General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 5 replies
Why does a group that professes to be focused on maintaining a quality directory with relavant links consistently fail to maintain the directory properly? Throughout these threads there is a common theme: *Sites take forever to be added, if they are added at all *Relevant sites that have been listed for quite some time, just disappear Yet when anyone brings up these issues, many times moderators and editors talk down to those individuals, as if they are somehow better than them. I find the arrogance of many editors to be quite humerous, especially since many of the catagories within the directory feature dead links to sites that no longer exist, links to spam adv…
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
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- 1 reply
What's the difference between and, and does it make a difference which site is used for a submission?
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall
- 6 replies
I'm hoping someone can help me. When I registered to be listed with DMOZ. I didnt realized all my competitors are listed in the following category Top: Health: Alternative: Massage Therapy and Bodywork: Workplace Massage and I'm listed here Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Localities: M: Mississauga: Health: Alternative any suggestion on how to change categories. thanks Maria, RMT
Last reply by Callimachus,
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- 2 replies
Hello all guys, I am very new to this forum and i want your expertise suggestion about my question How much time DMOZ takes to include a site in it's database ? Regards Dilip
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 1 reply
I have two comments: 1- I've had a server problem during two weeks with my site. I've change the hosting provider and now works fine, i'm telling this because I hope U didnt check it during those weeks.. 2- Ive sent to you this site a few months ago (more than 6) and today I've discovered, you have a new category and I think it's better, than the one I've sent it the category is: Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Cancer: Mesothelioma thankss...
Last reply by gloria,
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- 2 replies
Hello! Our site is in DMOZ, but it is not in Google Directory. The category of Google Directory, as it seems to me, wasn't updated for about for a long time. Does anybody know, how to be listed in Google Directory? Thanks!
Last reply by man007, -
- 1 reply
Could anyone be so kind as to explain why my listing for <url removed> has been dropped from the regional category that it was in? It was originally listed under local businesses in Tamworth, Staffordshire, UK. We are still based in Tamworth, Staffordshire, UK, but the listings are no longer there. Would you please be able to explain why this has happened? Regards, Simon
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
Before you ban me again please read this. I am sorry for any disterbance to this forum. I didn't have to say sorry but I did. I won't bash anyones posts again. Delete the topic "In years in years" by hyipo because I don't want to remember the old bad post. I will follow your rules. Your the best directory in the world I realize it. Can you forgive me? I am sorry hutchson, and other admins. Also motsa remember when you said And spamming the forum with complaints does nothing for you except get you banned. You've been treated more than fairly here, though you haven't returned the favour. I will return the favour I am sorry for being a bad po…
Last reply by hyipodirectory, -
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- 2 replies
hello, in how many maximum categories i can submit site in Dmoz. I have seen some of the sites are listed in more than 8 categories. Is there any restriction?
Last reply by hyipodirectory, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
I submitted my site approximately a year ago, waited the requested 30 days, and resubmitted. Since that time, I have seen very few edits or changes in the requested category, (Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Consulting) which may mean that the editor is busy elsewhere. A friend with a similarly focused site submitted his site, at an earlier date, to a different category (Regional: North America: United States: North Carolina: Localities: R: Raleigh: Business and Economy: Industrial ) and has been accepted. My question is, have I made an error in my selection of a category? Is there a moderator or forum member that would be willing to offer an opinion, if permitted…
Last reply by shadow575,
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- 12 replies
Is there any reason for a site to disappear from DMOZ after being there for 6 years? No tricks to the site, just a good site that has been well regarded over the years. Can't seem to find us anywhere now? We have been the number one supplier of Inflatable Furniture for years? Befuddled:confused:
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 6 replies
I am trying to update my listing , but when click on the catagory that my site is supposed to be listed in it does not show up. i have put in the URL as it is listed but nothing shows. can somweone point me in the right direction . ??
Last reply by Harty, -
- Meta
- 17 replies
I need help. I have 2 sites listed...first off, I can't get them updated, have tried to send the information about 6 times and the editors don't seem to accept or review it, but the main problem is they DID make a revision and change teh title and URL of one of the sites to be the same as teh other! Now I have one site listed twice and one site not listed! How can I get this fixed fast?
