General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 32 replies
I am the owner of Hyipo Directory. I never get added, never told that I will never be added so if it takes years to be added how will I know if I'm added. I am tired of all this secretcy. I am tired of adding my site. I don't know anything. If I am not following at least 1 guidelines why can't I be told that so I will know and leave. Do I have to pay ODP, or their sponsers:icon_ques Is my site acceptable:icon_ques
Last reply by motsa,
Thread split. Please don't hijack other people's. Hi Jimnoble, I am new to the Dmoz forums and from your posts you seem to be very wise in the dmoz ways. I am a little confused as to why my site <url removed> a site that has been listed for more than 5 years can be removed by an editor that runs a similar directory. This individual has falsed his identidy to get a job as a DMOZ editor and added all his sites in and removed his competitions sites, is this a breach of Dmoz conduct or not? I have tried now for more that 3 months to be reincluded only to be ignored but his sites ciontinue to pop up. I hope you or someone else can assist me.
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 1 reply
Ciao I work for a very well-respected UK education directory which collects and holds the government UK Learning Directory of courses. The company also builds, maintains and hosts some well-merited adult learning college sites. We also run several client websites from our central hosted system. For years we had been very happy to be listed on the ODP directory, which we have full respect for. In May, however, we noticed that the URL for one of our client sites listed on the ODP was incorrect and came under our own company name. Explaining the situation, I completed an updated listing form to request that the url of the client site should be changed to the regis…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 4 replies
Please could you advise me of the easiest way to search for your own site on DMOZ. I am not yet listed, but I have noticed that if I search for a site by its URL it doesnt show up as listed even if its one that I know is listed. Best regards Peter
Last reply by motsa,
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- 1 reply
The site is: It is a programming group (of which I am a member) that develops freeware games for TI graphing calculators. Which category would it fit best in?
Last reply by hutcheson,
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Scratching my head over this one :o Our site ( is included here: If I go to Google Directory Home and search on our domain ( I get a link to: So far so good. Except, if I click on that link - our site is NOT included. Very strange. Any ideas?
Last reply by giz, -
- 1 reply
Dear readers / moderators, I have started a new website, which is nowadays indexed as part of dmoz. The website contains a weblog (two actually because the site is bilingual). The other day I wanted to submit the weblog to a library organization. But this organization and likewise many others uses the ODP database, so I could not execute the submission as my weblogs are not registered with dmoz. Is it possible to submit a weblog seperately to dmoz thats is part of a site? Regards, Alphons Ranner
Last reply by motsa,
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- 3 replies
There is a report on the net “Search Engine Censoring of Open Directory Data” that says all three major search engines (especially Google) routinely block access by their users to sites that use any ODP data as part of the site. The sites that are banned are sites that use ODP data as part of the site, not sites that are listed in ODP although being listed in the “sites using ODP data” page on ODP may increase the chance that a site will be banned. This appears to mean that “Open” Directory is not really open anymore since only major sites like Google can use ODP data without major risk of being banned by one or more search engines. It also seems to mean that ODP e…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 64 replies
The idea that Google gives special love to sites listed in the Open Directory is an urban myth. But it is so prevalent that it seems worth starting a thread specifically to tackle this. I am therefore copying here a reply I made on another thread. Search engines do tend to use the Open Directory to seed their indexes, but that doesn't mean that they rank ODP-listed sites any higher than those not listed. In fact I don't know of any proof that any SE does. What does seem to be true is that all the major engines use backlinks in some way in their algorithms. So if a site has no links to it and then is listed in the ODP, that is likely to have a noticeable effect on its…
Last reply by charlesleo, -
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- 2 replies
Hello, I've submitted my website a few times, the 1st time I had submitted it, I tried adding it to This was a few months ago. The website is <url removed> Any help will be appreciated, thanx guys. -Simon
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 5 replies
I have been waiting to get listed. I run <url deleted> and have been on the web over 4 years. We service about 20,000 new customers a year. I think we are relevant. I have tried for the past 24 months to get listed. IThis thread will get you to the last remark I received about my site. It stated it was under review and not to re submit. I have not, in fact I have not been back to this board sinnce November of last year. I respectfully ask for someone at DMOZ to get back to me on this issue. Thank you in advance for your help. :)
Last reply by peterfoley, -
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- RZ Admin
- 41 replies
Help Please! Google is now using an old title for my website which is very misleading. I have been unable to get any editors at DMOZ to acknowledge/respond to my update requests, which I've made every 3-4 months for the last 3 years. Is there any way I can just withdraw my site from the NIGHTMARE that is DMOZ ? Thanks.
