cannot recall what catagory I submitted to. Is there any way I could check up on this ? and is it allowed to submit one's site to more than one category (ie a relevant category for the service, and say a regional category also) regards, Kevin
Last reply by kevbro, -
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- 11 replies
DMOZ Hello Last year I listed in the wrong category. I've requested on 3 occations to have my listing moved to either Health: Alternative: Massage Therapy and Bodywork: Workplace Massage or Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: T: Toronto: Health: Alternative: Massage Therapy and Bodywork I just did a search for my site and noticed I'm no longer listed in Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: M: Mississauga: Health: Alternative however when I did a search I came up with this Massage in Motion - Onsite Table & Chair Massage - Onsite Registered Massage Th…
Last reply by informator,
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- 27 replies
Hi, My company recently discovered that the description for our site listed in DMOZ is several years out of date and needs updating. I submitted an update request through the update form 3 weeks ago and have heard nothing back, not even confirmation that the request was received. Being new to DMOZ, I'm wondering what my next steps should be. I don't want to make the request through the form again if it's not getting to anyone, and I don't want to keep spamming someone if they are getting the requests. What should we do next to get our listing updated? Thanks, Steve
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 6 replies
Hi, How do I get details of editors in a particular category. How will I come to know whether there was an editor in the category at all? I have searched in many categories in and was not able to find out any link for that. I had submitted my site long back and would like to send a mail to the editor. The category that I had submitted is Thanks.
Last reply by crowbar,
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- 2 replies
I imported about 300 links from DMOZ to a web director I am setting up & have so far included about the same number from my own work, getting links from diverse sources and inserting them manually. I still continue doing so and expect when I go online to have users submitting their links. I have also largely created my own categories or modified the DMOZ cat. My question is how can one appropriately credit DMOZ as they require with that when my links do not come exclusively from them? I have seen some directories which seem to have all their content from DMOZ (which is not the case here) and so the above attribution would be mo…
Last reply by chaos127,
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- 6 replies
It would be nice if administrators and editors alike would be honest. There's obviously a lot of people out there who have had / are having bad experiences with DMOZ and yet the answers they get back (if indeed they do) just make excuses. Why not call a spade a spade and say whilst DMOZ is good in some aspects - in others its just plain Rubbish For example our company (Shades of Egypt) was listed in DMOZ but having expanded greatly we opened a new site (One World Tours). We tried to get the new site listed (1,200) pages of very relevant info - no joy (no shock there). So we contacted DMOZ and said, look, Shades of Egypt is really being taken over by One World now - sam…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 0 replies
After only joining up to the forums a week ago to have a bit of whinge at the editors because my company website listing was not being moved to the correct category, guess what? When I looked this morning, it had been. So a BIG THANK YOU - patience is a virtue after all!
Last reply by Bev Francis, -
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- 2 replies
Updating Listing - Question to the editors Following on from my questions on updating listings (see thread, No reply to attempt up update listing), could someone give me an answer to this please? If I am trying to promote my listing from a category that has an editor, to a category one level up that does not have an editor, what are the chances of my request being accepted?
Last reply by Bev Francis, -
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- 2 replies
Now, my site is listed in dmoz directories, but not in google directories. Why? Should I submit my site again?:icon_ques
Last reply by informator,
- 3 replies
I’m just wandering if is working at the moment? The submission form looks very strange. Thank you
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 1 reply
i have been submitting a website in... Regional: Oceania: New Zealand: Business and Economy: Classifieds: Personal Advertisements but there is no editor for this catagory, i have tried to become an editor but my application was declined. Can DMOZ editors from other catagories approve the websites? If not, how can we get our websites listed. Please advice, thanks in advance. Thank you
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 9 replies
I don't quite get the idea of editing the messages that have active outbound url's in it, depending on solely personal and subjective estimates. I've sent a message to a very crowded Non-English category thread, and because I knew the message will be history in this active thread, I've also sent a permalink to my already ODP listed Blog for further discussion on the subject. :icon_arro Now I see my link is emptied, by photofox, and I still see lots of outbound links, even in threads, that photofox replied to. :icon_arro (just an ex…
Last reply by motsa,
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- 4 replies
Hi, I haven't used DMOZ for many years, but my full name is still on my profile page: What should I do to get this page completely removed?. I was an editor for a DMOZ page many years ago but I'm not anymore.
Last reply by thehelper,
- 1 reply
Good moring Can you please inform me what the "search database last update" means? What is its connection with the update of each category? Thank you in advance for any replies!
Last reply by gimmster, -
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- 8 replies
Hi, my first posting .... I have made a submission to DMOZ for my company website to be accepted. Hopefully I have submitted correctly, and to the correct categorie. I hope it gets included - but in the meantime I have been doing manual submissions to various Uk business directories and have also submitted to Yahoo & Google Directories. I have since discovered that Yahoo & Google actually use DMOZ as their source. Have I then submitted 3 times to DMOZ ? and if so, could I be accused of spamming, - which was not my intention .. So would it be better to somehow withdraw my Yahoo & Google submissions, and how would I do this. I can supply o…
Last reply by crowbar,