General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- Editall/Catmv
- 9 replies
Greetings to everyone reading this. The site we submitted is a travel guide to Japan... with some couple of thousands of photos, lots of practical narration and a lot of written articles on things we found to concern people the most when visiting Japan... And we were wondering that... Just which category would this be ? I mean it's not a travelouge... it's a travel guide. At least it intends to be one by all means There are no offered services or such, except that people making travel publications could download the photos... which they actually don't. There's no office or anything like that, no related publishers, travel or photo agency it's a compilati…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 10 replies
Dear moderator, I have a problem that I suppose has not been dealt with in your guidelines. If I have overlooked it I apologize. Some 3 months ago I started a new website, replacing a (still existing) other one for my consultancy firm. The site is bilingual (Dutch and English) with an even make up. As there can be only one first homepage and we operate from The Netherlands I choose the Dutch homepage the be the first and the English to be the second. The homepage of our existing site (some 5 years old) was indexed by ODP in The Netherlands, but a request for indexation by ODP in the US (or UK) never led to a positive result. Explanations were never given. …
Last reply by Alphons Ranner, -
- Editall/Catmv
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- 14 replies
For over a year I did send suggestion to this category with of course no replay of why the suggestion was denied or wasn't reviewed at all. I did submit it a few times but I certainly was not spamming. My point is, there is 15 links in this category out of which some are more than poor websites. There is one website which only displays Yahoo RSS from Iraq and Google ads?!? (Is editor of this category owner of this website as well?) The website I am trying to get listed has now over 9000 articles that are categorised and many are translated from Arabic newspapers by our staff (not available anywhere else in English sources). As well we provide separate RSS channel …
Last reply by lissa,
Broad category submission
by Guest
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- 1 reply
Broad category - what to do? I've been submitted my site into a broad category. Can it prevent my site from being listed in the directory? I have to sumbit into a broad category since my site is a chemical portal with data and online tools for chemists. Thank you!
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 16 replies
I have submitted my site correctly for 2 years and at a loss that it is still not listed. In fact not one site I have submitted for 2 years has been listed and they are complete and submitted to the correct categories. <urls removed -- see forum TOS> I am at a total loss about this. Please help on these issues
Last reply by charlesleo, -
- 1 reply
Hi! I'm new of dmoz and I would like to ask your help. I have read many many times the guidelines about the url @link but not really understood ... I have some online travel catalogues to submit (I have not yet understand if I can write in the forum the url website, so for the moment I do not write it) . Some of this catalogues are already in dmoz, some other not and all the catalogues are published with the same quality and content, the only difference is the destination. May I link this different catalogues to the ones already published or I have to submit them one by one? May I just tell you "we have open a new destination so a new catalogues with a different url?…
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 8 replies
Hi volunteers, I have submitted my site sometime back. My site url is <URL Removed> It is not yet listed, but how do i know, whichcategory i submitted my site to? I forgot the category, i submitted my site to. Can someone provide any information regarding this? Also, how will i know, if my site is rejected? If i know, it is rejected, i may make changes and re-submit my site. Thanks again for wonderful volunteers.
Last reply by hutcheson,
by Valentino18-
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- 3 replies
Hello i just want to ask one of the editors if this site Travel Europe qualify's for dmoz and how long should it take to be listed. I submitted the site like 30 days ago.
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 10 replies
I think a dumpster diving subcat under would be usefull. It can then probably be @linked from a suitable places in Recreation and Society/Issues/Environment
Last reply by arubin,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi, I was just wondering if there had been a change in policy for online gambling / poker related sites? I've checked through all the guidelines but couldn’t find anything. Reason for asking is that I've noticed a number of the big name sites disappear from the directory. Just to confirm a few things, the site's I was looking at have not radically altered, do not seem to have been moved to different categories and still continue to function. Is there any other reason why these sites may have been removed? Andy
Last reply by andysands,
Ok, I am writting this to all webmasters and editors. I hope everybody reads this before they go down further the threads. First I would like to say that -I have long given up on being listed on DMOZ -DMOZ will help you rank, but it is not necessary for ranking on #1 I am writting today as a webmaster. And I would like to tell all the fellow webmasters - submit to DMOZ once, and forget about it - if you get listed - good for you, if you dont - good for you......either way, it doesnt matter, better focuse on optimizing your website - exchanging good links with 3 of your ranked competitors has more weight than a link from DMOZ - quit beeing lazy. -My top suggest…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
My website has been submited. But I havn't been approved and there are not any feedbacks from dmoz. So can I know what's wrong? Our site: <URL deleted> This important for people in Vietnam. So you set it for me. Thanks.
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 5 replies
So, you have a lively discussion about the shortcomings of the ODP site submission process (see Last update: 21:47 PT, Saturday, July 30, 2005), you touch a nerve regarding the "Social Contract with the Web Community" and "open" becomes "closed"! That's a lot of power for one individual to decide who is "not actually listening".
