General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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- 11 replies
Our site has just been listed in one of the regional sections related to online dating. Having just found on here a thread pointing to the fact that if a category does not have an editor this does not mean new sites won't get list there I have made an update request (via the form). In there I've listed the current category ( and the initial reason we wanted to be in there (which was that the category is fine for now but since the original request we are expanding out to the States and now this may not be suitable). I have also listed the new category which has all the main equivalents t…
Last reply by Christiansuk, -
- Meta
- 14 replies
I want to know, if there's no Editor in the category that I want to submit my website, what will happen? Such as this category: Top: Business: Electronics and Electrical: Electromechanical: Switches. There's no Editor in this category, and the Last update time is 21:43 PT, Saturday, November 12, 2005. While I am going to submit website to ODP, I've surfed and found the similar questions existed in many categories, esp. the endest sub-categories. I think other guys will also concern about this similar question. I have submit my site ( to this sub-category Top: Business: Electronics and Electrical: Electromechanical: Switches at Dec.27, 2005. But…
Last reply by big-melon, -
- Editall
- 1 reply
Please WorldLinkerate and then delete this request. Thanks.
Last reply by jdaw1,
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi, I submitted a request to update my site's listing on dmoz : the listing is: Living Trust Network, LLC - Introduction to living trusts and estate planning. in the section: /Society/Law/Legal_Information/Estate_Planning_and_Administration/ We would like to update this listing to correctly reflect our organization so that the title and description gives users an honest idea of what we do: this listing should be: Title: Living Trusts and Estate Planning: The Living Trust Network Desc: The Living Trust Network provides information about living trusts and other estate planning topics. Attorney referrals available nationwide. I am not sure if this is…
Last reply by spectregunner, -
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- Editall
- 36 replies
I realize this is a totally volunteer driven resource and totally respect that, but was wondering if it is possible to pay to have a submission review, expedited? I would more than happily pay for someone to look at it, but am not sure this is an option. If it is not an option, I would like to suggest it to the powers that be - how can I do this? As a FYI, I submitted a URL to the following category almost a year ago and there only about 40 entries in it, so I'm wondering if there is a problem or something? Basically I'm looking for any way in which I can speed up the approval process? Is there anyway to see if I am still pending review? [Category] http://www…
Last reply by jeanmanco, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
I have a couple of spiritual sites that I have been waiting for ages, to be listed on DMOZ. Now since I already have my own spiritual directory, I am good at adding interfaith sites. I am also a member on Zeal, so I have a clear idea of writing non bias descriptions. So my question is if I did join as an editor and added enough of my already existing links to some of your spiritual categories, would I then be able to also do my own later if my intentions are to improve DMOZ’s interfaith listings 1st?
Last reply by windharp,
- Meta
- 4 replies
My old site was deleted (for the reason I probably know). In the DMOZ, I was told that I can contact them, how to do that? I don’t have theeir email address… “If your site was deleted, you may send a polite inquiry to the editor of the category where your site was listed. If there is no editor for the category, you may try to contact an editor higher in the directory tree ...”
Last reply by informator,
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hello Everybody, You know the forum has discountinued "Site Position Stautus" since long time now. With this closure we will not be able to know the stauts, but generally how do I check of my site listing. What am doing is when I submit my site first time, I will give gap of about one month and later check for the site listing. In this way I will leave a gap of 6 months and if the site is not listed after 6 monhts, I resumit site to the same category and follow the same method again. Let me know if I am wrong here. If I am wrong then what is the best way to keep track of our listings? Thanks.
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 4 replies
I had forgotten all about my submission to dmoz. I submitted about a year ago, I think. On average, how long does the approval process take? If this length of time indicates that I was rejected, I shall submit again, although my site is strictly a free resource site for students of medical transcription. I do not THINK it would be rejected, but maybe I did something wrong when I submitted. Thanks, Judy
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Meta
- 2 replies
I have fairly recently submitted my site to be added to a category. Category= Regional:North America:United States:California::Counties:Mendocino:Travel & Tourism My Site= This category is actually very small, the county itself is relatively unpopulated. It appears to me that this category is not actively being updated. One link (Mendocino County Promotional Alliance) is a broken link and has been for quite awhile. Several other links although obviously relevant are not listed. Plus, although not conclusive in itself, the category has a "become an editor" link at the bottom. The question is, should I apply to become an editor? Bei…
Last reply by gboisseau, -
- Editall
- 1 reply
Let's say I go to I'm a bit confused as to the semantics of the horizontal separators above the actual links. What are the three categories of links above "See Also?" I think it would help to add a small tag to each section (or TITLE hover text), because it is not very obvious to me. Are the sections simply finer levels of granularity? Thanks! Kevin
Last reply by jdaw1,
- Meta
- 22 replies
I am not certain this question is in the proper category, apologies in advance if it is not. Does DMOZ send out a confirmation of submission? If not, it would be very helpful in tracking submissions if the submitter received an autoresponse with the date and directory the listing was submitted to. That way you may not have as many people inquiring on submissions while they are still in the "bucket". Thank you in advance, Coverall
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, My site is placed in the wrong category and the description is also not correct. I have submitted a request to change the description and category several times, wherein I have clearly mentioned what is wrong and where.There has been no response. The category is It doesn't have an editor. Is that the reason I'm not getting any response? Can anybody help me out? Thanks, Ram
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- Editall
- 9 replies
For several years now, companies with which I am affiliated have been penalized by a lack of action or adequate response by DMOZ. Perhaps, forum members could offer some assistance or clarification, please. Background: It should be noted that this is not a spontaneous post from an inexperienced newcomer. This is posed by a person with 20+ years of experience in the industry who has tried for several years to resolve the dilemma within the public processes of DMOZ. (My resume is at What I know: Over the years, several sites with which I am affiliated have been rejected, or accepted and quickly dropped, in the stock photography categories. These…
Last reply by hutcheson,
- Editall
- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
For about the last two weeks we have been unable to access or Finally this morning we tried access from another network and can get to the site just fine. DNS is no different between the networks.... both resolve to . The only activity we have had on the site is submitting sites and submission of a editor application. I can't for the life of me figure out why this should be happening. Does anyone have any ideas?
