General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 2 replies
Hi, I'm trying to include my site <url removed> in the ODP directory since 15 months under with no success. I have followed all the rules listed out on the DMOZ webpage but still am unsuccessful. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could let me know what's is that I should correct in my submission details for inclusion. My site's main products are gas masks & surveillance equipment and I have few more product categories which encompases safety,security & emergency preparedness. I wish any of the editors suggest as what category I need to submit if the above mentioned category …
Last reply by hutcheson,
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Nothing here
Last reply by brmehlman, -
Dmoz is somebody's SEO tools? I can not believe many search engines use Dmoz as their directory. I think my website is good enough to join the Dmoz, but I am still waiting ~~~~one year? two years? forever?
Last reply by ning82, -
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Hello, I am John and am with Whipnet. We have many themed based websites and a couple listed in the DMOZ. My question is the ones that got listed did so rather quickly, but my favorite, the UFO site has not been. I have been waiting over 2 years now. That site has over 1000 html pages and is listed on all other directories. My question is: Is 2 years too long to wait to get listed, and where might I go now? I hear resubmitting is bad. Any help would be greatly appreciated. John Whipnet Technologies *
Last reply by jdaw1,
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- 8 replies
i heard from lot of people that Dmoz is an open source directory, but starngely what i see is that in no manner its open source. they list sites only what they think is good for their interest even the sites which complies with a category doesnt get to listed there just because of bias or some unkown reason. from all of the people out there they know what an open source means, and Dmoz is in no way comply with that. i hope to see them amending their way of working or else they can see them going down in future.
Last reply by brmehlman, -
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- 3 replies
Hi, Can someone help please. Our website has been listed in dmoz for over 6 years, only now is it causing us a few problems because the listing is without the www. and maybe giving us a duplication penalty in google. I have submitted the site to be changed but there does not seem to be an editor. How long does it normally take for someone to look at listings to be updated please? Could someone look at this for us please if possible Thank you. Wayne Cadman.
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 8 replies
Well, everyone else seems to be opening big, long threads detailing exactly what their views on the ODP and their alleged problems are-- and then changing them halfway through. It looks like fun, so I figure I'll take a stab at it. Here's the sicchyation as I see it: (1) ODP does, regardless of intent, impact site listings in Google, and thus, will always be given URLs and expected to list them. (2) ODP editors and members do not understand eachother at all. (3) People refuse to read. (4) Promising a listing timeframe takes the "volunteer" out of the editor description, which means there are less volunteers, and therefore less listings. (This is obviously a…
Last reply by apollyein, -
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- 19 replies
I have tried to get my website <url removed> listed on the Open directory for years now and for the love of it been totally unsuccessful. It must be my approach to it or something I am never going to solve. I have given up trying to get my site listed but what amazes me is that my website is very highly rated in Australia and ranks well with ALL search engines and not found by the Open Directory. you may try try this and while you are in that page click on all the suggested search engines and will all show as number one. I run a very clean and honest website and frquently told it it superb. If anyo…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 14 replies
I used to be listed in DMOZ and sometime last year my site was removed and I have no idea why. I can only assume that it may be because I moved interstate so the contact details on my site were different? I think I was in a regional category. I have since resubmitted my site with no success (I has been months now). Why would sites get removed if they have done nothing wrong? Shouldn't I just have been moved to a different region if that's the reason? Unfortunately my Google rank has suffered severley (as in no. 650!), I assume because I'm not longer listed in DMOZ. It's very hard to build up a small business when things like this happen as I effectively have no online web…
Last reply by bobrat, -
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- 4 replies
Hi We have develope many web sites and most of them are listed in Yahoo and some in dmoz. We have the following sites which are listed in Yahoo <urls removed> We hired an SEO company to submit to directories including DMOZ. I am not sure whether they submitted twice or in the wrong category and when. Since we want to follow the rules we dont know what to do; we would like to know whether these sites were submitted, or submitted many times or submitted to the wrong category and if there were any issues how to rectify or how to contact the editors. As you can see these sites are not a spam site but gives good content to our visitors and getting good goog…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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Im not able to get any forum access/ Please help.
Last reply by gti96, -
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- 5 replies
I have searched for a while. I am editor and there is a category I have to move to my category. No doubt about that. I have to request a catmv. But where to do that?
Last reply by Booles, -
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- 10 replies
I have tried to submit my site to the directory a couple of times over the past 8 months. I do believe it was rejected the first time which was probably due to my inexperience. My website is only small but it does provide reasonable content. I did not build the site to gain entry into dmoz and only became aware of the directory when submitting to other directories. The site as I said is not a big corperate site it started as a hobby. Since my first submission I felt that I had made improvements to the site. Additionally, I took a more care in my application. The category I feel the most appropriate has no editor and only 12 sites. However, these site are owned by busine…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 5 replies
Hey,moderator! I find that there are only 4 site listed in the category "Home: Homemaking: Frugality: Coupons ". As is known to all,the E business is growing so fast nowadays,and thousands of sites about online coupon information have already been founded to help people save their money during online shopping. However,the 4 sites in the "coupons" category are only related to the printable coupons ,I wonder why don't you index some famous online coupon sites? Thank you!
Last reply by motsa,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 15 replies
Hi, I'm a webdeveloper and I've been trying to submit the following sites for almost one year: on Top: Regional: Europe: Spain: Autonomous Communities: Canary Islands: Travel and Tourism and also on Top: Regional: Europe: Spain: Autonomous Communities: Canary Islands: Business and Economy: Real Estate I don't know what's going on with this issue, all the listed sites accomplish the standards asked to be listed on dmoz, I have already resubmitted them many times, after complaining I got the answer that editors are volunteers and they have …
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 3 replies
It's been over two years since our attempt to get <url removed> listed in dmoz under homework help and tutoring but we never did get listed, even though it's one of the bigger homework help service sites on the net. Is there anything else that we should do now, there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel here?
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Hi I listed my site - many months back and it is a really good content enabled site. I listed in the category of but I still cannot see myself. I am just wondering what credentials you look at etc to list a site or reject it ??? Best regards Gary Lewis.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Our site was listed under shopping-> childrens - girls. It is no longer listed there. Can someone tell me what happened? <url removed> Thanks
Last reply by motsa,
- 2 replies
I'm a new editor and I can't seem to obtain access to the DMOZ internal forum. Can someone please help me? Thanks. My editor name is: lizynoe.
Last reply by lizynoe, -
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Jim I was asked to come here to RZ as a continuation of our conversation on DP HERE I would appreciate help in resolving this issue. Please let me know if you have any questions and or advice on how we can both get this resolved. I will let you or any other editor start off this conversation with any questions you have to begin with. Thank You.
Last reply by motsa,
A question of quality.
by Guest baf-
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- 8 replies
Quality? I can see tons of free yahoo sites listed on dmoz (full of popups,popunders,banners...), but the good sites that have a top level domain and very high quality levels (100% ad free)... ...i cant find those at dmoz open directory I would like dmoz to tell me what they undestand by quality lol
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
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hello, i run a review site. it reviews the features of some top ten downloads sites. i am an affiliate of those sites. will my site be listed by DMOZ? if it is allowed i will post my link here for you to see if it may get listed. thank you
Last reply by pvgool,
- 3 replies
hi the title and description that is submitted to dmoz does it have to be the same as the one seen on explorer browser just wandered if its possible to have two different titles etc thanks:)
Last reply by monayuki, -
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How often are the links in ODP verified? Thanks.
Last reply by shadow575,
hi I submitted a site on the 6th of feb and realised I have put some promotional content in the description can I re submit to override this mistake many thanks:)
Last reply by jjwill,