Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
HI I have been trying to submit URL to Dmoz. After finding the relevant category and going to submit URL, the page returned claims that page required cannot be found and it throws me out of IE. I have deleted all cookies in case it could be something to do with this, but his hasn't helped.
Last reply by hutcheson,
Our site is Many SEO forums talk about editor corruption, but I think that's a little far fetched. However I asked for a status updates in Jan & April of 05', which were met with rather hostile replies from 1 of your moderators. I don't know if that had anything to do with our site not being reviewed in 2 years, but I'm left wondering what to do. Help please... Thank You
Last reply by hutcheson,
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I am a total newbie to e-commerce, I had hired someone to help build my site and teach me at my home. He has been "released" I let him go after researching his philosiphy on how to get ranked and auto submitting, and his belief in "keep submitting until you get listed" (which I had been watching him do to my site) he began submitting before my site was even finished. I had no idea he was harming my chances of getting listed with DMOZ and Google until the people at PDG soft said he was going to kill my site! I believe he has submitted my site multiple times. Am I doomed? Since he has done this, is there anything I can do to recover? I am now in the process …
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I have submitted my site <url removed> about a month ago. How will I know when my site has been reviewed. Thanks in advance, Les Lieurance
Last reply by pvgool,
Submission Help Needed: 6 month old problem :-( 1 2 3
by Guest syedzahidahmad-
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Hello, We have 16 different websites with same content. But we wanted ONLY ONE website to be in the directory. Our websites give information on the list of lawyers/law firms across America. We have been trying since past 5-6 months now. We also had sent a message to the editor of our category with the request for giving us suggestions. We had submitted 2-3 websites in these 4 months. But we didn't mean to spam or anything. The problem was whever we tried to submit our website, it would give an error, syaing server problem please try again, so we would hit back button and re do it. and it would again show the same finally until it says "your website was submitted" but w…
Last reply by donaldb, -
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Salutations! I am the webmaster of a Pagan website. I submitted my site to the following category well over a year ago: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Esoteric and Occult I checked back a few months later and found that it has not been added there or anywhere else on ODP. I made a note to check the other links in this category. Of the 7 links here, one was not functioning and another goes to an off-topic spam site. I can only assume that the editors for this category have not been around in a while. I tried to contact the editors of this category numerous times with no response. I recently submitted my site once more (about a month ago) and I am once again a…
Last reply by crowbar,
Remove my site from listings 1 2 3
by Guest sydallan-
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I wish to have links to my websites removed from all directories. I cannot find information anywhere which describes how I can arrange for this to be done. In particular, I would like links to my page jagular com/beowulf/ removed from the page at I requested this in January, 2002 by writing to an editor named Thomas Noronha, and he very politely complied, but someone put it back. There no longer seems to be an editor for that directory, and there is no indication at of who I should contact when there is no editor. I have searched through all of the help pages and…
Last reply by motsa,
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New Sumission Method May I suggest a new submission method. As a person who is sitting watching the world go by since September despite doing my best and not having offended anyone - perhaps someone will hopefully understand my (AS I SEE IT) needless frustration. Whether I am right or wrong is irrelevant to the point that thousands of hours are being needlessly wasted. Firstly may I thank all the people who give their time for nothing. However - how can it be right that one site can take 13 minutes and another take 2 years to be published. Surely the vast majority of people do not set out to intentionally waste as much time as possible of their own and t…
Last reply by Crooner, -
Gambling Category changes - unresponsive 1 2 3
by Guest --
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- 54 replies
It has been over a month since I contacted you last, asking what could be done to improve my site so that it can be properly considered for the Gambling Category at DMOZ. I also pointed out to you at least two sites which are essentially shills for their own casinos, and even run popups off of their sites. In about 14 days, I will be speaking at the Casino Affiliate Conference ( ) at which I am supposed to be speaking about Asia - but likely will change topics to speak about the do's, dont's, and other peculiarities of search engines, pay-per-click and directories such as DMOZ. As it stands right now, the only possible opini…
Last reply by steveb, -
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Hi Guys, I have tried submitting my site a couple of times over the last 2 years. Just doesn't seem to get listed. http://No URLs here please Is there a problem with this site?
Last reply by crowbar,
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Hi I have just seen that the status check has been suspended. I have waited 2 years for a listing, the last time I asked was November 2004 when it was under review and waiting. I have recently submitted again as my site has had recent changes. I think I have been very patient but I'm not sure what to do next. How long do I wait and what do I do if I hear nothing? Gay
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 46 replies
First of all I want to say that I appriciate and the work that volunteers are putting into it. But lately I have been wondering about it's role and usability, I read on the forum that webmasters have been submitting their sites to ODP for over two years and still haven't been listed. How useful and trustworthy is ODP if it takes that long time to get sites listed in it? New sites are popping up everyday and of course they could never been listed that fast but webmasters that take the time to submit their site information to ODP must believe that their site has the quality needed to get listed. I want to keep up to date on information that relate to my …
Last reply by Eric-the-Bun,
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To the powers that be, Periodically over the last 4 years i have submitted one of our sites to DMOZ (with at least a 2-12 months break inbetween). Unfortunately, we still have not recieved a listing. We manufacture our own products and offer (in our opinion) a very good site with excellent products. We have studied the categories very carefully and always take time with our submissions. Can anyone provide some useful information?