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 48 replies
The category that we submitted our site to in 12/05 has not been updated since Saturday, July 30, 2005. As there are only 5 sites listed and many others that have certainly been submitted (as well as easily discovered and added by an active editor), is this considered an unacceptable length of inactivity by the editor?
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hello, I'm having a problem with a double listing on, at least I feel it is a problem. I had updated (earlier this year I believe it updated, around feb) the listing for my website in a regional category. I have noticed in the last few days that a second listing appeared that I did not request and nor would anyone else in the establishment would have requested. The entry for this second listing is under the same title and same URL with the exception of the casing (e.g. Original listing similar to "" and second listing similar to ""). On another forum someone said it may have been the call of an Editor to put this …
Last reply by Burton, -
- Meta
- 4 replies
Last reply by bobrat, -
- Meta
- 37 replies
I, too have been waiting a LONG time to get listed. Everywhere you look on the internet, you'll find that you "should only submit your site once every three months" or so...There is no reason in the world why it should take over a YEAR to get listed. You have some 9000 active editors and you cant process sites within a year? B.S.! All you editors are rude, knowing that you hold a very important key to our successes. You do not give very good feedback (other than fluff and excuses) and you have taken away the ability to give status's an idea, have a status check web page that will allow us to check our status ourselves...not just take it away completely! Char…
Last reply by srikondoji, -
- 1 reply
Hi... I tried to post a new thread yesterday, but it seems that it didn't appear.. Well. I just discovered that my site has disappeared from the directory were it is supposed to be... Any expanaition for that... please inform... Kind of frustration looking back that it took me 3 years to have it registred in the first place... Regional: Europe: Spain: Autonomous Communities: Andalucia: Granada: Business and Economy: Real Estate (9) Kind regards, Rune Ostergaard Schulz
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 2 replies
I am not an editor or member of this forum, just an occasional visitor. But I learn something new everytime I visit. I just want to say is THANK YOU to the members of this forum. In a world of the 'fast buck' and 'get-rich-quick-schemes' and justice to the highest bidder, what comes out (between the lines) of the responses to the posts in this forum is not only incredible (almost saintly) patience, dedication, deep understanding of the WWW, but far more importantly, INTEGRITY. On top of that, if you add the fact that all of these responses are DONATED to the world FREE of dedicated people who get nothing in is nothing short of amazing, …
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
hi all, I own 2 websites, but only one is isted in DMOZ, now I intend to build the third website with different domain, different content and will submit it to DMOZ, if it a good site, good content do you accept? by the way can someone tell me that does google know who is who 'how many websites a company owns' to list them or not ...v..v. thanks
Last reply by spectregunner, -
- 2 replies
How do you become one of the people who accepts applications to be a editor and...well do you become higher than just an editor?? Is there like a system within ODP where experienced editors can apply to become one of these? Or are experienced editors asked or what??
Last reply by mark200, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
I guess I am frustrated because, apparently, no one can do anything for me. I resubmitted our web site,, several times and found out recently that resubmitting a web site is against the rules. I suppose I should have been aware of that but I didn't know it. In the meantime using the most generic keyword name possible (lace curtains) our site is listed 6th on the first page of MSN, 13th on Google (4th on a couple of occasions ), 13th on AOL and 19th on Yahoo. I know I should be happy with that but I can't help wondering, if they think our site is that listable, why we don't get anywhere on DMOZ. Is it because I resumitted? Thanks for letti…
Last reply by shadow575,
- Editall/Catmv
- Editall
- 7 replies
Greetings, I am in need of help. I was listed under Society > Law > Services > Dispute Resolution > Service Providers > North America > United States > New York as, but I didn't realize that my domain name registration had expired until I logged on to my site and discovered that it has been hijacked, and that there is now a porno site in its place. They wanted $250 to sell it back, which I was not about to pay, so my site is now I don't know how to go about notifying the right person or persons to please remove the .com URL above and replace it with my new .net URL. Thank you for any assistance you c…
Last reply by jdaw1,
- Editall/Catmv
- 4 replies
I work for a company that was categorized in DMOZ several years before I arrived. I know that having a correct category in DMOZ for your website can be a very beneficial thing, so I was pleased when I found we were included in the directory. To my dismay, I found that the category we were placed in was not quite correct. I have tried to perform my due diligence and figure out a successful procedure of asking for a re-categorization. I thought that I might chronicle the steps I took here so that if anyone is in a similar situation they can use this procedure to expedite their re-categorization. Also I am hoping that anyone with experience in getting re-categorized could…
Last reply by bobrat, -
- 2 replies
I'm sure I read somewhere on the forums about how often the ODP public site is updated but I can't find it. Does anyone know? Thanks. The Old Sarge
Last reply by The Old Sarge,