General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi I submitted my site on 8th December 2011. The website sells a range of doona covers (also known as duvet covers or quilt covers). and are hoping to expand to sheets and other bedding products over the coming year. We don't sell the doonas themselves only the doona covers which come in a set which also includes 4 pillow cases. We only sell our product in Australia. There are multiple categories that this could be listed under and I'm unsure whether we selected the correct one. It would be great to get your advice. Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Textiles: Bedding and Furnishings: Bed and Bathroom Products: Bedlinens Shopping: Home and Garden: Bedroom: Be…
Last reply by motsa,
- 7 replies
Hello, I have come across a person who has got every website he has ever made, listed in dmoz. Not just the once, he has listings for sites he owns listed in many categories and that includes categories not relevant to the subject his website is about. He is always listed close to the top even when a category has many thousands of listings. One of his websites is listed in more than 10 categories. I know there is foul play going on. He is either an editor or knows an editor that is listing his sites. Please help. Who can i trust to investegate this problem. I have tried the dmoz complains form to report a corrupt dmoz listing but the form seems not to work. Any help…
Last reply by Fred77, -
- RZ Admin
- 3 replies
I submitted a Description change about two months ago but haven't heard a thing and description on our site is the same. We also need to change the category but am afraid to submit twice. We need this done correctly and soon because the description matches our old business and there is confusion when people find us. Please help.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
I have just registered my site in and in reply to this: "You answered yes to the question "Have you been an editor before". If you have been an editor before you should request reinstatement here:" please give me the enlightenment of the above statement .thank you kinds regards, abeart AJ
Last reply by photofox,
- 1 reply
Just picking up on your last post - the one you made after 'informator' locked the thread. Naturally ODP members will defy all logic and claim that is fair. No doubt the Swedish wrote the 1st Amendment to the Bill of Rights. :blink: Clearly flagging up every bit of misinformation published by the ODP about the ODP is far too embarrassing for some. You said I'll take a stab at it and you let me know where I am wrong eh. ONCE UPON A TIME....... There is a large cumbersome dinosaur called 'MOZ' or the ODP = Out of Date Project. Which breathes green mist that magically publishes pages of out of date content, not only about itself, but also many o…
Last reply by rspain, -
- Meta
- 11 replies
Like many folks in these forums I've come across dead links, out of date descriptions and even complete change of content - possibly ownership of sites/domains that are linked to from the ODP. Reading the large number of posts in here asking how long it is likely to take to 'Get Listed'........ And sympathising with the folks waiting in the wings, I am wondering what is the value of a listing. In the main, there are a great number of listings that are out of date... even sites listed which have been reported through the abuse system many months ago which have not yet been attended to. Add to that - that the home page of the ODP claims: 93,429 editors, yet there are …
Last reply by motsa,
- 1 reply
I have applied for becoming editor for following categories, both applications have been rejected, saying "You may not have enough edits for additional permissions based on your experience level, or not enough edits to qualify for the requested category." The categories I have been assigned are not getting new sites requests, If I'll not get sites to edit, how can I have enough edits?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 1 reply
Hi I am a litle confused about the chathegories. I am not sure in what chathegory i should put my side. Lets say a online Shop. Its based in Berlin. And this Shop sell a lot of diffrent stuff. In what Chategory you would put this in? Thx
Last reply by windharp,
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- 3 replies
Respect to all DMOZ editors and Staff members, I would like to ask for a contact how can I write a feedback to some of the staff members appointed to the DMOZ directory but working in AOL Netscape, Is that possible? I saw that rdkeating25 is an editor in Chief also bbgrant is a director, so please if You can provide me this information through PM if it is confidential. Thank You.
Last reply by windharp,
- 2 replies
I have my business listed in the regional DMOZ listings in my case Wales. Is there any reason why my business still comes up as not listed in SEO software operated by many companies? Also, just to inform that it took over 6 months for my business to be listed on DMOZ directory so to all those still waiting patience is the name of the game.