Last reply by williamfor, -
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I have submited my site long time ago on DMOZ on this link But It is not placing the list until now. what kind of site usually DMOZ make listing ? I m just waiting my site listed. Can you please clarify why my site is not listing ? Thanks
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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I first submitted a site for a friend back in 2003 and have every few months checked on progress... still nothing. It's very depressing to do everything by the book, not over requesting updates, checking in the right category.. even volunteering to be an editor. And here we are approaching 2006 and still nothing. It would'nt be so bad, but its a great site, one of the most informative within its subject on the web. The original thread has now been archived, but if you do a search on you should find it. I would however like to thank the editors on this forum for taking the time to at least provide some sort of contact with us.…
Last reply by georgez, -
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I have been reading more and more that DMOZ is infiltrated with many corrupt editors who have MULTIPLE sites listed when the rest of us cannot get ONE site listed. After six years I have given up on DMOZ. Hopefully in the near future the serch engines will see DMOZ for what it IS and devalue it's relevance.
Last reply by hutcheson,
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT!!!!! Let me start like this, first of all it is very sad that Google and other SE's index and rank sites according to their placement at DMOZ or any other human edited similar portal! Reason for saying this is, it all started as a beautiful and perfect idea but just as every other perfect idea it has lost its aims and more specificly its goals of making the internet free and more objective in nature, as it was not the idea to make it a monopoly of certain people!!!!!. The editors have become the absolute authority for judging a websites quality or for that matter any other standard! but what standards if any are in place for checking the quality of…
Last reply by crowbar,
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- 43 replies
Are the SEO-expert telling the truth when they claim that the Open Directory (DMOZ) is corrupt (and that I therefor should be paying a SEO-consultant with direct access to DMOZ to get me listed)? I have always believed that the Open Directory is indeed an independent group of website editors who see to it that the directory maintains of high standard, and than only relevant websites get listed in their (rather inadequate, but that is another matter) categories. I have three times undertaken to get my website – <url removed> – listed in the Open Directory, under the category that come closest to what Getalife is – as social & activity based networking site:…
Last reply by brmehlman, -
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- 42 replies
I am web designer , programmer for over 20 years now. The common excuse for most questions asked on this forum is "volunteer editor hasn't had the opportunity to look at it yet." Most categories has no volunteers so what is this question about ? I applied to be an editor for a very small category several years ago (few months ago one more time) and no answer - I am sorry I have one already - it is - "volunteer editor hasn't had the opportunity to look at it yet.". I am not surprised because this project has gone wrong way and soon become common Internet directory manually edited. There are 1000 of them popping up everyday, some of them good some of them bad. DMOZ data bas…
Last reply by DeRailed, -
struggle – perseverance - success 1 2
by Guest --
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Greetings, I am writing to bring to everyone’s attention my recent efforts to get listed in the Open Directory Project. I would be grateful for a few moments of your time to review my query and provide a response if possible - any assistance that you may be able to provide will be greatly appreciated – thanks. Firstly, I had submitted my site on a few occasions and each time awaited patiently believing that the site was more than worthy of being indexed. After several months (3-4) had passed I began contacting editors to see if they could review my site for possible inclusion. Of the 4-5 editors I contacted I received only one response – and my site was subsequen…
Last reply by apeuro,
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We submitted our site "" almost 2 months ago and still we are not listed. Can anyone give me a reason for this? It seems ridiculous that you cannot speak to someone or at least be able to check progress. Do editors give feedback for any sites not listed? reaaly appreciate any feedback! Thanks
Last reply by arubin,
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I have been trying for years to get list My site has very good SERPS in a competitive sector Alexa rating of 380,000 A PR of 4 The site contains lots unique content. I have had emails from HP about link exchages I add unique content regularly Still my site is not deemed suitable for the DMOZ directory
Last reply by The Old Sarge,
moving from basic to full service 1 2
by Guest mysticlighthouse-
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- 40 replies
I originally submitted my site to and after checking the status I was told that it was moved to basic and still pending. I offer a full range of development services. Would someone please help me in moving back to Full Service for consideration in the above mentioned category? Thank you.
Last reply by senox, -
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Hello, I am hoping that a meta editor can let me know if my site is now acceptable. I have studied ODP submission guidelines very closely--over and over again for the last 2 years--and have done my best to bring my site into complete compliance. However, to this day, I still have no idea as to exactly why my site was originally deemed unacceptable. I would truly appreciate some feedback concerning my updated site. Thank you, Sarah
Last reply by hutcheson,
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How to sumit my site in google search engine
Last reply by hutcheson,