General Curlie Issues
2541 topics in this forum
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I'm a web designer based in Ottawa Canada and I've been trying to register a number of sites with the DMOZ for a few months now. It seems that every time I attempt to suggest the URLs the form is down for maintenance.. why is this? It seems to be more than just regularly scheduled maintenance, this has been the case about 5 or 6 times over the last two months...?
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 13 replies
Hello, I work for six local government councils in the south of England, for a portal website which represents each of these councils. A couple of years ago, an ex-employee submitted descriptions of the site to Dmoz which are now out-dated. A month or so ago, I requested that the description used of our site be changed to something more generic, which applies to each of the partner councils, but the change has not yet been made. It is very important that these listings are changed, as Google appears to be using Dmoz for descriptions of our site, and several partners are questioning why our Google listing contains out of date information. Can anyone provide …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 1 reply
- 1.7k views is missing a few states. How do we get the additional states listed so we can submit our site under the correct state?
Last reply by motsa,
i am new and am trying to figure out how to thank you,
Last reply by aeclark,
- 1 reply
I think its time there is a serious discussion about what to do with the DMOZ to turn around this farcical, corrupt to the core directory. Its a shame what it has become when it could be so much better. So in that aspect, I have done a guest post admitting I have been selling dmoz listings, and outlining some ways which the directory could be improved. <url removed> If you have any questions or a different opinion I would love to hear them. I'm guessing my account here (well this one anyway) doesn't last long but I will reply to anything left on the post above...
Last reply by motsa,
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- 1 reply
Dear Editors I have tried many tiime to submit my site to Dmoz . But my site My Site <url removed> is not displaying in Dmoz directory. I have selected the right category to Insert the Link as available. But No Chance. Please let me advise to Add the site To Dmoz. Thanks & regards Arshad <e-mail address removed>
Last reply by hutcheson,
- 1 reply
How can I get Google index? I have tired search engine submission, social bookmarking, forum but still didn’t get Google index.
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- 5 replies
Hello all, I have been trying to get a forum I run into to ODP category that has a specific forum section for around a year with no success:( While checking back after a few months I noticed there does not appear to be an editor of this overall category If there appears no editor does it mean it does not get updated:confused: Cheers and thanks for any help mrix
Last reply by Trogons, -
- 1 reply
i tried to email a few different editors to get some feedback on my website and the email forms have been broke for more than a week. Any idea when this with be addressed?
Last reply by motsa,
- Meta
- 1 reply
It's now a day after the scheduled maintenance was supposed to end. What's the status?
Last reply by laigh,
- RZ Admin
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- 3 replies
1) Does DMOZ/ODP have any policy about Intellectual Property Rights? If for example a particular site carried a number of copyright images copied from other sites, would that affect whether the site was listed or delisted. If there is no policy on IP rights, then why not? As the guidelines atate "ODP editors should enter sites that represent the following: Original, unique and valuable informational content that contributes something unique" As readers may guess, we are aware that a significant number of websites (over 400 and counting) use our copyright material. This is mainly in the form of photographs of coins and gold bars. Often text sections and entire pag…
Last reply by laigh,
- RZ Admin
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- 2 replies
Hi, I just updated our two DMOZ listings as we no longer do web design and are now a limited company so there are some minor changes needed to our listing and category. I wonder if any editors could let me know how long it generally takes for these updates to be done? Our listings are here: URL: Listing 1: Listing 2:,_City_of/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/ I used the update link on each listing page and gave as much info as i thought was right... Any feed…
Last reply by Elper,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I know this has probably been asked before, but why don't you just charge to have a site reviewed for submission? Even if you said it would take 30 days to do it, it would be better than the 5+ years I've waited. That doesn't mean you accept the submission, but by not knowing why I site wasn't included, or if it was even reviewed, we have no way to move forward. If I knew my site was banned for some reason, I would just move on. But by having to come back OVER AND OVER to resubmit a site, without ever knowing the status, this is more like a Soviet agency than a 21st century operation in my humble opinion. What is the rational behind the current process? I don…
Last reply by makrhod,
- 4 replies
Today, June 5, 2010 is the 12th Birthday of the ODP. Wishing you well! Happy birthday to ODP :cake:
Last reply by pitvietnam, -
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- Editall
- 4 replies
I am just asking if it is possible to know who is editing what .
