Suggesting a Site
Note: General discussion only, no mention of specific sites please.
5068 topics in this forum
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- 3 replies
i'm so glad to see you,but i'm sorry my english is very bad. i want to sumit my website,but i can't find where i can sumit my website is 中国WAP论坛 i think i'll try my best to learning english:D
Last reply by johnkn63, -
Next step for review
by Guest -- 5 replies
I submitted a site 6 months ago. Category had no editor so after a month I moved up the tree and gave the history to the editor up. After no response I wrote to another editor and receive a reponse saying that if the site was not listed in 3 months I should write back. After no listing I wrote back and received no response. After three weeks I wrote to another editor and included the history. After a week with no response, I tried submitting to another category. After a month of no listing, I wrote to another editor and included the history. After three weeks without a response I wrote back to the editor that said he would review it after three month…
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- 22 replies
hi, can anyone tell me how long i have to wait before re-submitting website. i add my website a year ago and i' am just wondering if there is some problem with it. It's a website for cleaning business, and i am sure i am in the right category, as i checked all the websites before submit. I can see my friends site is added and she submit it 5 months after me. Is there any queue????? Thanks
Last reply by Astral Hygiene, -
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- 20 replies
I have just put a website up for a local sports club using my Wanadoo/Freeserve account. The site is hosted for free as long as you can live with the banner adverts that appear on the top of the page. Because the Wanadoo domain names are long and cumbersome, I registered a domain name for the club and use the name registration server's web forwarding service to direct to the Wanadoo site. I've just read the ODP terms and see that this seems to be against the rules of submission. I was just curious as to why? I don't want to pay for webhosting, as neither the club funds nor mine would warrant this, but I also would prefer any browsers to see the site under the shor…
Last reply by Callimachus,
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- 20 replies
If a website submitted to the wrong category reaches the very front of the line, when it is passed along to the appropriate category is it prioritized in the next queue? My website, (URL redacted), was submitted to (category redacted). I think this was the best category for it, but it is very frustrating not knowing the status of your submission. I supplied my email address during the submission process, but I haven't even heard a peep as of yet. Does anyone know how to find out the status of a submission? (edited to remove site-specific information)
Last reply by motsa,
- Editall
- 26 replies
I have submitted a number of sites over a year or so and found none of them included in the directory. I can see that in one case other URLs have been added. Is there any reason why they would not be listed. I have followed the rules very carefully.
Last reply by Callimachus,
Number of Categories for One Site
by Guest analogik-
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- 17 replies
Hi guys! I have a rather simple question and that is, to how many categories can a site be submitted without being treated as spam? For example my own site topic ranges from electronic music, multimedia, audio samples, image galleries...etc There are many categories the site could be listed in. Now do I only pick ONE and stick to it or try to cover other relevant subcategories? We are a community / collective-based group, and there are many people doing things. Is there a way to see if a submission for a site has been sent so I don't re-submit... as I heard the site listing goes to the bottom of the queue? Thank you!
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- 7 replies
I have submitted our contact lenses site to but I know that this category has not changed for a long time. I was wondering if our chances of a quick inclusion in the ODP would improve if I submitted to due to the fact that it is a smaller category, and we are based in the UK? The category and all categories beneath it are missing an editor, so I can imagine that the backlog is substantial. Do you have any recommendation as to which category I should submit to, in order to hav…
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- RZ Admin
- 10 replies
Hi First up I'm panhandling for a reliable "heads up" on what I could do to get an Ireland based (although serving international clients too, immigration having become a national sport in Ireland since "THE EVENT") chef's recruitment website (which I just so happen, by complete coincidence, to be involved in) listed on DMOZ. Like every other hapless soul who ever posted here getting listed on DMOZ has now become an ambition which has assumed, in my head at least, dimensions which know no mental boundary. My unreasonable determination to get on DEMOZ now noted I'm resolved to hang on to my remaining scraps of dignity so I won't be holding a pity party (or at least I'll …
Last reply by DVAltman, -
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- 15 replies
how to submit my site in,_Molding,_Machining/Foundries/Investment_Casting/?
Last reply by pvgool,
one site in two categories
by Guest hem-
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- 16 replies
Is it ok for a site to be in two categories? Consider the following two scenarios: 1) a site truly fits into two categories and the webmaster submits into both, and the both editors approved. 2) webmaster submitted to category A, after 6 months, it is still not showing up due to the backlog or ODP normal slowness. During this long waiting period, the site has changed its original goal and now it should instead fit into category B. webmaster now submit it again into category B, thinking it will automatically override the previous submission. After a while, both submission are approved and the site shows up in both categories.
Last reply by hutcheson,
Give me an opinion
by Guest --
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- 13 replies
Hello, I have finished making the website and am ready to submit it to DMOZ but would like you to have a look at it. The only thing that i am concerned about is the domain registration link which takes it another website. This is not an affiliate link but another partner website that provides domain registration solutions as i cater for only web hosting solutions. So is it against the law?