Last reply by arubin,
- Editall/Catmv
- 3 replies
I have emailed, but because of the notoriously low amount of replies received from that, I will post it here also: I have applied to be an editor, failed, applied again, and am awaiting a decision. I have attempted to be helpful to members on the forums, and was asked (politely) to stop by a meta, because I was hurting more than helping. So, my question is: How can I help? I don't see many options for me at the moment, and hope you see some, as I am at a loss as to what I can do to improve or help Dmoz. Can anyone suggest anything? I am willing to do anything but financially contribute. That is something, because of my age, I am not capabl…
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 2 replies
OK, maybe this is just a stupid question. But how do you tell if a site has 'unique' content for the category? I mean, how unique can you get? It's basically for forums and chat systems. Which is all well and good. But there's only so many different forms of Chats and Forums that are Writing Resources. Any help? ~Polly
Last reply by apollyein, -
- Editall
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 10 replies
where can i make a catagory suggestion?
Last reply by jdaw1,
- Meta
- 8 replies
Good morning, Having lurked in the background for several months I decided it was about time to come into the light. Somewhere I recall reading about an avenue by which one could bring to the attention of the DMOZ editors links or sites that were no longer functioning or required updating. If someone could push me in the correct direction it would be appreciated.
Last reply by hutcheson,
I just registered to the "resource-zone" as I am trying to get more information on a submission I made to DMOZ back in Nov/Dec 2005. My intent is not to annoy, anger, or disrespect any editors... I have read through the posting and communicating guidlines and hope I am asking my question in the right forum/thread. This one seemed relevant to my inquiry. I know you are not an SEO entity and do not operate as such, nor do you provide advice on websites. Is there a way for me to find out if, in fact, my site submission was turned down or even still in the review queue? I am just starting out with an internet business with 1 website, abide by all the rules, and w…
Last reply by jjwill, -
- 2 replies
Hi - I publish <details omitted> I understand the importance of the Open Directory Project. I think it's a great thing, I understand that it's not a search engine, and I certainly understand that it's run by volunteers. I link to it on my home page. But I have been waiting to be reviewed and listed for over a year in <category omitted> If anyone has any ideas or hints or suggestions, could you please email me at <email-omitted>? Thanks for your time. Bill Donovan
Last reply by BillDonovanJr, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
hi all, i am owner a warez & crack site. i searched in dmoz but i didn't found any categorie for warez or crack sites.But i saw a hacking categorie.i think " warez or crack sites can add dmoz" 1-Can i add my Warez or crack sites to dmoz ? 2- Where will i add my warez & crack site ? Sincerely,
Last reply by Nivik23, -
- Meta
- 9 replies
Hi guys, I've tried countless times during the last few months to list my website in the category and no success. My website happens to be the largest source of information for romanian immigrants in the world (I mean 450,000 pageviews delivered to them monthly). I have read your guidelines and have obeyed them to the letter when submitting. I have also tried about 4 times to become an editor and have been promptly refused within 24 hours each time, no reason given. Could you take a look at the other websites there, some of which don't even work anymore and tell me how come thos…
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- Editall/Catmv
- 35 replies
Earlier today I posted a small list of questions and a request for editors/metas here to let me know if ODP editors would be violating any of the ODP Member guidelines by answering these questions. This information is going to be used in a website being developed to detail the ODP and the perception of corruption in ODP by many in the webmaster community. That post was deleted by Motsa <private message deleted> I think it is unfortunate that there isn't enough trust in the community to even allow me to ask what information is or isn't off limits. As suggested by Motsa I have searched these forums and can not find the answers. Some related information i…
Last reply by disklabs, -
- Meta
- 5 replies
Hi I just want to know that, a site having a higher google page rank (eg: 5), will list in the ODP faster? I submitted my site to ODP 4 months ago. Is there anyway to know the status?
Last reply by varghese, -