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 3 replies
Hello there, I have noticed that most categories for Romania have no editor and sites are waiting forever in submission status. This is not good for the relevance of the sites included as they get old and new ones don't get in. Not only me, but lots of people I know would get in as editors and help, but they are denied. What do you plan to do about this region?
Last reply by pvgool,
- 1 reply
Who oversees the editors of a specific language section? In some languages, DMOZ completely stale. How to go about initiating change? Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
- Meta
- 2 replies
Hi all.... It's been more than 8 weeks since I submitted my site <URL removed> for category change but still no change has been done...Currently it is in category-->Regional: Asia: India: Gujarat: Business and Economy but I have requested category change to Business: Financial Services: Investment Services....I have also submitted my other site <URL removed> for inclusion in the same category but still listing has not been approved.....Is there any specific reason or time duration for not changing category or not approving the site listing?
Last reply by nea,
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- 5 replies
Today I received, like many no doubt, a notification on inactive users. A good time to log in, which still worked(hurray), and see what's going on. I immediately moved to general topics, the first article is from a user called mystic, dated sept 09, with the topic "9 years no response etc". I actually gave up on DMOZ (or DMOZ NL in particular) in 2007, after many attempts to have faulty information changed or adjusted. As of today nothing has happened and I am sure that the DMOZ days are over. This system outgrew itself already 6 years ago with a tendency to very arrogant behavior by some senior editors. The result must be that many many sites have false or totally i…
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
i did not find anything about this question in the faq's and in the forums. i admit i can hardly believe this and i suspect i am just too stupid. sorry! i am a scientist and i would like to make our research known to ODP but our sites definitely don't fit into the existing categories. the link to suggest a category leads to a dead end. we miss <Physiology> and <Biomechanics> in <Health:Medicine:Research> to submit <urls removed> the existing categories are very far fetched for us (Epidemiology, Gene Therapy, Medical Artificial Intelligence, Nursing, Ophthalmology, Pain Management, Pediatrics) thanks for any helping answer!
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 4 replies
Hello there. I'm attempting to get my website listed in DMOZ and have been for sometime now. The website that I run is adult oriented, but tasteful. While I was looking through the category in which all my competition is listed I've noticed some dead links. How do I report them, and is there a place in the forum in which I can request my site to be looked at? Thank you for your time.
Last reply by jeustace, -
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- 1 reply
Hi, I submitted a site for over several months, how do I know if was accepted or not accepted? Sheri
Last reply by pvgool,
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- 3 replies
Hi All I wondered whether someone could advise me on submitting a site to dmoz more than once as I am a little worried that doing this has had a detrimental effect on getting my site reviewed. I initially submitted our site http://URL Removed last summer (09) and waited a few months, then submitted it again as I wondered whether I had put too much information in the first submission. Since then I have seen on forums that you should never re-submit your site as this will just send you to the back of the queue again and could cause it to be rejected from the list of pending sites for review. So I have just left it now and not resubmitted again. If anyone has any a…
Last reply by Wampit, -
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- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I need to ask a question about submitting my website. This question is proof why you should go to sleep early and not stay up working until 4:30am. I submitted my website to the proper category, but I submitted the site under the number 1 section instead of the letter F section. Please what do I do? Is there anyone I can email and apologize to? I feel like a dummy because I read that only websites beginning with the number 1 gets submitted there!! I don't know what I was thinking.!! Does that mean I will most likely not be listed in DMOZ now?? Is there anyway to fix that or should I resubmit? Because that sounds like a big No, No also. Dam it man …
Last reply by nea,
- Meta
- 7 replies
Hi, We recently moved our websites (which is already listed in DMOZ) to a new domain name. Is the procedure to make that change in the DMOZ directory? Thanks
Last reply by pvgool,