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- 2 replies
i dont understand why it takes so long to get a link in dmoz. maybe people are just lazy not doing there Job. if you dont like helping people whats the point. im sure you will delete this but it true. the whole point is to help other websites. maybe this website is useless. beginning to wonder. just stating a fact peace and love
Last reply by jimnoble, -
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- 26 replies
4 years ago I took on the task of getting our site submitted. I carefully followed all the directions, located the category easily as it's where all our competitors are listed. Our site is <url removed> and it's a pretty straightforward e-commerce site in the business of selling glow sticks and flashing LED light-up toys at the wholesale and retail level. 6 months goes by, nothing. I re-submit. A few more months nothing. Again and again I repeat this process for a few years and still.....nothing. I considered the possibility that my category may not have an editor and there's a backlog. Having been involved in SEO and E-commerce in one fashion or another sin…
Last reply by hutcheson,
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- 9 replies
Dear Editors, I'm the webmaster for the website I submitted on 24th July 2005 this website to what I believed was the correct category in the Open Directory: I used the following title and description in my submission, which I thought was accurate and objective: Site URL: Title: Autorental Romania Description: Offers rent a car services in Bucharest and major romanian cities and airports. I think that my site don't broke any rules ( : Affil…
Last reply by catalin, -
How can I submit to ODP?
by Guest --
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- 4 replies
I tried to submit my site 3 times on monthly intervals to ODP but haven't been accepted yet. I don't think my site contains any illegal or inappropriate materials and the webpage design is professional. Anyone can advise me on how to get ODP editors to accept my site?
Last reply by enarra,
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- Editall/Catmv
- 24 replies
Hello. My name is Steve from (company and url removed). We submitted our website approximately 3-4 months ago to, but still have not been added. Can someone from the community provide us with tips on what to do? We suggested our listing under the same category that our competitors are currently listed under. Is there someone we can email/phone? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Steve Sales Manager / International Coordinator (urls removed)
Last reply by daiweb, -
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- 25 replies
Hello Everybody! I recently submitted my site <URL removed> to the OPD about one month ago and it was accepted. Approximately two weeks ago, I noticed my site was listed in google and aol in the top ten page listing for the entire two weeks. On July 12, 2008, I noticed my URL was no longer on any page listing and even DMOZ had no listing in their directory. I read all the submission rules and my site offers custom made patented lab jackets for doctors. Subsequently, I re-submitted my site on July 12, 2008, but in the shopping > Clothing > Mens Jacket Section. I later saw the medical section for healthcare products. Can anybody help me to fix this prob…
Last reply by motsa,
Site with Deep Content - Multiple Submissions
by Guest dkoch- 8 replies
Hi: I am the webmaster of a site that has a LOT of deep content. Well over 40,000 pages, non-comercial, but has banners on it. All in all, a pretty, quality site (but all webmasters say that, don't we <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> ) Anyway, I did some BG reading on submissions, and to my way of reading the submission guidelines, multiple submissions of different, unique content are allowed from the same site. That is correct, right? Anyway, that is the way I read it. So, I submitted pages targeted to specific topics to highly appropriate categories about 4 weeks ago. I submitted probably 20 pages or so. I wrote individual descriptions (not ju…
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- 5 replies
Hello, I was hoping to receive some guidance. I've noticed a growing number of RSS feeds being placed into DMOZ. I've spent the last few months putting together a RSS Feed for each Wikipedia Topic under an open license. The feed works for every single Wikipedia topic so this means there are hundreds of thousands of higly targeted RSS feeds now available from Wikipedia. Please let me know the best way to notify the ODP Editors about these Wikipedia feeds... Here are some notes about the feed: All feeds include attribution back to wikipedia and the GNU comment so please do not use the feed without providing wikipedia proper attribution etc... The code …
Last reply by chris2001,
by Guest lbohen-
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- 20 replies
Hello, The following web site was listed on DMOZ for almost a year now it is gone. I am the webmaster and was going to write that the agent on it had changed but noticed the site was removed from DMOZ. I was hoping to find out what happened. Thank you, Webbie
Last reply by motsa,
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- 13 replies
I would like to know if there problems to submit php site. i mean if there any suggestions how to do that , this is not static page index.html Help Thanks.
Last reply by Johnarrow, -
Updating URL not being updated
by Guest --
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- 13 replies
Hi ODP, I submitted my website into the ODP a couple of months ago, but however the link was messed up by one of your editors. The category is Kids and Teens: Games: Online and the website is - as you can see the address the link is going to is and not Why does it doing that? Also, I submitted the update many times and no one updates it. Yet, on the last update footer on the bottom of the page every time my update must be rejected, so I submit it again and again and again, yet nothing happens and the editors do not do anything. Please fix this problem I am losing visitors to a geocities site, an…
Last reply by beebware, -
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- RZ Admin
- 22 replies
Most DMOZ editors here spend the time replying to every user "create a relevant (useful) site with unique content" and you will get listed, eventually. But that's not true. If you take a category and you do a review by yourself you will notice that listed site do not meet such requirements. I did it with Open source category for a couple of reasons: In the first place there must be an editor for that category as we are talking about an open directory and internet. In the second place I am aware of the open source world. And finally: I have submitted a site to the category and didn't get listed there.
Last reply by hutcheson,
Resubmit to Different Category if Ignored?
by Guest -- 2 replies
I have a site that I am listing for a client. I have found two categories that it fits well into. The category that I would prefer to submit it to, has no editor (though the category above it has an editor). The second choice category has an editor. What I would like to do, is submit the site to the preferred category. If it doesn't get reviewed in a couple of weeks, I would email the editor of the category above. If it doesn't get in after a reasonable period of time, then I want to assume I am being ignored or have been declined and I would then like to resubmit to my second choice category. Am I risking getting this submission "stuck" in the queue of the…
Last reply by yapuka,