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 26 replies
Hi, I have tried to get my web portal listed for years without success- under the category "International Business and Trade" - specifically "Directories". This has been really frustrating because one of my competitors "TradePort" gets top billing under this category, and they don't even have a directory! Could someone tell me what the "star" in front of their name means? - and if anyone still edits this secton? I have volunteered to be an editor, not to get myself listed, but because I do believe organizing this material could be a useful resource to use on other websites, and I have some good experience in this area. Does anyone know how long this might take?…
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 5 replies
I just wanted to say Thank You to the Resource Zone forum! This forum should be required reading for anyone interested in becoming an editor, submitting a site, and wanting to know the status of thier submissions. Before coming here, the ODP was a faceless, unbreakable monolith in my mind. The ODP didn't care about my submissions. The ODP didn't want me as an editor, The ODP was the root of all evil! Since I've spent some time reading about what goes on "behind the scenes" and posting some questions, I have a completely different view of the ODP. It REALLY is edited by human beings, many with the same life complications and commitments that I have! Wow! That I can …
Last reply by TeamRocket, -
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- 11 replies
Hello, I have a website for an actor. I've tried to add it a couple of times in the last 6 months and it hasn't been added yet. I've only just seen in the forum that it may take years so I'm not going to try again. A few months ago though I tried to become an editor for that category. Because one of the links there has been dead for a long long time, another hasn't been updated in almost 2 years and there are 3 more sites about that actor (including my own) that are the only currently working sites for him and none of them has been added. I've been rejected for becoming an editor because I have a site about him and they're afraid my opinion will be biased, which I …
Last reply by lalyil, -
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- 1 reply
My website is listed in a non-English category. It is a noncommercial site which I have maintained for ten years. Earlier this year, I moved my site to a dedicated domain and set up a "site moved" page at the old URL. Shortly thereafter, I submitted an URL update request for the ODP listing of my site. I went through the usual procedure to update a listing, giving a valid email address and so on. Nevertheless, my listing still has the obsolete URL. It's been five months now. Looking at the date at the bottom of the ODP category page indicates that the category in question is being constantly updated. However, all changes in the category this year appear to be remova…
Last reply by shadow575,
- 1 reply
Are you suppose to get an e-mail that confirms that your submission has been entered into the system?
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 2 replies
Hello moderators, is it possible for you to delete the following threads: The problem is the above threads are showing up on Google when people type the name of our product. I didn't expect this to happen. We don't want them to see the discussion. Since the thread is very old and hold no importance, please consider deleting them ASAP. Thank u.
Last reply by giz, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hello - I have been listed on dmoz for several years - when I had originally submitted I submitted under the wrong category (a newbie at the time) and once listed I contacted DMOZ and they were nice enough to correct the error-the site was active in the correct category for around 3 years. I saw as of a few months the correction was undone - the site was listed back under the original category I should not have sumbitted to and was removed from the proper category it sat in for 3 years. I put in an editing request and have not heard back - what can I do? It is affecting our business. I thank you for your help in advance -
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 13 replies
Hello, I am a web developer for a company that is listed in the top 300 internet sites. We have submitted our URL 4 times in the last three years, about every 9 months and still are not listed. We comply with all of the guidelines and still can't get listed. The category is “Shopping: Home and Garden: Windows: Window Coverings: Blinds". I am getting the feeling our competition is an editor. Please help resolve this problem.
Last reply by shadow575,
- Meta
- 9 replies
I see several listings for the same site several times, some times they have listings for domains that have been parked on top of other domains, i.e. five differnt ODP domain listings pointing to the same domian. Is this a form of spamdexing, I know a editor has the right to list the same site in multiple categories, when the occasion permits I have heard the term "Black Hating" used in this forum a couple of times can not remember where. I don't have the devious mind so trying to figure this one out evades me. What is "Black hating" and how does it effect the OPD. How would one identify "Black Hating" and its occurrences. I have always been told "The on…
Last reply by timamie261, -
Hi, I've got a similar story to the other guy who has been submitting his site for a while with no joy. Although I've submitted our site twice, I'm unsure of why it's not being listed. I've submitted my site under: Business: Marketing and Advertising: Public Relations: Agencies: S But it appears either I'm breaching a guideline I don't know about, or the editor of that category is asleep (the category hasn't moved/changed in a while). My website is We're a public relations agency/consultancy. The only thing I can think of is that it's a parked domain. If you have a look goes to the same place as the website…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- Editall
- 8 replies
Not sure if this has been brought to the attention of the administrators, but you should consider reading this article blog: Apparently a spamming exploit has been discovered and is being abused.
Last reply by Callimachus,
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- Editall
- 20 replies
I have been trying for nearly 2 years now to amend my website’s Open Directory description, which is now very much out of date. The current (old) description is proving to be an embarassment, especially as google is now picking up the same description. I’ve submitted many revised descriptions over the last 2 years using the Open Directory pages, but for some reason, all my attempts to submit the new description are completely ignored. I feel that as I submitted the original description, I should be able to amend it. Is my lack of success something to do with the human editor of my website’s category or is it something else? Grateful for someone giving me the ne…
Last reply by bobrat, -