Last reply by appugharindia, -
- Meta
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm writing this for two reasons. #1. I've been waiting four years to get one of my websites listed and waiting 2 years on another. #2. I'm shocked that DMOZ may be compromised by SEO Companies. Background: I've been doing my own SEO for years now, and finally I tried a highly rated SEO company I found on Elance. The results were great, the methods were not. I've since quite using them, but in looking for a legitimate source to help me out, I have found a highly rated company on Elance that guarantee listing in the DMOZ directory for $400. These companies have very positive ratings, and comments from their customers indicate that they are able to acc…
Last reply by Nate1001, -
- 7 replies
Hi folks, my name is Vince and I have been trying for some time to update mt DMOZ business listing in this category: Regional: North America: United States: Florida: Localities: T: Tampa: Business and Economy: Animals () My business is Southland Dog Training and the url that is listed there is from our first website which an employee set up on her personal web space about 6 or 7 years ago. At the time I knew nothing about the internet so I didn't see it as a big deal. Now I know better. I have submitted a request but have not heard anything back. I am not sure if there is an editor for this category or how else to make contact. Do you have any suggestions on what el…
Last reply by Vince316, -
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- 4 replies
Hi All, Hope some can help, We have move office and I do not know how to change and amend our details in the Open directory Please let me know How or who to contact. Many thanks Jacqueline Okwong Greenwood Letting Agents
Last reply by Elper,
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- RZ Admin
- 12 replies
Is it likely that there is no editor in a category for an extended period of time? I have been checking regularly for my listing and now (after 3 years) have been monitoring for any changes at all and there have been nonein 18-24 months. Is it just a lazy editor or is it likely that there isn't one?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
Hello Friends, My self Nitesh Ahir I have submitted my website <URL Removed> in but still its not listed until complited more then 6 months... My i know the reason I have tried my best for submit all the requirement information as a guideline... can any one suggest me for that.??????? what i have to do with this issue...????? may i submit again in Thank You, Nitesh Ahir.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- RZ Admin
- 4 replies
Hi everyone. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum, but I couldn't see anywhere else to post this, so here goes. I have two listings for my site, each with a similar, extremely outdated, description. We were more graphic design back long ago and have gravitated into almost all web design and especially SEO and Social Media Optimization. Google decides to use the outdated descriptions in our search results, and that has to be depressing clickthroughs. I've tried the standard methods of changing the descriptions several times over the past couple of years but nothing has ever happened. HELP!!! What do I do?? This is a real drag. The penalties of being an…
Last reply by Elper,
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, does any mod know when was the last time Google updated its directory with DMOZ data? Do they even still use DMOZ's data? Just was curious.
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
Hello, I submitted my site to DMOZ almost a year ago. About two to three months ago I checked a DMOZ checker on the web and it showed that my site was listed in DMOZ. Man was I happy. I went to the DMOZ site and did a search for my site and nothing came up. I then searched several DMOZ checkers on the internet and all of them showed that my site is listed in DMOZ. I read some articles on the internet that said I may have to wait a few days before I saw my site in DMOZ so I went ahead and cancelled my Yahoo Directories subscriptions because now I was listed on DMOW, the best free directory on the web. After about three weeks of checking DMOZ with no result for my site I co…
Last reply by vigor2001, -
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- 2 replies
Hi, My editor application just got approved. I can login to my dashboard but somehow I can't login to forum. I tried resetting the password but it didnot worked. Please guide me on this issue. Thanks Saptak
Last reply by saptakmandal, -
- Meta
- 3 replies
Hi, I submitted my website 3 to 4 months ago to ODP, how do I know if I have been accepted or rejected? I have done a search for my website on the Open Directory but it isn't being found so do I assume from this that my site has been rejected? Thanks for any help! Liz
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 1 reply
I had observed many of the sites has been added two to five times please approve the sites some what quickly at least one time i will be happy....let me know your suggestions............if any thing let me know i will be happy.........
Last reply by pvgool,
- Meta
- 14 replies
I have heard for years that DMOZ is one of the most respected sites and directories to be included on in order to help make it known about the existence of one's business and web site. I first saw or read this opinion perhaps a half-dozen years ago already, and every now and then (perhaps once a year) I try to resubmit my information when it never shows up in the directory. There have also been one or two times that I tried to contact a supposed editor responsible for my geographic or content area when nothing happened through regular submission channels, and I have never received any response through that means either. Without mentioning website names, my site has…
Last reply by jeremy, -
- 1 reply
when will they update the list of states. They are more than just 13 states and Washington D.C. My interest is Washington D.C when will that be added to the list of state and cities for the Moving category in the U.S
Last reply by motsa,
- RZ Admin
- 1 reply
Hi all, I can't remember exactly when I submitted my site, but I'm sure it was at least 4 weeks ago and probably closer to 6. But it is still not listed.... It's a high quality, genuine site so I can't think that it would not have been approved. Is there any way to find out what is happening with it? many thanks, Glyn
Last reply by Elper,
- 1 reply
How to contact the moderator DMOZ directory? 5 months ago I added a site in the category: Computers, accessories, fans and cooling devices Nevertheless, there is no site in the directory. Subject Site: particle filters for your computer, reducing the noise: the CPU fan, video card, case fans and power supply, computer cleaning of dust, protection of human health from harmful dust.
Last reply by firestorm,