Last reply by nea,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 10 replies
Guys, I just received the great news that I was accepted as a DMOZ editor. Should we share this with the world, friend, internet, in the forum and in our profile the information that we are DMOZ editors? Or we should rather be quiet so that people would not try to get to us by different ways to make their sites being listed... even if the category is not proper. What do you think? :icon_ques
Last reply by motsa,
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- 4 replies
I have been watching a category for a few months and it has always had (267) listings. I noticed a couple of days ago (July 6th) the editor made an update to the category (timestamp changed at the bottom). When I click on the editors name, it lists the category with (275) listings verses the (267) next to the public link. Does this mean the editor added some sites and there is just a 4+ day delay before the changes go live? Thanks,
Last reply by pvgool,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 40 replies
Dear all, I am glad that I could register to this forum so easily, more easily that I expected... after all the trouble I have with DMOZ. The communication with DMOZ is like hitting your head into the wall and expecting the wall to respond:mad: I have a website with over 400 articles devoted to Polish culture: <url removed> Last year I moved my website (after 5 years) to a new ID address and I cannot get DMOZ to recognize me at all! Since the articles are devoted to many subjests: culture in general, immigration, fooc etc - I tried to submit to different categories with no avail. My old website is listed under Polish immigration. I submitted information …
Last reply by Jaga, -
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- 3 replies
Hello Ive been reading a lot about how being listed in the dmoz directory is the number one most important thing to have for you site and how editors dont do this and dont do that. WELL STOP IT !!! I'm not listing in the directory at the moment, so i think a know what im talking about, when i came here one year ago i to was saying that dmoz is the most important listing i could get and editors dont help much, i was told by an wise old moderator ( jim ) that dmoz is just a small part for a webmaster to worry about, so i went away to started working on my site ( thank you jim sry about the old ). so i stopped bugging dmoz every five mins and so should you. …
Last reply by nuthin, -
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- 5 replies
Helo My site was listed in the dmoz directory, but as i improved the site my category listing changed as i added more products and other stuff. I informed the dmoz editors of this change and was removed from the listing and placed on the waiting list to be review, after 6 months the editor came to my site today but only stayed seconds, i must have 200 products and hundreds of advice pages and audio stories and a forum and lots more so i amazed this editor only stayed for a little time, i believe my site is in good working order on most if not all browsers and does not load too slow ( well i hope not ) so i'm puzzled why they would leave so quick, i know they are bu…
Last reply by jellybabys, -
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- 3 replies
How is that for a headline? There have been quite a few of “submission stories” posted in this forum to which I want to add the following: I have submitted (my own) web site for inclusion the first time four years (!!) ago. Periodic checks whether the site was accepted or whether any response was received netted zero results. Therefore I resubmitted after initial 16 months; however that also netted zero results or responses. Then about three months ago I read a post that explains how sometimes foreign language European editors can review your site provided the site has also the applicable foreign language. This I did and, VOILA – the site was reviewed (and accepted) b…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 34 replies
Our site <url removed> was added to the ODP 2 week ago under the category: Health: Mental Health: Disorders: Impulse Control: Pathological Gambling: Support Groups Then suddenly it was dropped from the ODP without any explanation.
Last reply by hutcheson,
cannot search 1 2
by tygg-
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- 26 replies
I was doing research this other day and after many repeated searches I only got "The page cannot be displayed". I still get that and cannot search. is it something wrong with dmoz search ? If this is a spam filter it is really a way to sensitive one as I like to search a lot at once when I do research, then read the searches after. Any idea about this ?
Last reply by rpfuller,
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- 20 replies
My Site, <url removed> <urls removed> Was submitted to DMOZ a very long time ago as seen @ and And when people search for my site, these forums even show up in the search result. <url removed> Which is not fare at all... why should people come to your site becasue of ME, when the DMOZ has never linked me. Why havn't I been listed, Why can't you tell me why I havn't been listed. Why is everyone in these forums so unhelpfull? Shouldn't you just close these forums, all they do is make people more upset. I'm going to post and repost m…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 12 replies
I think DMOZ should do the following: Regularly check for big websites and website that got really big and busy and see whether those are already listed. I think busy and popular website should be added automatically without having to suggest their URLs. It would be a censorship not to add busy and popular websites as people should be able to find those websites easier - there are many that get visitors just by word-of-mouth....but they have never been categorized. DMOZ should set its own guidelines/timelines for adding "forgotten" but popular/busy website. This could be automated by some software. No editor should have the right to refuse a popular and bu…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 5 replies
I have submitted a site to the Health: Addictions: Substance Abuse: Organizations a couple of times over the past year and haven't heard anything about it, nor is the site <url removed> showing up in the directory. Since there appears to be no editor for that category, my question is this. Do the submissions just pile up in limbo forever or does another editor step in every so often to clear some of backload? I hate to keep submitting if it's just going to sit there. What's the usual procedure here? Thanks, Richard
Last reply by gloria,
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- 6 replies
How may I removed my DMOZ link?
Last reply by pvgool,
- Editall
- 12 replies
Alright, I'm back to this forum but not for directory listing questions but for why is my site completely dropped or appears to not be listed anymore. I typed in my URL, and it says no information!!! My site was reaching goal point wit the good keywords and now its vanished. I dont know maybe the engine is updating my site listing, thats why? or I'm Finaly being listed in the Naruto Directory, for after 4 years? lolz I doubt it but can anyone give me some ideas to what happened? Thanks.
Last reply by charlesleo, -